Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 1461 1480 [The finale: like a dream]

Chapter 1461 1480 [The finale: like a dream]

Time flies--
Mid-August 2004——
Guangdong, Panyu——
The popular song "The First Snow in 2002" by the most popular pop singer "Dao Lang" resounds in the streets and alleys:
"The first snow of 2002
later than usual

No. [-] car parked on the eighth floor
I took away the last yellow leaf that fell..."

Dao Lang's vicissitudes and rough voice resounded throughout the street, making this place, which has always been used to listening to Hong Kong and Taiwan songs, especially Cantonese songs, have an indescribable "variation".

Today's young people no longer talk about the "Four Heavenly Kings" in Hong Kong, and they no longer chase after the "little whirlwind" Lin Zhiying of Baodao. What they like now is "Little Swallow" zw and the character in "The Family of Pink Pink". Chen Kun, Lu Yi in "Never Close My Eyes"

Young people began to like local culture and local songs. Singers like Dao Lang became popular all over the country. People no longer watched Hong Kong martial arts movies or Taiwan romance movies when watching TV dramas, but began to watch "Kangxi" produced in mainland China Private Interview with Weifu", "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo", "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind", "Never Close Your Eyes", "The Family of Gold Powder".

Even those Hong Kong and Taiwan filmmakers who originally looked down upon the mainland have no choice but to follow the trend and start co-producing TV dramas with the mainland. Among them, the hit "Huanzhugege" has even become a "phenomenal" event in this era.

As the frontier of the mainland's reform and opening up, today's Panyu is no longer what it used to be. To be precise, the current Panyu has become more prosperous and lively.

More and more people come to the south to work, speaking with various local accents.

There are leather shoe factories, electronics factories, and plush toy factories. There are also more roadside stalls near many factories. There are no longer a single fried rice noodles, wonton noodles, and special snacks from various places.

The yellow vans that were very common in the market have disappeared, replaced by more upscale green cars, and more private cars, and many wage earners have also ridden motorcycles, such as Jialing, Haojue, Wuyang Honda, etc. Wait, yelling chug, the wage earner drove his girlfriend through the narrow streets in a very cool way.


A green taxi pulls up to the side of the road.

The fat driver who drove the car said kindly to the young passenger in his thirties: "Little boy, this is the place you are looking for. Has it changed a lot?" The man got out of the car, paid the fare, and scanned the Looking at the surroundings, it is really strange, and it is completely different from the Panyu in my impression.

"Yeah, it's changed a lot!" The man said silently, waved his hand towards the fat master, and then walked towards the familiar yet unfamiliar street.

The man was wearing very casual clothes, with a simple snow-white shirt on top, a pair of frosted jeans on the bottom, and white and black-striped Adidas sneakers.

It is not too much for the man to be called a "beautiful boy" by the fat master. His appearance is extremely handsome, especially his body exudes a very comfortable indifferent aura.

On the side of the road, those fashionable working girls saw him and turned their heads to look over from time to time.

In the south, there are often many more girls working than boys, so these girls have developed a "wild" personality. Many times in the factory, girls actively pursue boys.

Especially in those plush toy factories and electronics factories where there are relatively few boys, the girls are more active, and there are often three or four girls who are jealous of a boy.

Boys are precious in this kind of place, and handsome and temperamental ones are even rarer. After all, those who come to work in southern factories are basically uneducated. At most, they graduated from high school.It doesn't matter at all!
But the man in front of him is not only handsome, but also very temperamental, he feels like a male star who came out of a movie pictorial.

So, those girls laughed chirpingly at him, and some boldly pointed at him.

The man smiled, this is youth!
"Is this still the toy factory back then? I used to work here!" The man looked up at the front of the big factory that had changed its facade, and said silently.

"I don't know if Zhu Fugui can recognize him when he comes here? Yes, Agui is now one of the largest chaebols in Korea. How can he be as leisurely as I am, able to travel around the world for four or five years at a stretch!"

Thinking of Zhu Fugui, the man couldn't help laughing, remembering that he was on vacation in Hawaii a few days ago, Zhu Fugui called and complained, saying that he was a hand-off shopkeeper, and now that the stall in Korea is so big, he will not be given a salary increase for this part-time job water.

Of course Zhu Fugui was joking, now he owns shares in his company in South Korea, like Qi Wanda, they don’t rely on wages for food, they rely on dividends, and profits from shares. To be precise, Zhu Fugui now He and Qi Wanda seem to have become the two new chaebols in South Korea. Their influence has infiltrated both political and business circles in South Korea. Even the South Korean president wants to give them three points.

"And that Han Jiaren, I heard that she has become an international superstar now—by the way, I heard that the box office of "Resident Evil" she filmed in Hollywood was very good, so go see it when you have time!"

Thinking of Han Jiaren, the man thought of that lazy little nanny Kim Sanshun.

"I just invested a little money in her. I didn't expect that Jin Sanshun was so smart that he started out by playing stocks. Now he learned how to invest in department stores with Lin Shiling and Li Fuzhen. Now he has established his own luxury store. The annual profit exceeds 1000 billion won!"

Thinking of that lazy, stupid girl who turned into a jeweled rich woman, the man felt like laughing.

"Thailand is also very good. Yan Susu is now the richest woman in Thailand. Niu Xiong is also married to Ruan Ling. It seems that the child is almost three years old. These people live happily together in Thailand!"

Thinking of Yan Susu, the man felt a little guilty again, because Yan Susu would call him from time to time, asking where he was and if he met other women in other places, and the smell of jealousy could be smelled through the phone.

However, compared to the jealous Yan Susu, it is the Japanese goddess Fu Qingying who the man avoids even more.

Today's Miss Fu has become a well-known Chinese entrepreneur in Japan, and her electronic industry has almost monopolized more than half of Japan.

Of course, as Fu Qingying's supporter behind this——mainly for the sake of his son Oscar, the man also contributed a lot. Although he made an excuse to travel around the world, the man still invested a large sum of money in Fu Qingying's company, so that Help her develop new research technologies.

In addition, the man also spent huge sums of money to acquire three more oil fields in Russia, and formed an oil supply chain with the three in Siberia, and handed them over to his mixed-race son Alexander Jr.

Of course, now that little Alexander is 12, those oil fields eventually paid off his mom, Eva, by making her the richest strong woman in Siberia.

From the man's point of view, he lacks everything now, except money!
Mainland Alibaba,, Baidu and Tencent, which were previously invested by Wanxin International Investment Co., Ltd., are all starting to explode.

There are also Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon, which have invested in the United States, and their gains have been astonishing.

It can be said that even if the man does nothing now and only cares about traveling around the world to eat, drink and have fun, the numbers in his account are increasing crazily every minute.

For him, being as rich as a country can no longer describe his wealth, and his ability to control the world can no longer be described.

"Actually, I am a bug in this history!" The man laughed at himself.

Just when the man was thinking wildly, one of the girls following him finally mustered up the courage to catch up with him and confessed to him: "Hi, my name is Ali, what's your name?" ? Can I treat you to dinner?"

The girl was about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a pretty face and shy eyes, looking at the man expectantly with big watery eyes.


Wei Wei was startled, traveling around the world for so long, this is the first time being confessed by a little girl.

"Ali?" At this moment, the man suddenly thought of his first girlfriend back then. There seemed to be a word "Li" in her name. What was it called?By the way, Tian Xiaoli!I don't know if she is doing well now.

Thinking of Tian Xiaoli, the man thought of those bright black eyes again, a woman who was more beautiful, more charming and gentle than Tian Xiaoli.

She has a very beautiful name called "Begonia".

I heard that now Haitang has become the richest woman in Panyu and the most outstanding female entrepreneur in Guangdong.

"She doesn't know if she remembers me now? I haven't been back to Panyu for a long time, and I haven't contacted her!"

From the man's point of view, the most sorry woman in his life is Haitang.Since I went to Hong Kong, I haven't had any contact with her. Even if I make a phone call, she calls me every time. As for me, I always slack off because I am too busy.

In this way, slowly, I cut off contact with her.

"Is Haitang alright?" The man couldn't help but sigh.

The girl named "Ali" was a little embarrassed when she saw the man's eyes blurred and said nothing, and looked back at her friends, who were all cheering for her.

Ali plucked up the courage to confess her love again, when the man said, "I'm sorry, little sister, I already have a girlfriend."

Ali bit her lips, a little unwilling to give up, "Then can I ask, who is your girlfriend, and is she as beautiful as me?"

"This..." The man hesitated.

at this time--
"Song Zhichao!" A crisp voice called out to him.

The man turned his head abruptly, only to see a familiar figure standing behind him.

Standing like that in the bustling crowd, she was so glamorous, with an outstanding figure and enchanting body, especially when she smiled, she looked like that charming begonia in autumn!

that moment---
The man seemed to be pulled back to the time and space of 1991,

At that time, he was a wage earner,

At that time, he had just arrived here...

(End of this chapter)

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