Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 15 015 [New Official Appointed]

Chapter 15 015 [New Official Appointed]

Caesar Song and Dance Hall is located in the most prosperous Square Street in Panyu County.

This area is the economic center of Panyu. There are many large shopping malls, restaurants and restaurants, and even four-star hotels that are well-known throughout Yangcheng.

When Song Zhichao arrived at the Caesar Song and Dance Hall, there were hardly any people there.After the hustle and bustle of last night, the dance hall at this time has become very deserted, like a beautiful woman who has been dancing a night of disco, sitting lazily on the side of the street.

The shape of the whole dance hall is an imitation of ancient Roman architecture, with large columns and antique structures. There is also a huge fountain in front of the gate——Caesar the Great stands majestically in the fountain with a slanted shirt and a scepter in his hand. On the platform, around him, there are several fountains spraying water, which looks too beautiful to behold.

After a while, the door of the singing and dancing hall slowly opened. After talking with a man, an uncle in charge of purchasing waste wine bottles began to happily carry piles of waste products outside.

In the dance hall business, the most waste products are wine bottles, beer bottles, liquor bottles, foreign wine bottles and so on.These bottles are all recycled, and special bottles such as Moutai, Wuliangye, and foreign wine such as Red Fang, Black Fang, Hennessy, etc., are relatively expensive.

These expensive bottles are reserved for counterfeit wine.With the reform and opening up, honest people have become more open-minded, and the counterfeit wine business has emerged as the times require.However, compared with the flood of counterfeit wine in the previous life, the counterfeit wine business in this era is not so rampant, and the bad guys who make counterfeit wine are also a bit conscientious. Alcohol makes people sick.

In addition to the uncle who packed the wine bottles, there was also a man outside the ballroom who helped watch the car.

These days, bicycles are very expensive. Although they are not as expensive as before, hanging bicycles on the wall as offerings to ancestors, they are also a necessary means of transportation for every household to decorate their appearance.

When people come to a dance hall to play, they must provide free car viewing, so many dance halls will be equipped with special car watchers.If the car is tied up outside, you will be charged five cents to ten cents to look at one, which is not a small expense after a long time.


After taking a quick look, Song Zhichao was not in a hurry to go in. There was a breakfast shop nearby that was selling white porridge, boat porridge, preserved egg and lean meat porridge, as well as lotus seed paste buns, bean paste buns, and the like.

Song Zhichao walked in and ordered a bowl of porridge with preserved egg and lean meat, and then gave up a cigarette. While eating the porridge, he chatted with the idle boss.

The boss was a chatterbox, he had been busy listening to the radio all morning, and it was rare for him to sit down and smoke a cigarette to rest and find someone to chat with.

So I wore a water skirt, smoked a cigarette, crossed my legs, and began to blow water with Song Zhichao. As soon as I opened my mouth, I talked about the international situation and political developments, saying that Noriega, the former commander of the National Defense Forces of Panama, was escorted to the United States and South Africa. Mandela was released after 27 years in prison, and said that our country has established diplomatic relations with Singapore, and Singaporeans are all Chinese, and they will go to Singapore for fun when they have money.

Song Zhichao said that you know a lot.

The shop owner bared his teeth happily, and said modestly: "Sure! It's a pity that I am a food seller. I didn't study much at the beginning, or I would have entered the United Nations early!"

Song Zhichao put down the small spoon in his hand, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and smiled at the shop owner, "I don't know if you know much about the dance hall in front of you?"

The shop owner immediately answered: "Why not many?! They are all neighbors face to face, and the guests in his dance hall still eat at my place all the time!"

Seeing that the boss's cigarette was about to run out, Song Zhichao passed another one over, "Then I'll ask you something..."

The store owner took the cigarette with a smile, "What's the matter? As long as I know, I will tell you!"

Song Zhichao smiled.


Gradually, at about 10:30 in the morning, the staff of the dance hall came one after another.

There is no morning shift in the Caesar Dance Hall, but there is a noon shift, because sometimes some customers who need to discuss business will visit the dance hall at noon to listen to songs and drink coffee, so someone needs to be on duty.

Song Zhichao saw that the timing was almost up, so he pulled up his skirt and walked towards the dance hall calmly.

Before reaching the door, Song Zhichao smelled wine mixed with perfume in his nostrils, savoring the slowly fermenting evening scene.

At the entrance of the ballroom, a girl who was putting on lipstick in front of the small round mirror saw him and thought he was a guest, so she hurriedly put the mirror up, raised her chest and raised her buttocks, and put on a welcoming posture. Said: "Hello, welcome to Caesar Song and Dance Hall!"

Song Zhichao glanced at her work number plate, her name was "Wang Yan".

Seeing that Song Zhichao didn't answer, but just looked at her, Wang Yan's face turned red when Song Zhichao looked at her. The main reason was that Song Zhichao was so handsome, and his hairstyle was so unique, so he probably came from Hong Kong.

Thinking that Song Zhichao couldn't understand Mandarin, Wang Yan said it again in Cantonese, and then asked: "May I ask what you need, sir..."

Song Zhichao smiled at her and said, "I don't need anything. I'm here to work. By the way, is Uncle Kun here?"

Uncle Kun is the personnel manager here, and he is also an old man who came out to fight the world with Mark, and he is deeply trusted by Mark.

Wang Yan was taken aback by Song Zhichao's smile, she never thought that a man could look so good-looking when he smiled.

After hearing Song Zhichao's words clearly, he hurriedly said, "Look for Uncle Kun. He's doing an inventory in the warehouse. You sit down first, and I'll call him."

"Well, that's good. Sorry to trouble you." Song Zhichao nodded politely at Wang Yan.

Song Zhichao found a random seat and sat down, looking around.

Like many dance halls and nightclubs, the venue in the entire ballroom is very large, densely packed with round drink tables, and directly in front of it is a large stage equipped with laser lights and rock lights. Guitar, and keyboard etc.

The walls of the dance hall are covered with wallpapers of European and American abstract paintings. Deformed people are shouting loudly, with dancing long hair, arms, hands and feet... After watching for a long time, Song Zhichao realized that this painting is about several people dancing "break dance" ".

In fact, "break dancing" is the most popular in this era, and pull-back shoes, bloomers, and headbands are the basic standard equipment for dancing "break dancing".

If you go to those large dance halls, as long as the song "A Fire in Winter" is played, a large group of breakdancing masters will immediately pour out.The most representative one is "Dancing King" Tao Jin...


Just when Song Zhichao was thinking wildly, footsteps sounded, but it was the female welcome named Wang Yan who called Uncle Kun over.

It was a man in his forties. He was very thin but energetic. When he saw Song Zhichao, he hesitated and said, "You are..."

Song Zhichao showed a smiling face, "Hi Uncle Kun, my name is Song Zhichao, I think Boss Zhang has already told you..."

Boss Zhang is "Brother Mark" Zhang Tiezhu.

When Uncle Kun heard the words, a smile appeared on his face immediately, "So you are Chao, the boss just called and mentioned you, saying that you are coming to work here today!"

Wang Yan next to him heard that Song Zhichao was going to work here, so she wondered whether he should be arranged to be a waiter or a wine salesman. Both jobs have high requirements for looks, and those rich women like handsome guys the most.

But before Wang Yan could finish her thinking, she heard Uncle Kun say to her: "Ayan, let me introduce you first—this is Song Zhichao, the new general manager of our song and dance hall, Manager Song!"

"Ah?" Wang Yan, who was thinking about it, immediately opened her mouth in surprise. She never thought that this boy who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old and younger than herself turned out to be her immediate boss, the new general manager. .

(End of this chapter)

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