Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 16 016 [Anyone not convinced? 】

Chapter 16 016 [Anyone not convinced? 】

After introducing Song Zhichao to Wang Yan, the welcomer, Uncle Kun turned around and said to Song Zhichao: "Achao, you came just in time. We happened to have a morning meeting over there. Come with me, and I will introduce you to you!"

Song Zhichao smiled, "Then I will trouble you, Uncle Kun."

"No trouble, I will be my family from now on. Of course I will do what the boss ordered." Uncle Kun cheerfully prepared to take Song Zhichao there.When I thought of something, I turned around and said to Wang Yan: "Ayan, you are the first to stand here. If you have any guests, please say hello first, and we will come over after the meeting."

Wang Yan nodded and went to stand at the gate, responsible for welcoming the guests.Uncle Kun was in charge of leading the way, leading Song Zhichao to the morning meeting.

On the way, Uncle Kun was very enthusiastic about Song Zhichao, saying that the general manager here has been away for more than a month, and someone is here today.He also asked Song Zhichao if he needed to change his work clothes, and there were suits and so on.Song Zhichao said, "It's OK for me to wear this."

Uncle Kun looked at his red Goldlion suit and gave him a thumbs up: "It has character, such clothes are really fashionable!"

The morning meeting was actually in the wine warehouse behind the song and dance hall. The place was very large. At this moment, besides all kinds of wine piled up in the four corners, there were eight rows of people standing in the middle.

At the head was a young man in a black suit, with Aaron Kwok's hairstyle and a mousse, and he could smell cologne from a long distance away.

This person is not very old, only about 24 or [-] years old, and he looks handsome, but his eyes are a little too white, which makes him look a bit sinister.

"You punks! Eat from the company, but don't work hard with the company, what are you doing? Do you want me to tell the boss to fire you all?!"

"And you, Fatty Bo, how did you sell wine last night? How much is beer? How much is foreign wine? You eat shit, you can't even tell the difference between high and low!"

"The company is not obliged to support you bastards. If you want to stay here, just do it for me. If you are lazy, if you are caught by me, you will be fired directly!"

The shady man's voice was stern, and he scolded the employees below like cicadas, no one dared to say anything.

Uncle Kun whispered to Song Zhichao's ear and said to him, "This is Diao Jiahua, the front office supervisor."

Hearing this name, the information given by the owner of the breakfast shop immediately appeared in Song Zhichao's mind.

Diao Jiahua's nickname is "Pushing Hua", which means that he is very tricky and likes to stab people.He was very domineering in the Caesar Song and Dance Hall. Apart from being Fu Qingying's person, Diao Jiahua was also a Hong Kong native.

You know, Hong Kong people are amazing in this era, especially in a small place like Panyu, Hong Kong people represent high-level people, investors, and upper-class people with special identities.

It can be said that as long as Hong Kong people here will regard themselves as the emperor, the locals are envious, surrounded by foreign girls, especially when it comes to women, they can fuck whoever they want.

Not to mention anything else, let’s just talk about Diao Jiahua himself. After two or three years in Panyu, I don’t know how many women he has played with. Basically, these women are sent to his door on his own initiative. As long as he says that he is from Hong Kong, all these women The eyes are star-studded, and I admire it very much.For Diao Jiahua, these women have only one word: cheap!

In fact, few people know that Diao Jiahua was just a bad boy when he was in Hong Kong. At first he was begging for life on the street, doing some valet parking, collecting money and so on; The little foreman of that restaurant.Occasionally, Miss Fu's family took a fancy to him and thought he was quite a person, so she brought him to Pan Yu and acted as her informant to manage the Caesar Dance Hall.

Fu Qingying doesn't trust Mark. To her, Mark is always an outsider, while Diao Jiahua is from Hong Kong, and she is much closer to herself.

Relying on the fact that he is a Hong Kong native from Hong Kong and is Miss Fu's confidant, Diao Jiahua is domineering and bossy here. The waitresses are all taken advantage of by him, and the male waiters are even more arbitrary. Bullying, slaps in the face, kicks, everything... It's a pity that everyone dared not speak out. Even the previous general manager was pissed off by Diao Jiahua because he just said a fair word for the employees.

At this moment, Diao Jiahua, who was standing in front, reprimanded the employees, raised the roster in his hand, and finally said brazenly: "Remember all of you, and whoever is disobedient will get the hell out! As for me, you bastards As long as you learn two words, that is - obedience!"

Most of the employees below gritted their teeth fiercely, and no one dared to say anything; only a few of Diao Jiahua's supporters cheered slyly.

The atmosphere is a bit grim.

Diao Jiahua liked this atmosphere very much.

I feel that I am the leader of the club, the big boss of the dance hall, the boss here, the king.Losing his old mother, who would dare to refuse? !

"Ahem, I'm sorry, Director Diao, let me introduce someone to you."

Suddenly, the atmosphere was interrupted by the old thing Uncle Kun.

Diao Jiahua glanced coldly at Uncle Kun, "What are you introducing?" Then he glanced at Song Zhichao who was standing beside Uncle Kun, and jokingly said, "Introduce him? What the hell, come here to sing and dance, and pretend to be a clown?"

"Hahaha!" Diao Jiahua's supporters laughed loudly.

Uncle Kun looked a little embarrassed, he didn't expect that doing so would make Song Zhichao ugly.

Diao Jiahua looked smug. It turned out that he had already heard the news that Mark had secretly recruited a general manager to suppress him, so he deliberately gave Song Zhichao a blow.

The reason is very simple. Diao Jiahua has always coveted the position of general manager. He thought that if he squeezed out the original manager, he would be able to be promoted smoothly. Unexpectedly, Song Zhichao was killed halfway. Of course Diao Jiahua would hate Song Zhichao so much. Tooth itching.

Facing Diao Jiahua's cynicism, Song Zhichao smiled, and walked towards Diao Jiahua in front of everyone.

Only then did people realize that Song Zhichao's walking posture was very special, or very domineering.

He was walking the rare straight line, his feet stepped on a line rhythmically, and his steps were very rhythmic: coupled with Song Zhichao's calm and calm expression, and the sternness in his eyes Confidence, the whole walking posture is just one word: pull!

Yes, very dragging!
Special pull!
It seemed that Song Zhichao didn't pay attention to anyone at this moment.

This feeling made Diao Jiahua very uncomfortable. I didn't expect that there would be someone more attractive than him in this world.
Song Zhichao walked to the front of the team so slowly, walked up to Diao Jiahua, and stretched out his hand: "Get to know me, I'm Song Zhichao, the new general manager."

Diao Jiahua opened his hand with contempt and disdain, "Who knows you? Do you think so?"

Song Zhichao was still not angry, just raised his eyebrows, rubbed the bridge of his nose with his fingers a few times, looked at the roster in Diao Jiahua's hand and said, "Can I have a look at the roster?"

"I'll show you the next one, how old are you?"

Song Zhichao slapped Diao Jiahua's face with a backhand.

No warning!

Diao Jiahua was stunned by Song Zhichao's sudden move.

All the employees were also frightened, and all looked at Song Zhichao stupidly.

"I'll make you old..." Before Diao Jiahua could utter the curse words, there was a slap, and Song Zhichao slapped his backhand again.

Diao Jiahua's mouth was bleeding from the beating, and only then did he think of resisting.

In fact, it is no wonder that Diao Jiahua reacted slowly. The main reason is that he is used to domineering here, and because he is a "superior" Hong Kong person, he simply looks down on these mainlanders.But he didn't expect that Song Zhichao, a boy from mainland China, would dare to slap him, not once, but twice.

"You dare to hit me? I'll fight with you!" Diao Jiahua completely turned into a bad boy, and was about to rush to Song Zhichao to fight him.

Song Zhichao was unusually calm, this time he didn't slap him, but kicked him in the stomach.

Diao Jiahua, who was just about to lose his temper, collapsed on the ground while clutching his stomach.

It hurts, it really hurts!

The pain made him burst into tears.

Song Zhichao bent down, calmly picked up the roll call book that fell on the floor, patted the dust on it, and then announced: "Start the roll call! - Wu Bingkun..."

Next to him, the dumbfounded Uncle Kun quickly raised his hand and said, "Here—"

Song Zhichao read again: "Diao Jiahua..."

On the ground, someone was stubborn and kept silent.

Song Zhichao read it a second time, "Diao Jiahua..."

Still silent.

Song Zhichao kicked the opponent's head with a snap.

Diao Jiahua let out an "ow".

"So you can make a noise, hit the street!" Song Zhichao rubbed Diao Jiahua's face with his leather shoes contemptuously.

on the ground—
Diao Jiahua suddenly felt like crying.

Song Zhichao turned his head, shook the roster in his hand, glanced around, stared at everyone and asked, "Is there anyone who is still dissatisfied?"

(End of this chapter)

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