Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 150 153 [Horse kills chicken and eats snake soup]

Chapter 150 153 [Horse kills chicken and eats snake soup]

Soon, the Toyota car drove for about ten minutes, and arrived at a small hotel, surrounded by feasting lights, various saunas, massages, and young girls and other signboards.

"Don't look at this kind of place as messy, living here is much more comfortable than staying in a big hotel." Huo Qilin spent a lot of effort and finally parked the car, full of complaints: "I'm eating shit, I can't move at all." Just issue a ticket!"

Song Zhichao knew this. Hong Kong has a lot of patrolmen, and their favorite thing to do is to issue tickets to those who park illegally.

After getting out of the car, Huo Qilin led Song Zhichao to walk about 50 meters to a narrow staircase, then went straight up to the second floor, and finally saw the name of the hotel "Regent Hotel".

Seeing the name of this hotel, Song Zhichao hooked his luggage behind his back with one hand, as if it was very familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he remembered that it was the "Regent Hotel" in Stephen Chow's movie "Domestic Lingling Paint".Could it be that the movies of Master Xing in his previous life were filmed here?
Seeing Song Zhichao's surprised face, Huo Qilin thought he was disgusted, so he smiled and said, "It can't be helped. Everything in Hong Kong is good, but there is little land and every inch of land is very expensive. Even this kind of small hotel is rare. But no Relationship, although the place is small, it has complete internal organs, many mainland compatriots come here to live here, the first is cheap, the second is fair, and the third is that you can take a hot bath!"

It turned out that Qi Wanda didn't reveal Song Zhichao's real identity. This Huo Qilin thought that Song Zhichao was also a poor mainland cousin who didn't have much money to live in an expensive hotel, so he arranged it here for his sake.

Who is Song Zhichao? He figured everything out quickly and didn't point it out. Anyway, he just stayed here temporarily tonight. Although he has a cleanliness habit, he doesn't want to bother this guy named Huo Qilin anymore.

Next, Huo Qilin blew the water, saying that he knew the boss here, and often played friendship cards together, and he could get a [-]% discount for arranging friends to stay.

Song Zhichao wondered if he could get kickbacks.

The owner of this hotel is a strong woman with curly hair, scarlet lips, and a fat face. Whenever she sees Huo Qilin and Song Zhichao, she bursts into a big smile. Eyes, those eyes are very lustful, like a hungry dinosaur, wishing to devour Song Zhichao alive.

Song Zhichao couldn't help admiring Huo Qilin, such a woman can also play the friendship card overnight, and she can really get in.

Huo Qilin was obviously very familiar with the female boss, and he spoke quickly in Cantonese. He thought Song Zhichao didn't understand Cantonese, so he didn't avoid Song Zhichao, so he directly bargained with the female boss for a kickback.

The proprietress couldn't resist him, so she said that because the guest he brought was so handsome, she would only pay 30 Hong Kong dollars a night, and she would give him another 10 yuan, and then gave Huo Qilin the key to the room, and Huo Qilin took Song Zhichao up. Upstairs room.

Open the door, this is a single room, not bad, there is a bathroom, and you can take a shower in the bathroom.

It's just that the decoration is outdated, and there is still an unpleasant smell. If you smell it carefully, it is silicone oil or something.

Song Zhichao rubbed his nose, trying not to let himself sneeze, Huo Qilin opened the curtains and said, "How nice you look! The light is sufficient, it is quiet enough, and you can sleep well!"

Song Zhichao threw his luggage on the bed, but saw some yellow spots on the snow-white bed.

Huo Qilin said: "Just ask the boss to change it, and you can't be too picky when you go out!"

Song Zhichao nodded, and said, "Thank you! If you have something to do first, I'll take a shower!" Then he turned around.

Huo Qilin hurriedly said: "Hey, don't rush to take a shower! The boss just said that you have to pay first before you can move in."


"Oh, it's 50 Hong Kong dollars!" Huo Qilin rubbed his nose, "If I didn't know the boss, it would cost at least 80 baa!"

Song Zhichao opened his wallet and took the money.

Huo Qilin just stared at his wallet, took a look, wow, there is quite a lot of money, thought he was a poor old cousin, unexpectedly he had a little money.

Song Zhichao took out the 50 Hong Kong dollars exchanged at the convenience store from the inside and handed it over.

Huo Qilin hurriedly took it, stuffed it into his pocket and patted it, then turned around and was about to leave.

"Change." Song Zhichao said suddenly.

"What?" Huo Qilin turned his head and was taken aback, "Oh, maybe you didn't hear clearly, I said that staying here costs 50 yuan a night."

"It's not 30 baa, I'll give you a 10 yuan rebate!" This time Song Zhichao spoke in Cantonese.

Huo Qilin was stunned, his face was a little embarrassed, but also a little funny, and it took him a long time to hold back a sentence: "What are you doing, old cousin, so you can speak Cantonese!"

"You didn't ask again, you know a little bit!"

"Ahem!" Huo Qilin was also very straightforward, "You are Wanda's friend and my friend, don't make too much distinction! At worst, we will go to the horse to kill the chicken after you rest, and I will introduce you to a beautiful Filipino girl." , The technology is superb!"

After Huo Qilin finished speaking, he left the room.

Song Zhichao shook his head, speechless for this kind of young and Dangerous boy. At this moment, he felt sweaty all over his body, so he took off his clothes directly, went into the bathroom and opened the awning to take a shower.


It was five o'clock that afternoon.

"How about that little Filipino girl? Isn't her handicraft amazing?" Huo Qilin asked Song Zhichao with a smile, with a cigarette in his mouth.

"It's not bad, the bones are still crisp!" Song Zhichao was right, the Filipino technician's craftsmanship is really good, at least the best Song Zhichao has ever seen.

"That's good, come to play often in the future, and I will give you a [-]% discount if you report my name!" Fire Qilin began to blow water again.

"That's not necessary. Oh, by the way, is the ID card I entrusted to you done?" Song Zhichao asked suddenly.

Before coming to Hong Kong, although Song Zhichao relied on a student visa to enter Hong Kong, but sometimes there are many things that cannot be done here as a student. If you want to apply for a formal Hong Kong ID card, the procedures are very complicated and time-consuming. After all, Hong Kong requires very high.

So Song Zhichao asked Huo Qilin to get a temporary ID card here. This kind of business is very common in Hong Kong. As long as you are willing to spend money, you can get any number of ID cards for you.

"Don't worry, I've already done that for you, and I'll go get it with you later. We haven't eaten yet, let's go to the Snake King's shop to eat snake soup first! Nourish yin and strengthen yang, and I guarantee that you will be in school later." Transform into an invincible chick-picking king!" Huo Qilin walked towards the Snake King's shop with his arms around Song Zhichao's neck while talking nasty words.

"Snake King Shop" is a well-known old shop in Hong Kong, famous for its snake soup.The climate in Hong Kong is warm and humid. In the past, many people were prone to rheumatism, so it became popular to eat snake soup. Snake soup can effectively nourish yin and tonify yang, which is very good for the body.

When Song Zhichao and Huo Qilin arrived at the Snake King shop, the small shop was already full of people.

As a traditional old store in Hong Kong, the Snake King store still maintains the appearance of the 60s and [-]s, with ordinary tables and chairs, and the chairs are also small wooden armchairs, paired with low tables, which has an original taste.

Because there were many customers and there was a queue, Song Zhichao took the opportunity to look carefully at this small shop.

I saw a huge iron cage outside, and there were densely packed vegetable snakes of different sizes in the iron cage.

Now these snakes are all artificially bred. In the past, the snakes in the Snake King's shop were wild. Some coolies went to the vicinity of Taiping Mountain to catch them, and then sold them to Snake King for three pennies apiece to make snake soup.

Nowadays, environmental protection is emphasized, and wild snakes have also entered the ranks of protection. It is illegal to catch snakes casually on the mountains of Hong Kong. The Civil Affairs Department has a special regulation to prevent citizens from catching snakes.

Then look at a young boy in the store, wearing a black leather skirt, stretching out his hand and pulling out a vegetable snake as thick as a baby's arm from the cage.He pinched the vegetable snake's head, and the snake wrapped its tail and body around his arm because of the pain.The young boy took out the scissors used to dissect snakes, inserted the scissors into the vegetable snake's abdomen very quickly, cut open the snake's belly with a single stroke, and then cut off the snake gall in the stomach with a click of the scissors, and then shook the snake straight Yes, put snake blood in the bowl.

Snake gallbladder and snake blood are treasures. Many customers like to eat them raw without any condiments. At this moment, there is a guest who looks very old. He took the snake gallbladder and threw it into his mouth. smile.

As for the warm bowl of snake blood, it was taken to the kitchen to make a nourishing dish "snake blood ointment", with rock sugar, white fungus, yin and yang intertwined, it is absolutely delicious to remove the snake smell.

Song Zhichao was looking at this Snake King shop, when he heard Huo Qilin next to him say: "Push the street! Finally it's our turn, pick the snake first!"

It turns out that eating snake soup here is the same as eating seafood. You need to pick the vegetable snake yourself, and then settle the account according to the weight of the snake.

Song Zhichao followed Huo Qilin and walked over. Huo Qilin smiled and said that the two of them wanted to eat a big one, so he asked the young man to grab a big cabbage snake with the thickness of a child's fist and come out.

Just like before, Hou Shengzai roughly weighed the snake, and then began to disembowel the vegetable snake, skillfully. According to what he said, he had to disembowel hundreds of vegetable snakes a day.

After taking out the snake gall, Huo Qilin said to Song Zhichao: "It's very nourishing, try it first!"

Song Zhichao shook his head, and Huo Qilin directly squeezed the black snake gall with his hands and threw it into his mouth, chewed it a few times and gave a thumbs up to praise.

When it was Snake Blood's turn, Huo Qilin took another look at Song Zhichao, who still shook his head.

Huo Qilin wanted to show off, so he picked it up and drank it in one gulp, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, he smacked his mouth and said, "It tastes a bit salty!"

Seeing him like this, the shop owner applauded and said, "This is a man!"

The snake soup was made quickly, and Song Zhichao and Huo Qilin brought it out not long after they sat down.The bowl is not big, similar to the tea bowls that people in the north use to drink tea. The bowl is full, and there is soup in it.

Song Zhichao took a spoonful and tasted it, and it tasted really good.

Huo Qilin seemed to be used to eating, he drank a bowl in one sitting, and then asked the waiter to serve another bowl. It turned out that the snake was big enough, and the snake soup was made more, so he could refill the bowl.

Song Zhichao felt full after eating just one bowl, and the rest went into Huo Qilin's stomach.

Song Zhichao was thinking about looking at the goods, so he took out a cigarette and smoked it while waiting for Huo Qilin to finish eating the snake soup.

After the fire unicorn finished eating, Song Zhichao paid the bill, and said, "Now, can we go get my ID?"

Seeing that he was so smart and knew how to take the initiative to pay, Huo Qilin patted his stomach and said with a smile: "You are in a hurry! Of course, I will take you there now!"

(End of this chapter)

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