Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 19 019 [Everyone is an acting school]

Chapter 19 019 [Everyone is an acting school]

1 minute passed, 2 minutes passed, 3 minutes passed.

As time went by, Wang Defa suddenly felt restless, because he found that Song Zhichao did not go through the financial statements one by one, but used a trickier angle than professional accountants to look at the most easy-to-do financial statements. False accounts, the easiest to find the purchase and sales reports of false account loopholes.

Soon, Song Zhichao found a report, which was a report on the drinking and drinking in the dance hall last year. Song Zhichao picked up a red pen in the pen holder on his desk, crossed some data, and then found a sales report , also crossed the sales data with a red pen, and then started to calculate the data with powerful mental arithmetic ability, and soon, he showed a contemptuous smile.

Too low-level!

Financial "fraud" in this era is too low-level.

If you use a metaphor, this kind of counterfeiting technology is almost at the kindergarten level compared with the future.

In fact, the financial system in this era has not been perfected. In addition, the records and accounts are basically calculated by abacus or computer, and the records are directly handwritten. Few are stored in the computer, so it seems very naive in terms of fraud. As long as the computing power is strong, the real data can be checked every minute and every second.

Besides, who is Song Zhichao?

These techniques for falsifying accounts are all leftovers from his old man!
It can be said that Wang Defa, the "old fox", has to respectfully call Song Zhichao "Patriarch" in terms of fiddling with financial accounts.

Wang Defa fiddled with the financial statements in his hands, pretending to help on the surface, but secretly peeping at the data that Song Zhichao drew with a pen through his triangular eyes.

Looking at it, it's amazing!
With a shake of his hand, he dropped the report on the ground, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

Why?Because the data underlined by Song Zhichao are the numbers he filled in when he made fake accounts.

"What's the matter, Director Wang, your face is ugly." Song Zhichao raised his head and asked casually.

"I'm a little dizzy...maybe I didn't get a good rest last night." Wang Defa took out a handkerchief and wiped his face, then the back of his neck, his face was pale.

Song Zhichao got up, seemed to be very concerned about his appearance, and asked, "Is that all, you have nothing to say to me?"

"No, nothing to say."

"Oh, that's it." Song Zhichao showed him a warm smile.

Others watched the two of them play charades, not understanding what was going on.

Song Zhichao ignored Wang Defa and walked to the bookshelf in the office instead.

Like the offices of many company managers, this office also has a lot of books for decoration, including "Management", "Three Hundred Questions about Marketing", and "English-Chinese Dictionary" and so on.

Song Zhichao glanced at it, but pulled out two books from the bookshelf, turned around and returned to Wang Defa, threw the two books to him, and said with a smile: "If you are not healthy, read more books - I read, this Two are the best for you!"

Wang Defa looked at the two books, one was about accounting, and the other was about criminal law of economic crimes!
He looked up at Song Zhichao.

The other party was looking at him with a half-smile.

In an instant, Wang Defa's psychological defense was defeated.

He knew that Song Zhichao already knew everything.

And when he made false accounts and embezzled public funds with Diao Jiahua, Wang Defa also checked the relevant criminal laws. If he was caught, he would go to jail!
With a plop, Wang Defa slumped on the chair, and said, "I'll say it! I'll say it all! Diao Jiahua instructed me to do all of this! I was forced to—"

Immediately afterwards, Wang Defa talked about Diao Jiahua forcing him to make false accounts and cooperating with him to embezzle the company's public funds.

Wang Defa's sudden "confession" made Pan Wenbin and the others stunned.They didn't understand no matter what they thought, Song Zhichao just read a few reports, and then Wang Defa revealed all the secrets as if he had been possessed by an evil spirit.

At this moment, they even wondered if Song Zhichao knew some magic tricks.


Wang Defa is a smart man. At this moment, he knew that no matter what he tried to quibble, it was useless, so he could only try his best to shirk the responsibility and inducements on Diao Jiahua, who was taken advantage of; no matter whether those things before were true or false, he did it on his own initiative, or Diao Jiahua instigated himself to do it. Yes, they all blamed Diao Jiahua as the biggest "blame-blame man", and used his own tears to accuse him of crimes.

Seeing Wang De's actor-level acting with tears and snot in his nose, Song Zhichao had to sigh, talent, this kind of person will definitely be a moth among moths in the future.

"Don't cry, I understand your grievances." Song Zhichao took no time to pull out a tissue from the table, handed it to Wang Defa, and comforted him.

"What we have to do now is to get rid of this black sheep and return the company to the sun and the moon." Song Zhichao lightly patted Wang Defa's shoulder.

As soon as Wang Defa heard this, he knew that Song Zhichao was the film king, and he was taking the initiative to act with him, so he hurried down the slope and said, "What Mr. Song said is that I was rude, mainly because I was wronged, and I think it's right." start a company."

"It's good if you have the heart, it's good if you have the heart!" Song Zhichao felt that the other party was very good and fit him very well. "Then do you have any evidence that Director Diao committed a crime? After all, we must seek truth from facts. We must never wrong any good person. Of course, we must not let any bad person go."

"Yes, of course!" Wang Defa was waiting for this sentence, "I have the record of Director Diao's fraudulent accounting, and every transaction is clear. By the way, Zhong You signed it himself..."

Wang Defa knew that once these words were uttered, he would not be able to go back, and he had no choice but to turn against Diao Jiahua directly.

Gritting his teeth, he became ruthless.

Incessantly, Wang Defa turned his head and scolded Diao Jiahua's two paparazzi—Pan Wenbin and Jiang Chao: "What the hell? Are you still holding on at this point? Who is Director Diao Jiahua? I know better! At that time, he will put the responsibility on you, but don't care if I didn't warn you in advance!"

A word to wake up the dreamer!
Now that there is Wang Defa's personal and physical evidence, Diao Jiahua is completely finished, and it is impossible to turn over. If he hugs his thigh by himself, he will only die.

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything!" Pan Wenbin yelled first, "Diao Jiahua is a bad guy, playing big dragons and phoenixes, transferring the drinks from the store to his horse shop, making false reports and corrupting a lot!"

"I said it, I said it too! Diao Jiahua, who is on the street, intercepts the tips collected by the employees without authorization. Every time a customer tipped him, he took the big head, and only left us a little bit!" Jiang Chao also followed suit.

Wang Xiaofeng and Zeng Xiaohong also opened their mouths, daring to tell the scandals of Diao Jiahua's dominance on weekdays, such as fine employees, molesting female shop assistants, beating male employees, and entertaining friends to report company accounts, etc. It can be said that there are many scandals .

Facing five people's accusations against Diao Jiahua's evil deeds, especially Wang Defa, Pan Wenbin, and Jiang Chao's bloodshot eyes, spit flying everywhere, as if Diao Jiahua and himself were sworn enemies.

Song Zhichao lowered his head and held a match to light a cigarette, then raised his head and exhaled smoke from his mouth: "It's done."

(End of this chapter)

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