Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1456 1475 [Reversal of the Universe] Part [-]

Chapter 1456 1475 [Reversal of the Universe] Part [-]
Hong Kong stock market——
During this time, those stock market traders all looked haggard, full of fighting spirit in the haggard.

As witnesses of Hong Kong's turbulent financial market, in the past three days, they have experienced the Hong Kong stock market from the brink of collapse to being pulled up by good news. Invest tens of billions of dollars at a time, continue to short the Hong Kong financial market, and short the Hong Kong stock index.

On that day, Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index plummeted!
In the Hong Kong vegetable market, there are no more noisy noises from those talkative teachers, because they have no chance to make any more noise now, and all the stocks they bought were caught up, and one by one fell sharply.

Now those teachers just want to cry loudly and howl loudly.

Compared with those stock speculators, those senior stock speculators, such as the heads of fund companies, fund managers, etc., many also stood on the balcony or on the bridge, looking at the abyss-like bottom, wanting to jump out of it. .

"I lost! I lost everything!"

"It's lost, it's all lost!"

"Honey, I'm sorry, I lost all your savings and my son's tuition!"

"I don't want to live anymore, my savings of more than 30 years are gone! It's over, there's no hope!"

You can see such crazy "stockholders" talking to themselves everywhere on the street.

These stockholders all looked dejected, wandering in the street like walking dead.

In fact, during this period, many people saw the stock market plummeting, but they lacked funds and were unable to cover their positions. They could only watch their money turn into pieces of waste paper.


The Hong Kong stock market was in turmoil.

The Hong Kong market is also in chaos.

Even though the Hong Kong government came forward to refute the rumors, saying that the Hong Kong government has the ability and confidence to invest a large amount of money into the stock market to rescue the market, there are rebuttals from outside the world, questioning Hong Kong's attitude in doing so, and even the United Kingdom and the United States accused the Hong Kong government of "protectionism" ", "Government excessively intervenes in the economy", and on the premise of abolishing Hong Kong's preferential treatment, requires the Hong Kong government not to take the initiative to intervene in Hong Kong's financial war.

Under the influence of the external environment, the "statement" of the Hong Kong government has little effect. After all, Hong Kong has been able to stand as an Asian financial center for many years because of the words "free competition".

To put it bluntly, Hong Kong is actually a big crocodile pool in the financial market, where the weak prey on the strong. As a paradise for adventurers, the government does not intervene. This is the characteristic of Hong Kong's finance and its advantage over other regions.

The government cannot intervene, and the international financial giants are pressing on every step of the way. Could it be said that Hong Kong's financial market is really being swallowed up by financial executioners like Soros?

Kang Group, in the conference room——
The smoke filled the air and the laughter continued——

Kang Zuyao laughed loudly with more than 30 real estate developers.

"Sure enough, as soon as Soros made a move, Hong Kong immediately changed!"

"Yeah, as long as we have these financial giants supporting us, we can get back all the money we invested in the Hong Kong stock market this time!"

"Not only can I get it back, but I can also make a lot of money!"


"I just don't know what that Song Zhichao is doing now?"

"What can he do? I heard that he only has 500 billion Hong Kong dollars on hand, which is equivalent to only more than 60 billion U.S. dollars. What kind of waves can this amount of money make?"

"That's right, this time Soros's move is 180 billion U.S. dollars. Even the Hong Kong government's reserves can't handle it. How much can he jump around like a little shrimp?"

People satirized and sneered, as if the end of Song Zhichao was already ahead, and he was hopeless.

at this time--
Kang Zuyao's personal secretary ran over in a panic and said, "Mr. Kang, someone wants to see you!"

Kang Zuyao was "having fun" with a group of people, and was a little upset when someone suddenly interrupted him, so he said, "Who wants to see me?"

The female secretary faltered and said, "Yes... yes..."

"Which one is it?" Kang Zuyao made a fuss, hesitating in front of so many people, what's the proper way?
"It's Song Zhichao!"

Kang Zuyao: "...?!"

Everyone else was also shocked.

"How did he come?"

"Did you make a mistake?"

"Could it be that you can't afford to lose and come here to beg for mercy?"

Everyone started guessing wildly again.

As the future heir of the Kang Group, Kang Yonglian rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "The Song must have been terrified and came here to beg my father to forgive him!"

"Haha, it must be like this! Young people can bend and stretch!"

"But the question is, should we let him go?"

"What do you say?"

"Hahaha! It's good to tease him!"

These real estate developers let out piercing laughter as if they were convinced of Song Zhichao.

Kang Zuyao was scheming, but at this time he couldn't figure out why Song Zhichao came to him. Could it be that he really came to beg for mercy?


When Song Zhichao walked into the conference room——
I saw Kang Zuyao, the president of the Kang Group, sitting at the head of the chairman, and beside him was his son Kang Yonglian. The father and son looked at him with sneering eyes.

Surrounding the large oval conference table, there were more than [-] Hong Kong real estate developers. These people also looked at Song Zhichao with a playful, monkey-looking eyes, with contempt on their faces and the gesture of a winner.

"Boss Kang, stay safe!" Song Zhichao said, ignoring the contemptuous looks around him, looking at Kang Zuyao calmly.

Kang Zuyao got up slowly, pointed to the opposite seat and said, "Mr. Song came from a long way, please sit down!"

"You don't need to sit - I'm here today to discuss something with you, Boss Kang." Song Zhichao said with a smile.

Kang Zuyao had no choice but to secretly praise Song Zhichao in his heart. He went to the meeting alone, neither humble nor overbearing. Sure enough, he was no ordinary opponent!

The thirty or so real estate developers also looked at Song Zhichao with admiration. Even though they were full of contempt for Song Zhichao just now, seeing that Song Zhichao can still maintain this posture in front of everyone, calm and composed, I wonder if I can do it myself?

Compared with Kang Zuyao's admiration and other people's admiration, he has always regarded Song Zhichao as an opponent, and Kang Yonglian, who is thorn in his side, is jealous.

The same young man, also a rising star in Hong Kong, why is Song Zhichao so good but so frustrated?

Kang Yonglian really couldn't figure it out!
"Boss Song, if you have something to say, we will all listen to you!" Kang Zuyao said with a smile.

The others were also smiling, waiting for Song Zhichao to "kneel down and beg for mercy".

"Actually, I came here to discuss with you, Boss Kang. The financial situation in Hong Kong is severe now. For you and me, for the sake of Hong Kong, I hope you stop! Oh no, I hope everyone here will stop! Song Zhichao glanced around. Circle, said in a firm tone.

At this moment, how can he have the slightest intention to come to beg for mercy?
On the contrary, it is clearly to persuade them to surrender!
Suddenly, the audience was dead silent.

(End of this chapter)

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