Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 17 017 [Close the door and let the dogs go! 】

Chapter 17 017 [Close the door and let the dogs go! 】

"Xu Tingting, Fang Dacheng, Li Xiang... Shen Fang..." Song Zhichao stood in front of the crowd holding the roster, counting the names of the employees calmly.

Uncle Kun helped Diao Jiahua who was lying on the ground and moaning.

Every employee didn't dare to breathe. Looking at Song Zhichao, he didn't understand how this handsome young man could make such a ruthless attack.

Because they don't understand, they feel mysterious, and because they are mysterious, they feel even more scared, so everyone is very honest, and when they are called by name, they answer with a much louder voice than before.

Diao Jiahua was helped up, muttering dirtyly, asking Uncle Kun to help him to see a doctor, go for an injury check, and said he wanted to report to Miss Fu to avenge himself.

Before turning around, Song Zhichao suddenly closed the roster and said to him, "Are you allowed to go?"

"What? Why can't I leave?" Diao Jiahua's face was stern, and he was really scared by Song Zhichao's beating.

Song Zhichao took two steps towards him.

Diao Jiahua took two steps back, flustered, "What do you want to do?"

Song Zhichao hooked his fingers at him.

Diao Jiahua bit the bullet and stared at Song Zhichao with an unconvinced look.

Song Zhichao picked up the roster and slammed it on Diao Jiahua's head, "I haven't finished talking, why are you leaving?"

Diao Jiahua gritted his teeth, fire spewed from his eyes, I endured it.

"What? Don't accept it? If you don't accept it, fight back! If you don't fight back, what are you going to do? Are you saying that you in Aberdeen are as useless as you?" Another slap.

Diao Jiahua got angry, and covered his head with one hand, pointing at Song Zhichao, "I warn you, don't hit me on the head again!"

Song Zhichao smiled, "Okay, okay, I'll satisfy you—" There was a slap, this time it didn't hit the head, but it hit the face again.

The splint for counting the roster was very sharp, and Diao Jiahua's nosebleed was drawn directly, and he looked miserable.

When Song Zhichao raised the starting point roster again, Diao Jiahua was completely scared, covering his head with his hands, and dared not say anything.

Seeing that he admits cowardice, Song Zhichao sneered at his ears with his little finger, blew on his fingertips, and then slowly said to Diao Jiahua, "I tell you, you have been fired!"


"The others are disbanded. All management personnel come to my office!" Song Zhichao issued the first order after Liwei.

The team dispersed, and other employees began to return to their posts to prepare for work. As the director of the financial department of the dance hall and the foreman of the front hall, they all followed Song Zhichao's ass and went to the office.

The manager's office is actually next to the wine storage room. Different from the simple layout outside, the manager's office in front of us is very beautiful. There is a 21-inch "Sony" brand color TV, a luxurious "Hitachi" brand air conditioner, and a standing corner of the wall. There is a water dispenser of the "Xia Deli" brand, a large refrigerator of the "Rongsheng" brand, a huge plaque engraved with "Great Exhibition", a leather sofa, and a high-end desk. The whole atmosphere is very grand.

It turns out that this manager's office was originally used by Mark himself, so the decoration is a little more luxurious; later he hired a professional manager and let this room out, on the one hand to win people's hearts, on the other hand it is his I don't often spend time in the ballroom, and I have to go out to socialize. It's a waste to be idle in such a good place.

Walking into the office, Song Zhichao took off his suit jacket without any hassle, threw it on the forked hanger against the wall, and then pulled his tie with his hands to make himself a little more casual. Then he walked behind the desk and sat down. After getting down, he raised his legs and leaned against the boss chair with a serious expression.

The finance director and four dance hall foremen followed him into the room. They were all bluffed by Song Zhichao's trick before. Think about it, even people like Diao Jiahua were smoked by Song Zhichao. No one dares to move around.

So, the five obediently stood in a row, put their hands on their stomachs, and waited respectfully for the newly appointed general manager to speak.

Song Zhichao didn't speak. He touched the cigarette case with his hand, took out one and held it in his mouth. Before he could take out a match to light the fire, the bald-headed finance director had already stepped forward and took out the lighter he carried with him. Help Song Zhichao light the cigarette.

Song Zhichao lit a cigarette and patted the back of the other party's hand with his fingers to express his gratitude.

The financial director's bones were a little brittle, and he wiped back his loose hair that was about to go bald with his hand, and said to Song Zhichao with a smile: "Manager Song, I am Wang Defa, the financial director here, just call me Afa."

Song Zhichao squinted at him and exhaled a puff of smoke, "Director Wang, you just need to do something."

"What's the matter, just tell me, I'll fix it." Director Wang is a fine person, nodding and bowing, his expression is full of sincerity.

Song Zhichao nodded, "Bring over all the financial statements for the past six months, I want to take a look."

"Everything?" Director Wang was taken aback.

"Yes, all of them." Song Zhichao's tone was unquestionable, "I have to read all the reports on the purchase of drinks, the sales reports, and the wages of the employees."

"This one……"

"Why, a little embarrassing?" Song Zhichao looked at him sideways.

Manager Wang was shocked, "No embarrassment, no embarrassment! I will do it now! Do it right away!"

Manager Wang almost ran out of the door, wiped the cold sweat on his brow, and went to get the report.

After Director Wang went out, Song Zhichao turned the boss chair smartly, with burning eyes, and pointed at the four foremen with a cigarette in his hand, "I was a bit late at the roll call just now. If I remember correctly, your name is Pan Wenbin, and your name is Jiang Chao. , and your name is Wang Xiaofeng, and your name is Zeng Xiaohong."

Song Zhichao said all four people's names in one breath.This made the four foremen very surprised. They didn't expect Song Zhichao's memory to be so good.You must know that there are about [-] employees in the entire song and dance hall, and it is Song Zhichao's first time to work and contact them for the first time.

If they knew that Song Zhichao controlled a huge real estate kingdom and financial empire in his previous life, with three to four hundred people in the management alone, and he could recite everyone's name back and forth, they wouldn't be so surprised.

"Do you know what I mean by calling you here?" Song Zhichao looked at the four of them with a smile.

The four looked at me and I looked at you, then shook their heads.

Song Zhichao flicked the cigarette ash, "It's very simple, no matter what you have done before, stand on the sidelines, I hope you will support me in the future."

Among the four, Wang Xiaofeng and Zeng Xiaohong expressed their opinions immediately after listening, "Don't worry, Mr. Song, we will fully support your work."

The other two, Pan Wenbin and Jiang Chao, remained silent.

Song Zhichao didn't care, took a puff between his cigarettes, glanced at Pan Wenbin, and asked casually, "Boss Pan, did you like that bottle of Chivas Regal last night?"

Pan Wenbin was startled, and couldn't help but said, "How do you know?" After he finished speaking, he knew that he had missed something.It turned out that there was a drunk customer last night who left most of the bottle of Chivas Regal 12 years. Pan Wenbin became greedy and gave the bottle of wine to Tan Mo. After get off work, he took his wife and a group of little brothers to a small restaurant nearby. Opened Kaiyang meat.

In fact, he does this kind of thing all the time, especially when he stands in the team with Diao Jiahua, and with Diao Jiahua covering him, he is even more unscrupulous, and he doesn't know how much drink he drank in the dance hall.It was also because of this that Song Zhichao asked him to express his opinion just now, so he kept silent.

"If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing yourself." Song Zhichao leisurely blew out a smoke ring.

Cold sweat dripped from Pan Wenbin's forehead.

Song Zhichao didn't seem to see it, and blew a smoke ring at Jiang Chao: "Director Jiang, I heard that you are in charge of selling discarded wine bottles?"

Jiang Chao's heart trembled suddenly.

"Yes, I am in charge."

"I heard that the uncle who collects waste products is your relative?"

Cold sweat also broke out on Jiang Chao's forehead.

It was a little uncomfortable to speak, "Yes, so what?"

"Not much." Song Zhichao remained calm and calm. He stood up, gently crushed the cigarette end into the ashtray on the desk, and then walked towards Pan Jiang and the others.

The two of them suddenly felt that Alexander was not alone, but a beast that could devour people.

They were dripping with cold sweat, and their eyes were terrified.

Walking to Pan Wenbin's side, Song Zhichao put his hand on his shoulder intentionally or unintentionally, and said calmly, "Do you know that it's illegal to hide alcohol from guests?"

Then he looked at Jiang Chao: "Do you know that it is illegal to embezzle public funds?"

"We don't!" Pan Wenbin and Jiang Chao said almost in unison.

Song Zhichao smiled, as if he was watching the biggest joke, his eyes were contemptuous: "You tell me, do I believe it?"

The two were silent.

Wang Xiaofeng and Zeng Xiaohong also looked at them with contempt. Everyone knew that there was no good thing for Diao Jiahua's followers.

"You, what do you want?" Pan Wenbin and Jiang Chao softened a little.Song Zhichao is like a ghost, seeing everything about them.

The corner of Song Zhichao's mouth curled up, "Since you are used to being dogs, then do me a favor—"

Pan Jiang and Pan Jiang looked at each other, but they were not angry because Song Zhichao compared them to dogs.

"What do you want to do?" they asked in unison.

Song Zhichao patted Pan Wenbin on the shoulder vigorously, and smiled, as if he was driving a galloping hound, "Of course he killed Diao Jiahua!"

He doesn't like spring breeze blowing again, and he doesn't like others thinking about him behind his back.

The experience in his previous life told him that when dealing with enemies, he must be ruthless and ruthless, cutting grass and roots, and not even giving him a chance to bubble up!

(End of this chapter)

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