Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 26 026 [1 emperor, 1 courtier]

Chapter 26 026 [Emperor and courtier]

Around six o'clock in the afternoon, in Caesar's song and dance——
Under the dim light, the hall of the song and dance hall was deserted. Song Zhichao sat with his legs up on the drink booth, holding a cigarette in his hand, and the cigarette butt flickered in the darkness.

Next to him, Zhou Dafu, the head of the "Rainbow Art Troupe" who signed a contract with the song and dance hall, was serving him with a smile on his face, waiting to hear Song Zhichao's review of the team's performance tonight.

Speaking of the review, Zhou Dafu was a little unhappy, but he couldn't show it.

For a long time, the team he led sang and danced in song and dance halls, and they didn't need to be audited.In particular, he, Zhou Dafu, had a good relationship with Diao Jiahua, the former head of the front office. They often drank and dined together, and went to have fun with girls.Every time before the show, all he had to do was report the list of programs to Diao Jiahua. Unlike now, he even had to rehearse on the spot, waiting for Manager Song to express his opinion.

But Zhou Dafu is also a smart person, as soon as he heard that Diao Jiahua was kicked away by the Song Boss in front of him, he knew that he would hurry up and hug the Song Boss' thigh as soon as possible.

What surprised Zhou Dafu was that Mr. Song looked too young, and on the surface he looked gentle, without the slightest murderous intent. It was incredible that Diao Jiahua was defeated by such a young man. .

"You said your name was Zhou Dafu?" Song Zhichao finally spoke.

"Yes, my name is Zhou Dafu."

"Then do you know that there is also a Chow Tai Fook in Hong Kong?"

"I know, the same people have different fates! There is only one word wrong, he is the big boss of a jewelry chain store, a jewelry tycoon, but I am a busker." Zhou Dafu said with a smile.

Although he is from the rivers and lakes, the "Chow Tai Fook" in Hong Kong is too famous, so Chow Tai Fu often uses his name to get a little light, and every time he introduces himself, he will say "I am not Hong Kong Chow Tai Fook, I am Pan Yu Chow Tai Fu" , I didn't expect that I hadn't spoken this time, but the other party brought it up first.

Seeing what Chow Tai Fu said, Song Zhichao didn't bother to explain to him that "Chow Tai Fook" in Hong Kong was not a person, but a jewelry brand.He turned his eyes away from Zhou Dafu's smiling face, and bet on the stage in front of him again.

On the dark stage, the neon lights of the rolling lights flashed colorful lights. A female singer in a revealing costume was holding a microphone and singing the theme song of the popular Singaporean TV series "Man on the Journey" cheerfully——
"Never blame fate's mistakes

不 怕 旅途 多坎坷
向 着 那 梦 中 地方 去

错 了 我 也 悔 过

life has been troubled
再 多 一 又 如何
若 没有 分别 痛苦 时刻

You won't cherish me..."

While singing the song, the female singer also swayed her hips and twisted her hips, trying to show her charm and sexiness through dancing as much as possible.It's just a pity that last night she and her friends had too much fun, smoking and drinking, which made her body weak and weak, so that she was not in a good condition on the stage at this time. When she sang, she was out of tune in several places. I didn't keep up with the beat.

But after glancing at the young general manager in the audience, the female singer didn't care, she thought, what does she know at such a young age, her hair hasn't grown yet, even if all the old lady sings out of tune, he probably wouldn't be able to hear it.

Off stage——
"Mr. Song, this Ah Mei is the pillar of our art troupe. He even participated in the singing competition in the province before. If it wasn't for the fact that he ate badly during the competition and didn't make it to the stage, why is Hang Tianqi singing "The Loess High Pond" now?" Mao Amin, who sang "Desire", is no match for her—I can guarantee that her singing skills are absolutely top-notch!" Zhou Dafu cheekily gave A Mei a thumbs up on the stage.

In the darkness, Song Zhichao showed a smiling face at Zhou Dafu, and pointed at the singer on the stage with a cigarette between his fingers: "So this is the pillar of your art troupe?"

Zhou Dafu's expression changed, "How do you say that?"

"She sang ten lyrics, and eight of them were out of tune; she was out of tune when she was dancing, who are you fooling?"

Zhou Dafu blushed, and just about to speak up to defend himself, the female singer A Mei on the stage sang out of tune again——
"Thousands of mountains and rivers have passed
一 缕情 丝 挣 不脱
纵然 此时候 情如火
心里 话儿 向 谁 说

我 不 怕 孤单 寂寞

As long as you miss me too..."

This time Zhou Dafu was too embarrassed to explain, so he nodded and bowed to Song Zhichao with a smile on his face: "This stinky girl must have drunk too much last night and hasn't cheered up yet. But don't worry, I will teach you a lesson." Hers, make sure to adjust the situation during the official performance." Then she stared at the stage and looked at A Mei, "Hmph, it's too outrageous! I don't know who I played with so crazy last night, I will definitely teach you a lesson Yes!" Zhou Dafu rubbed his hands, showing a stern look.

Song Zhichao puffed out his cigarette and said casually, "I heard that you were the one who had a party with her last night."

Zhou Dafu was taken aback suddenly, his chubby face froze, and he quickly squeezed out a smile: "How is it possible? If I were here, I would advise her not to be so crazy! The singer's physical health and mental state are very important, I understand these things !" Secretly, cold sweat broke out down the spine, not understanding how Song Zhichao knew this.

Song Zhichao smiled, without speaking, he took out a white napkin from the drink booth, handed it to Zhou Dafu and said, "Wipe it!"

"Oh, thank you!" Zhou Dafu took the tissue and wiped his forehead and the back of his head, "Actually, it's not hot. I'm interested, haha."

"I didn't ask you to wipe it," Song Zhichao pointed at Zhou Dafu's chin humorously, "I asked you to wipe it."

"Oh?" Zhou Dafu was taken aback for a moment, quickly took the napkin and wiped his chin, then his face turned red, and the napkin was stained with lipstick marks.Needless to say, it must be the "evidence" left by that damn girl when she went crazy last night.

Zhou Dafu's whole body softened. He never expected that the first time he saw this President Song, he would be stripped naked by the other party, without even hiding any privacy.At this moment, how dare he underestimate the youth of the other party, the other party is simply more difficult to deal with than a thousand year old demon.

"Sorry, Mr. Song, I was the one to be rude. In fact, we are just running around the rivers and lakes as a performer to make a living. Your lord has a lot. If you are not satisfied with anything, just point it out and we will definitely correct it. If you think we treat you Not respectful enough, I will definitely bring a big gift to visit some other day, so please show me your hand and let us go this time."

Zhou Dafu completely succumbed and begged Song Zhichao to show his respect.

Song Zhichao was noncommittal, he just pinched the cigarette butt in a circle with his finger, gently extinguished it, and said to Zhou Dafu: "Watch the show first——what's next?"

(End of this chapter)

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