Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 149 152 [Hong Kong Trip. Fire Unicorn]

Chapter 149 152 [Hong Kong Trip. Fire Unicorn]

1991 3 Month 13 Day.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, at the Luohu Immigration Department in Hong Kong——
As the bus bumped all the way, it finally entered Hong Kong smoothly after the inspection.

On the bus, except for some Hong Kong tourists returning home with tired faces, the rest of the people who came to Hong Kong to visit relatives and friends, as well as migrant workers from mainland China, were all excited.

"This is Hong Kong!"

"Wow, it's so bustling!"

"I don't know if I can see Chow Yun-fat!"

These mainlanders have exaggerated expressions, as if they have come to a holy place, heaven, and they are surprised and strange to see everything outside.

Many Hong Kong people who took the bus showed disdainful expressions, and some even said: "I haven't seen the world, you bumpkin!"

Song Zhichao sat in the back of the bus and took a nap for a while. When he opened his eyes, everyone started to get off the bus one after another.

The bus driver even urged in front: "We've arrived in Hong Kong, hurry up!"

After a hard day, he was eager to drink tea with his old friends, play cards, or go home to watch his children.

Song Zhichao yawned, got up, picked up his satchel, and got off the car with him.

Outside, mainland passengers lined up in a long line, some carrying sacks, some carrying fish skin bags, some carrying steamed buns, pickles...Looking around, this one, that one, and even the garbage on the roadside The buckets all exclaimed, saying that the garbage cans in Hong Kong are cleaner than the rice tanks in their own homes.

Hong Kong people in this era are definitely a head taller than mainlanders, and mainlanders who come to Hong Kong have an indescribable sense of inferiority.Of course, Song Zhichao was excluded.

On the roadside of the exit, there are some scattered people holding signs with the names of their relatives written on them, obviously coming to pick them up.

Song Zhichao took a glance, and soon saw a young and Dangerous guy with fiery red hair in a denim jacket holding a tattered card with his name "Song Zhichao" written crookedly on it.

Song Zhichao saw it, but he didn't go directly, but walked to the nearby canteen, no, it is called a "convenience store" in Hong Kong, and after a glance, he saw that the shelves were full of things, leaning against the counter, an aluminum Magazines and cigarettes are placed on the alloy shelves.

Song Zhichao took a look at these magazines, most of them were very eclectic, and the covers were full of women with large-scale revealing, such as "Luxury Passion", "Blurred and Gentle Night", etc., were very eye-catching.

Song Zhichao was not interested in these things, but he saw a business magazine. On the cover, it said "Xiangjiang's turmoil is back, hotel giants are fighting against Haojiang", and then there are three heads of rich people together, but they are dominating the hotel industry in Hong Kong and Macau. The three big brothers of He Chafu.

"He" refers to the Macau gambling king "He Hongshen", "Cha" refers to the Hong Kong catering giant "Cha Dongchen", and "Fu" refers to the hotel king "Fu Yunheng".

Song Zhichao had contact with these three bigwigs a few times in his previous life, but they were all old at that time, and they basically quit the business world and didn't care about world affairs.

Song Zhichao, as a rising star among the younger generations, once tried to visit them alone, but he had never had the opportunity to meet them. He also had to take a look at them from a distance on many grand occasions.

For example, Mr. He celebrated his 2011th birthday at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Wanchai, Hong Kong in 12.9. There were a lot of wealthy families. Song Zhichao, as an invisible rich man, also participated in it in a low-key way. He also helped the He family spend [-] billion to acquire the prime location of Dongzhimen on the second ring road of Beijing. Office buildings - contemporary energy-saving buildings.

In fact, the Hong Kong business community at that time was already dominated by the next generation. For example, the two sons of Li Chaoren, the three heads of the Huo family, and the heirs of the Lu family, the Zheng family, the Li family, the Lin family, and the Guo family. Everyone is a dragon and a phoenix among people, even the most prodigal can cover the sky with one hand in a corner of Hong Kong.

Song Zhichao picked up the magazine and flipped through a few pages. The store owner at the counter kept staring at him, for fear that he would crumple the inside pages of the magazine.

Song Zhichao didn't like this look very much, so he put down the magazine and picked up a box of Jian brand cigarettes beside him.

Hong Kong does not produce cigarettes, but sells many brands of cigarettes, among which Kent and Marlboro are the best-selling ones, because the big star Jackie Chan likes to smoke Kent, and Chow Yun-fat likes to smoke Marlboro.

When Song Zhichao took the cigarettes to pay, the convenience store owner couldn't help but look at him again.

Song Zhichao's attire was too special, with a mohawk hairstyle and a well-tailored Korean-style suit. He was also handsome, even more fashionable than those Hong Kong stars, and he didn't look like he came from the mainland.Otherwise, when Song Zhichao was flipping through the magazine just now, the store owner would have stopped him. He was never polite to those mainlanders.

Out of curiosity, when collecting money, the convenience store owner couldn't help asking Song Zhichao: "Are you from Hong Kong?"

Song Zhichao smiled, and handed over a piece of renminbi with a denomination of [-] yuan, "No, I am from mainland China."

The convenience store owner was shocked.

Song Zhichao didn't have time to pay attention to the psychological feelings of the convenience store owner at the moment. He took the change and went out of the convenience store. First he put his hands together and lit a cigarette, then put his shoulder bag on his shoulders, and walked towards the man with his very coquettish posture. The golden retriever went.


The golden retriever squatted on the iron railing on the side of the road like a big horse monkey, holding a card in one hand and picking his nose with the other, looking around until he saw Song Zhichao walking towards him.

The little golden retriever flicked the booger on his fingertips, and then carefully looked at Song Zhichao suspiciously.

Song Zhichao squinted his eyes, took a puff of cigarette, then pointed at the card with the cigarette in between, "Pick me up?"

With joy on his face, the golden-haired boy jumped off the iron railing, stretched out his hand to Song Zhichao, and fucked the half-baked Gangpu and said, "Hello, old cousin! My name is Huo Qilin. I received a call from Brother Da, and I'm here to pick you up." !"

Song Zhichao frowned, and looked at his hand, which had just picked his nose.

Huo Qilin hurriedly wiped that hand on his clothes, stretched it out again and said with a smile, "I'll help you carry your luggage!"

Song Zhichao threw his satchel to him.

Fire Qilin took the satchel, and said to Song Zhichao: "Old Cousin, to be honest, you are a little different from other mainlanders—you are very fashionable!"

Song Zhichao smiled, pointed at his hair and said, "You're also quite fashionable, golden hair, it's rare!"

Huo Qilin was very happy, "You are right, I, Huo Qilin, dare not say anything else, but I have never fallen behind in terms of fashion - among other things, have you seen my hairstyle and denim jacket, yes Hua Tsai’s appearance in "If There Is Love", because of this, I, Fire Unicorn, are called Wanchai Andy Lau!"

Huo Qilin spat and flew around, completely looking like a man blowing water, and said that his nickname was "Huo Qilin", it was because he was powerful enough in the world, and only a man who was powerful enough could be called such a name.

Song Zhichao said: "I heard that there is a salty book in Hong Kong called "Fire Unicorn"?"

Huo Qilin's face immediately turned red, and he blew again: "My Qilin is different from that Qilin—I'm not a wet guy!"

Under the leadership of Huo Qilin, Song Zhichao followed him to the front of a Japanese Toyota van. Huo Qilin threw the salute into it and said to Song Zhichao, "Get in the car. I borrowed this car from a friend to pick you up. I will pick it up tomorrow." Return it!"

It turns out that this Huo Qilin is a friend Qi Wanda met when he was on the road before, and he is also the "Wind General" among the "Eight Generals of a Thousand Clans".

Qi Wanda knew that Song Zhichao's coming to Hong Kong was definitely not as simple as studying. With Huo Qilin, the "observatory" by his side, he could help a lot.In addition, Song Zhichao also entrusted Huo Qilin to help with a temporary ID card. As for whether Huo Qilin can seize the opportunity, it depends on how comfortable he is with Song Zhichao.


Huo Qilin was driving the car, and Song Zhichao was sitting in the passenger cab.

The driving traffic in Hong Kong is different from that in the mainland. The driver's cab is on the right, the co-pilot is on the left, and the vehicle drives on the left. Song Zhichao always feels a little awkward sitting.

Huo Qilin was driving the car, and turned on the car radio, which played Hong Kong's most popular hit song "Queen's Road East"——
"Queen's Road West and Queen's Road East
Turn from Queen's Road East to Queen's Road Central

Why is there no palace on the east side of Queen's Road

The people coming from Queen's Road are like a turbulent..."

This song was not sung by a Hong Kong singer, but it was sung by Taiwanese singer Luo Dayou, and the lyrics were written by the famous lyricist Lin Xi.The line in the lyrics, "Queen's Road West and Queen's Road East, Queen's Road East turns to Queen's Road Central", makes people remember this road in Hong Kong very quickly, and many tourists will also walk on this road when they visit Hong Kong in the future.

This song also has special meaning for Hong Kong people. The lyrics start from a street, and easily explain the feelings of Hong Kong people facing the future of 97.

Huo Qilin obviously liked this fast-paced song, and while beating along to the song, he was talking with Gang Pu and Song Zhichao.

It turned out that he thought Song Zhichao didn't understand Cantonese, so he kept talking about Hong Kong Pu awkwardly, but Song Zhichao didn't point it out, telling him that his Hong Kong Pu was actually very bad.

Huo Qilin asked where Song Zhichao was from, and Song Zhichao said he was from the Central Plains.Huo Qilin asked again if the Central Plains was fun, and said that he had been to many places in the mainland, but he had never been to the Central Plains, and he must go to play if he had time.He also said that he likes to go to nearby Dongguan the most. There are many beautiful chicks in Dongguan, as well as beautiful girls with big breasts. Hong Kong is incomparable.He also said that the service attitude of the girl over there is good, and she treats you like an uncle, and I like the pretty girl to help me blow it up...

In short, the mouth is full of obscene words, it seems that the nickname is correct, "Fire Qilin" is simply a synonym for the salty wet guy and the dumpling guy.

After talking nonsense for a long time, Huo Qilin said again, "Brother Wanda asked me to take care of you, and I definitely did a great job! Hong Kong is really fun, where you can eat, drink, and have fun. Since you are here, you still have to see it. Wait a minute Find a place to live first, and then I’ll take you to cook horses and chickens, and then go to Wanchai’s “Snake King” shop to eat snake soup...” Finally added a sentence, “Eating snake soup is very good! Men , we must eat more snake soup to make up for it!"

Being in a different place, Song Zhichao saw him say this, so he could only be patient and accompany this fire unicorn to make nonsense, but Song Zhichao was thinking about the ID card he asked him to help with, so he didn't know if it was done well.

 Thanks to the new rudder owner "Moshuilan" for the reward. Not much to say, I haven't saved the manuscript. I have been stuck in my thoughts for the past two days, and I don't want to write some random things to fool everyone. Today is [-] words, and the third update!
(End of this chapter)

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