Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 18 018【.A master's move】

Chapter 18 018【.A master's move】

As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

From Pan Wenbin and Jiang Chao's point of view, Diao Jiahua just couldn't hold back and was beaten by Song Zhichao, and he didn't even count as thin.As Diao Jiahua's staunch supporters of the villains, they strongly supported and supported Diao Jiahua not because they really respected and loved him, but because they feared him and were afraid of him.

Although Pan Wenbin and Jiang Chao haven't read any books, they also know the truth of "one prospers all, one loses all", and they know that if Diao Jiahua really collapses, it will be over for them.What's more, Diao Jiahua hasn't collapsed yet, but was suppressed by Song Zhichao's fierce dismounting.

Comparing the backstage of the two, Diao Jiahua's backstage is Miss Fu from Hong Kong, and Song Zhichao's backstage is Brother Mark. Although the county magistrate is not as good as the current one, Mark is not the real owner of this dance hall. Mark is the only one for Miss Fu. Fate is obedience, as long as Miss Fu says a word, this newcomer Song Zhichao will be kicked out every minute.

Since ancient times, it is not a fool who can be a "treacherous sycophant". Although Pan Wenbin and Jiang Chao are not even close to being a sycophant, they are not stupid either. The response was --- silence.

Seeing that the two were silent, Song Zhichao had already expected it and was not angry. He just walked back to his seat with ease, then sat down slowly, raised his legs, looked at the two and said, "What are you thinking, I I know; but sometimes you have to know the times to be a human being."

"No, Manager Song, we both did something wrong, we admit it. But we really don't know what Director Diao has done. Even if we want to help you, we have more than enough energy." Pan Wenbin was thinking The fastest, immediately perfunctory with words.

Jiang Chao then said: "Yes, although everyone thinks that we are very close to Director Diao, we really don't know what kind of person he is. We all admit the mistakes you pointed out just now, and we are also willing to accept the company. Your lord has a lot of punishment, so don't embarrass us anymore."

Song Zhichao smiled, but did not speak.He knew exactly what these two guys were thinking, and he didn't dare to identify Diao Jiahua, because he still had illusions about Diao Jiahua, thinking that Diao Jiahua might turn over anytime, anywhere.At that time, if they betray each other, they will have endless food and walk around.

Since ancient times, the villain's mind has been very simple, that is, interests are paramount, selfish, as long as they can be safe for a while, they will never submit obediently.

In fact, Song Zhichao was also convinced that Diao Jiahua did have a chance to stand up.Like today's scene, as long as Diao Jiahua suppressed his temper and had the word "forbearance", he would not give himself a chance to suppress him.

It's a pity that Diao Jiahua didn't hold back. If he is a smart person, he must be reflecting on his mistakes at this moment. As long as Diao Jiahua is a little smarter, but he knows it and finds Miss Fu as a big backer to complain, then even if Brother Mark has a big face, he can't keep it. For me, after all, the Fu family is the big boss behind the dance hall, and Mark is just a "wage earner" for this group of Hong Kong people.

Thinking of this, Song Zhichao frowned. Just at this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Song Zhichao said, "Come in!"

Immediately, Director Wang Defa came in with a lot of reports.

Those reports were piled up so high that they almost surpassed his head, and there were no fewer than three or four thousand copies by visual estimation.

"Mr. Song, these are the reports you want——you want the reports for the past six months, but I brought you the reports for the past three years, so that it is more comprehensive. Roughly divided into categories, there are purchases, sales, and inventory. By the way, these are the monthly salary statements of the personnel, and there are tax payment records. You can take a look first..."

As the financial supervisor, Wang Defa seemed to be very competent. He put thousands of reports in front of Song Zhichao at once, and then looked at Song Zhichao with a naive expression, waiting for him to speak.

Song Zhichao looked at this face, but he knew that this old guy was not simple, and his mind was much stronger than the two brats Pan Wenbin and Jiang Chao.

According to the information collected by Song Zhichao, in the "Caesar Song and Dance Hall", Wang Defa was a "big treacherous official" who worked hand in hand with Diao Jiahua.

This guy is obedient to him on the surface, but in fact he is full of bad water.Ask him to get the reports for the past six months, but he bundled up the reports for the past three years and carried them over. The intention is obvious, that is, to let Song Zhichao find a needle in a haystack, and don't try to find out that he is cheating and cheating on the company's money with Diao Jiahua. evidence.

He looked at the mountain of reports in front of him, then at Wang Defa, Pan Wenbin, Jiang Chao, Wang Xiaoping and Zeng Xiaohong.In such a big dance hall, three of the five managements have colluded with Diao Jiahua, no wonder even a powerful person like Mark can only turn a blind eye to this.

Song Zhichao smiled at Wang Defa, "Thanks for your hard work, Director Wang. You were only allowed to carry the baby for half a year, but you have been here for three years. You are so careful!"

"It should, ha ha!" Wang De laughed very honestly.

"Then, Manager Song, I've put all these reports here. Take a look, if you don't know anything, just call me." Wang Defa smoothed his bald forehead with his hands, salivating, and prepared to leave.

"Don't worry!" Song Zhichao stopped him suddenly, and flicked the reports a few times with his fingers as if playing a lute, "Wait for me for 5 minutes, I'll read it soon."

"Mr. Song really likes to joke. How is it possible to have so many reports... Well, I will wait for you for 5 minutes." Wang Defa's smiling face touched Song Zhichao's cold eyes, and he immediately changed his mouth.

Song Zhichao looked back at the other four people again, and said, "You guys also wait for five minutes, there are seats, you sit down and rest first."

"No need, Mr. Song, we can just stand." Pan Wenbin flattered.

Wang Xiaofeng and Zeng Xiaohong had already found seats to sit down.

Seeing this, Jiang Chao gave Pan Wenbin a hand; Pan Wenbin blushed and followed everyone to find a seat.

Wang Defa did not sit down, but pretended to help Song Zhichao sort out the pile of reports on the table, but his heart was full of disdain——
What are you doing!
Even if he was beaten to death, he would not believe that Song Zhichao was able to read all these more than 5 reports in 3000 minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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