Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1457 Chapter 1476 [Reversal of the Universe] Part [-]

Chapter 1457 Chapter 1476 [Reversal of the Universe] Part [-]
In the large conference room——
"What do you mean, did I hear it wrong? What is he talking about? Didn't he beg us to let him go, but advise us to stop as soon as possible?"

"Yeah, is he crazy? He came here to threaten us?"

"What right does he have to say that? Who is going to let whom go?"

When Song Zhichao's words fell, the entire conference room was silent at first, and then chatter exploded.

Kang Zuyao was also shocked, looking at Song Zhichao incredulously, wondering if there was something wrong with Song Zhichao's brain, how could he say such words that made people laugh out loud.

As Song Zhichao's mortal enemy, Kang Yonglian became even more impatient, and immediately smiled angrily: "Song Zhichao, Song Zhichao, what were you talking about just now? Did I hear you wrong? You want us to surrender?"

The others laughed too.

Everyone looked at Song Zhichao with the eyes of a madman, as if they were watching a joke.

Song Zhichao remained firm, and waited until everyone's laughter faded away before saying, "I'm telling you the truth, I'm not joking with you!"

When Song Zhichao said it so solemnly, the people around him laughed even bigger,

"Did you hear that? He told us the truth, not a joke!"

"Whether it's true or not, this is clearly a big joke!"

"Yeah, what qualifications do you have to bargain with us?"

More than thirty real estate developers pointed at Song Zhichao's nose and said one after another.

Facing everyone's ridicule, Song Zhichao only said lightly: "There are still 3 minutes..."

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"I'm saying, you still have 3 minutes to think about it!" Song Zhichao said, looking down at his watch.

Everyone couldn't help laughing again: "What are you talking about, 3 minutes? Could it be that you can turn things around in 3 minutes?"

"Yeah, are you Monkey King or the Bull Demon King? How dare you ignore us like this?"

Kang Zuyao was also amused by Song Zhichao's brazen words.

"Mr. Song Zhichao, Boss Song! I don't know what you are going to do here today. If you are just telling jokes and scaring us with words, then you are wrong!"

Kang Zuyao pointed to the more than 30 real estate developers and said, "Everyone here is not an ordinary person, nor have you been intimidated! Are you not afraid of being ridiculed when you speak such wild words?"

Kang Yonglian said: "Father, why are you talking so much to this kind of person? Didn't he tell us to wait for 3 minutes? Now let's count down and see what he can do to me?!"

"Yeah, let's collectively count down and see what tricks he can conjure up?"

"Wait for his wild words to break through!"

"Just wait for him for 3 minutes!"

As the leader of the crowd, Kang Zuyao sneered when everyone said this, looked at Song Zhichao and said, "Well then, we'll wait for you for 3 minutes and see if you can still laugh!"

Song Zhichao smiled.


The clock on the wall of the conference room ticked slowly.

Kang Zuyao, Kang Yonglian, and the thirty or so real estate developers were all biting their cigarettes and looking at the clock.

Song Zhichao had already found a seat, sat there leisurely, with his legs crossed, and ordered a cup of coffee, sipping it leisurely.

Seeing Song Zhichao like this, Kang Yonglian scoffed and acted like a fool!
Kang Zuyao didn't know why, but his heart was a little uneasy.

Why is this happening?

It seemed that every time he played against Song Zhichao, he would have this mentality.

Am I really scared by Song Zhichao?Have a psychological shadow now?

Kang Zuyao shook his head mockingly, it's impossible!
Now the situation is favorable to us. Our side has invested all of its assets, and Soros has also invested tens of billions of dollars. Song Zhichao has only a few billion dollars to deal with it. How can he go against the sky? !

at the same time--
Wall Street, Tiger Fund Headquarters——
It is daytime in Hong Kong, but because of the time difference, it is night in New York, USA.

But tonight, no one on Wall Street sleeps, especially those predators who participated in the Hong Kong financial war, all staring at the big screen of the Hong Kong stock market tonight, watching the news delivered there.

Soros folded his arms and stared at the big screen of the stock market with green eyes.

Judging from the current situation, everything is developing towards a good trend.

The Hong Kong government is afraid of international public opinion and dare not directly intervene in Hong Kong's financial war, so it can only shout from the outside.

But these howls are useless, only the early stage is good, but shouting too much will only increase the jokes.

The only thing that worries Soros is Song Zhichao in Hong Kong.

After this cunning young man made a thunderclap and played a beautiful "Smashing the Game for You", he remained silent.

Nothing is more terrifying.

Because Soros is used to those wild beasts that are waiting for predation, they all like to approach the target quietly, and then hit it with one blow.

Could it be that Song Zhichao is also watching?
But what qualifications does he have to fight me now?
We on Wall Street have invested 180 billion US dollars in one go. Even if the Hong Kong government intervenes, there is nothing we can do. What can a small Hong Kong tycoon do?
Soros shook his head and took the refreshing coffee handed over by the female secretary.

He tried his best but couldn't think of what Song Zhichao could do, what would he do?

No matter from which point of view, Song Zhichao seems to be dead this time!

Hong Kong, the meeting room of the Kang Group——
Clock on the wall ---

3 minutes is up.

Kang Yonglian took the lead and couldn't help but sneered at Song Zhichao: "Song Zhichao, 3 minutes have passed, what did you just say?"

Kang Zuyao secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and also looked at Song Zhichao, with a trace of unbearable complacency on his face, and said to himself, it seems that I am overthinking.He Song Zhichao is alone, and he is not a ghost, how can he turn the sky upside down?
The other thirty or so real estate developers even looked at Song Zhichao with an arrogant expression, which meant, what else do you have to say now, 3 minutes have passed, bragging, you are bragging, haha!
But before everyone was satisfied and the sneer on their faces hadn't subsided, a person stumbled into the meeting room and said, "It's not good, the Hang Seng Index has risen in an all-round way!"

Like a thunderbolt, it stunned everyone completely.

"how is this possible?"

"How could this be?"


"Our Money!!!"

Some people screamed, some people were in a daze, and more people had expressions of disbelief and disbelief.

Hang Seng stock index rose?
So wouldn't they, who have been shorting Hong Kong in all directions, be... completely finished? !


at the same time--
Wall Street, Tiger Fund Headquarters——
Looking at the soaring Hong Kong Hang Seng Index on the big screen, Soros, the financial tycoon, couldn't bear it any longer, and spurted out a mouthful of blood!

"How could this be?" He supported the table with one hand, his body was shaking, and he looked at the big screen in disbelief.

The people around him also went crazy, shouting in shock: "We lost! We lost! We lost all our money!"

Tens of billions, to be precise, Wall Street includes a full 260 billion US dollars of initial investment and later investment——
At this moment, everything is in vain!
This is definitely a terrifying astronomical figure!

But still lost!

"Why is this happening?" Soros closed his eyes and spewed out another mouthful of old blood.

(End of this chapter)

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