Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1459 1478 [Winner and loser] Part [-]

Chapter 1459 1478 [Winner and loser] Part [-]
Ewenli, who was dressed as a fisherman, continued to pack his fishing tools last night, flashlights, fishing nets, hooks, canned fish food, and so on.

The person behind him stood there the whole time without making a sound.

On the contrary, Yi Wenli couldn't bear it any longer. He buried his head in packing his things and said, "Didn't you come to me and have something to say to me?"

"Yes, I have something to tell you, to be precise, I have a question to ask you..."

Behind him, Soros, a well-known Wall Street financial tycoon, stood there haggardly. His face was pale, his eyes were bloodshot, his temples were graying overnight, and he seemed to be ten years older.

Hearing Soros' hoarse voice, Evanli turned around and handed over the packed things to the old housekeeper and bodyguards who were waiting nearby.

Then Evanli clapped his hands, squinted his eyes and said to Soros: "If you have any questions, just ask, and I will definitely answer you."

"First of all, I want to know if what Song Zhichao said is true?"

Yi Wenli raised his eyebrows, and the wrinkles on his forehead were as obvious as stone carvings: "What did he say?"

"He said that you betrayed us, and finally made us lose everything!" Soros' tone was dull and full of doubts.

Evanli nodded and said, "That's right, I did everything!"

Soros's body visibly shook, and his expression was sad: "Why?"

"Why? Because I'm a businessman, because I'm a Jew just like you!" Evanley said, "Why do Jews control one-third of the money in the world? It's because we never consider family and friendship, and only rationally Consider interests!"

"In the eyes of others, our Rothschild family is still brilliant. We have established various investment banks around the world, affecting many countries. As the helm of the family, I, Yi Wenli, is the uncrowned king and is known as the 'financial emperor'!"

"But who knows, now our Rothschild family is slowly declining, especially in recent years, overseas investments have ended in failure... I once visited a well-known gypsy astrologer, and she was I said, our family is facing a catastrophe that is rare in a hundred years, if we cannot get through it safely, we will gradually perish like many well-known big families."

"I know it's hard to believe, but the fact is that our family's luck has been really bad in the past few years, and it can even be described as bad. I really can't think of a better way to describe it than the astrologer's so-called doom." What vocabulary to describe."

"Since I am the head of the Rothschild family, I will never be reconciled to this decline. I will lead the family to fight against fate!" Evanli said to Soros, "Then you know what, If you want to fight, you must have strong capital, so I also need a lot of money!"

Soros smiled bitterly, "So you counted on me?"

"How can you say calculations? I'm just betting on both sides, and each takes what it needs!" Yi Wenli smiled and said, "As a financial tycoon who has been on Wall Street for so long, don't you even understand this? Don't Trust anyone, including your family and friends!"

Soros smiled bitterly: "But I believed you, and I lost in the end!"

Evanli shrugged: "I'm sorry, dear Soros—but I still want to encourage you. People are not afraid of losing, but they are afraid that they will not be able to stand up after losing!"

"Of course, there is one more thing I want to say. I don't think you can pay back the 100 billion US dollars, so your company, and all your assets in the United States and overseas, including any copper in your pocket , it's all mine!"

"I'm not a patient person, I hope you can hand over these assets back as soon as possible - of course, given your rich experience in the field of financial investment and super business capabilities, you can continue to stay in Tiger if you want. Fund as the person in charge." Yi Wenli invited Soros sincerely.

Soros shook his head and said nothing.

Evanley shrugged, "Well then, I wish you a happy day, dear Soros--today is a sunny day, isn't it? Maybe you will be more comfortable on this beautiful seaside, so I won't bother you …Last night was a night of fishing, and now I want to go back to eat something and catch up on sleep!"

As Evanli spoke, he brushed past Soros and walked towards his magnificent villa with the old butler and black bodyguards.

Behind him, Soros, the "financial predator" of Wall Street, stood blankly on the shore, looking at the choppy sea, unable to calm down for a long time.

Finally, he walked slowly into the water.

The water was up to his ankles.

The water was up to his knees.


"Uh, it's a bit cold!" Soros shrank back, rubbed his nose, then turned around and walked towards the shore again.

At this moment, he realized that he didn't have the courage to jump into the sea.

Once upon a time, many people whose families were ruined by him jumped into the sea and died. Every time he saw the news, Soros would scoff, not only did not sympathize, but also cursed: "Coward!"

But now Soros knows that death is so terrible, and how courageous and amazing those who dare to die are.

"It turns out that I'm the most despised coward!" Soros said in a daze, blowing the sea breeze.


Hong Kong, the top floor of the Kang Group——
"Father, I don't want to die! I don't want to jump off here like Ding Xie and his family in "The Great Times"!" Kang Yonglian cried bitterly, holding his father Kang Zuyao's hand.

Kang Zuyao's face was ashen, and he seemed to be annoyed at his son's lack of backbone, "We are bankrupt now, what else can we do but die? Are we waiting for someone to come and press for debts?"

Kang Zuyao patted his chest: "I, Kang Zuyao, have never been afraid of anything in my life, and I have never bowed my head to anyone for mercy! Even if I die, I will die quickly!"

"But I don't want to die, I'm still young!" Kang Yonglian said, "It's better that we don't die, we go to my mother, she eats fast and chant Buddha in Guanyin Temple, we go to her, ask her for help, ask her to take us in !"

Kang Zuyao laughed "haha", grabbed his son and said, "Looking for your mother? Let her see my jokes? See me ruining such a big family business all at once?"

"No, I really don't want to die!" With all his might, Kang Yonglian shook off Kang Zuyao's grip on his arm.

"You're a coward!" Kang Zuyao didn't care about holding his son to be buried with him, and walked directly to the balcony, raised his legs, and stood on the edge.

Looking down, it's like an abyss.

His head was a little dizzy, he swayed, and finally stood still.

Kang Zuyao took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and thought about how to jump down, but——
His legs were shaking.

It was very windy on the roof.

blowing whirring--
1 minutes passed,
2 minutes passed,

3 minutes passed—
"Father, you'd better come down, we don't want to die!" Kang Yonglian stepped forward and hugged Kang Zuyao's legs and said.

Kang Zuyao: "...?!"

Finally he sighed and said, "Niezi! Niezi! You won't even let me die!"

He came down helplessly from above.

The father and son then hugged each other and cried.

(End of this chapter)

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