Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1460 1479 [The smoke disappears]

Chapter 1460 1479 [The smoke disappears]

Hong Kong, St. Mary's Hospital ---
Inside the VIP Nursing Room——
Song Zhichao sat on the head of the bed, peeling an apple with a fruit knife.

His technique was jerky and clumsy.

The apple was peeled with pits and pits, and the apple skin fell to the ground in pieces.

Kang Yongren, the young master of the Kang family, was lying on the hospital bed. As a vegetable, he still didn't respond.

Song Zhichao said while peeling an apple, "I heard people say that you will be moved out of this ward by the hospital because you owe the hospital fees."

He looked up and glanced around, "Actually, it's pretty good here. It's like home after living for a long time. No one wants to move out."

"As for your father and your younger brother, they have already run away. I don't know whether they went to the Philippines or Thailand-I think most of them went to the Philippines, because Thailand is also my base. They are afraid of me. Many I dare not go anywhere.”

Kang Yongren lay quietly on the bed without any reaction.

"To tell you the truth, I didn't expect that your Kang family would be ruined. Everything was done by your Kang family from beginning to end." Song Zhichao finally peeled the apple and put it gently in Kang Yongren's hands.

"If you didn't choose to fight against me at the beginning, maybe we would all have different endings."

At this time, someone knocked on the door.

When I came in, I saw that it was a nurse in the hospital.

Behind the little nurse were two big-armed male nurses.

The nurse was beautiful, and she looked at Song Zhichao excitedly at this moment. Obviously, she had already recognized who this man was.

To be precise, it is estimated that there is no one in Hong Kong who does not know Song Zhichao.

"Song, Mr. Song!" The little nurse stuttered because of her excitement, then she pointed to Kang Yongren on the hospital bed and said, "This patient is going to be moved out of this ward because of arrears of payment, do you think you... "It means to let Song Zhichao get out of the way first.

Song Zhichao smiled, then pointed to Kang Yongren and said, "Sorry, my friend told me that he likes this place very much and doesn't want to move away."

"Uh, that's it! That..." The little nurse glanced at Kang Yongren lying on the hospital bed, and said to herself, this person is in a vegetable state, how could he talk to you?
"In the future, I will pay for his expenses, as much as he wants, until he wakes up!" Song Zhichao continued.

Little nurse: "...?!"

I couldn't help asking: "Who is this patient?"

Song Zhichao said indifferently: "He is my opponent, but also my friend!"

Little nurse: "...?!"

Wanting to ask a few more questions, Song Zhichao frowned: "I said I will pay his money, is it okay?"

Seeing Song Zhichao's impatient expression, the little nurse hurriedly said, "Okay! Okay! I'll notify our hospital leaders right away!" After speaking, she took a deep look at Song Zhichao. The nurse leaves the ward again.

Seeing them leave, Song Zhichao turned to look at Kang Yongren who was lying on the hospital bed and said, "It seems that I have to leave first, those people in the hospital are very troublesome, if they know that I am here, they will definitely come after them..." smiled wryly , "Maybe this is the trouble of being too famous!"

"Okay, you have a good rest! I'll go first!" Song Zhichao bent down to help Kang Yongren cover the quilt, then turned and walked out of the room, closing the door gently and leaving.

In the ward——
Kang Yongren, who was lying on the hospital bed, trembled slightly with his fingers, and looked at the corner of his eyes, a tear flowed out.


Outside the hospital—
As soon as Song Zhichao walked out of the hospital, he heard a loud voice behind him——
"Where is Mr. Song? Has he really come to our hospital?" A man who was obviously the dean walked towards the ward surrounded by a group of subordinates.

Now Song Zhichao is famous in Hong Kong, and countless people want to make friends with him.

Song Zhichao shook his head and walked to a black Mercedes.

The car door opened, and it was Fu Jiajun, the head of the Fu Group, who drove the car.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Fu Jiajun squinted his eyes and said to Song Zhichao: "I have already said that you have a different status now, and you will cause a lot of trouble if you come out."

Song Zhichao nodded, "You're right, the rumors are getting tight recently, it's better for me to show up less!"

"Exactly! The whole of Hong Kong is looking for you now! I really don't know why you came to see this Kang Yongren—wasn't he your enemy before?"

Song Zhichao sat in the car and said with a smile, "Enemies can also become friends!"

"I don't understand you!" Fu Jiajun took another puff of cigarette outside.

Song Zhichao said to him: "Smoking is not good, you should learn from me and quit!"

"I think so too, but unfortunately I don't have as much perseverance as you, I can't quit!"

"It's man-made."

Fu Jiajun thought for a while, then threw the cigarette on the ground, crushed it with his toes and said, "You're right, it depends on human effort! From today on, this young master is going to quit smoking!"

After saying this, Fu Jiajun got into the car, and then turned around and said proudly to Song Zhichao, "Aren't you very happy? You have a big man like me as your driver!"

Song Zhichao smiled, Jin Jiu, Ruan Jun and the others were all being stared at by the media reporters, and it was impossible for him to drive his own car out, so he had to call this young master Fu as a "driver" for the time being.

"I know you're smiling so happily!" Fu Jiajun was also very happy, and he started the car on fire and said, "But to be honest, how much did you earn in this battle with Soros and Kang Zuyao?"

Song Zhichao stretched his legs and kicked Fu Jiajun's chair, "Why are you asking?"

"Curious! It's rumored that you made $300 billion in this financial war. Is it true?" Fu Jiajun asked while turning the steering wheel.

Song Zhichao laughed: "300 billion? I don't even have 30 yuan with me now! Do you believe other people's rumors?"

Fu Jiajun was speechless: "It can't be so miserable, can it?"

"It's just so miserable. This time I invested all my wealth in it. Now all my money is in the stock market, or it will become real estate. If I can't cash it out, I will be poor!"

Fu Jiajun: "Well, Quandang, I didn't say anything before! I originally wanted to borrow two money from you to spend, but I never thought that you are poorer than me!"

"Why, that Lin Jiaqi didn't give you pocket money?"

"Tell me about my wife, she is a very nice person, and she gives me enough pocket money every time!"

"Then you still borrow money?"

"The problem is that I raised another one outside --- a model. She has a good figure and looks even better. I love her so much!"

Song Zhichao rolled his eyes: "It was introduced by that Liu Luanxiong again?"

Fu Jiajun smiled "hehe": "How do you know?"

"You two friends, how can I not know what you like to do?"

Fu Jiajun shrugged: "Men, all like beautiful women! For example, you, my old sister Fu Qingying, Yan Susu from Thailand, and Han Jiaren from South Korea, etc., don't you also show mercy?"

Song Zhichao had nothing to say.

Seeing that Song Zhichao was silent, Fu Jiajun couldn't help asking: "Where are you going now? Go home or---"

"Go to the airport!" Song Zhichao said.

(End of this chapter)

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