Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 27 027 [I'm making a shock]

Chapter 27 027 [I'm making a shock]

The next program was "Breakdance" by a male and female duo.

According to Zhou Dafu, head of the Rainbow Art Troupe, this show is the most popular dance performance at the moment. Among other things, the male dancers who perform this show alone are known as the "Little Prince of Thunderbolt" in the entire circle, and they can almost do All the difficult moves, I used to be on a TV show with the "break dance" dancer Tao Jin; there is also that female dancer, who is also very good, her figure and dancing skills are first-class, every time she dances, she can make a lot of men The audience chattered.

Seeing that Song Zhichao was silent, Zhou Dafu asked Song Zhichao if he knew who "Tao Jin", the current "Disco Dancer", performed at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala last year. It was amazing.

On the stage, the dancer who was called "Little Prince of Thunderbolt" by Zhou Dafu was a well-built young man, very passionate.Wearing a white dance suit, which is the kind of loose clothing for break dancing, the trousers are like bloomers, the crotch is so big that a piglet can be stuffed in it, and white "pullback shoes" are worn on the feet, and a pair of straps is tied on the head. A red bandage, with three words embroidered on the bandage -- "Breakdancing".

Zhou Dafu asked the "Little Thunderbolt Prince" to show Song Zhichao Manager Song, and the young man turned on the tape recorder and played a very explosive breakdance song, which was an episode from the American movie "Breakdance" a long time ago.

Accompanied by fast-paced break-dancing music, the young man kept doing "moonwalk" slides on the stage, break-dancing over electricity, cleaning glass, pulling ropes, pulling steel wires, and pretending to be robots.

Seeing that the little prince of Thunderbolt showed his skills, Zhou Dafu gave the female dancer another wink, and the female dancer also entered the stage from the side.In terms of her clothes, they are different from men's. Men's clothes are specially designed for dancing. There are only two words to describe her clothes, which is sexy!
Exaggerated fluffy curly hair, face with heavy makeup, black cool bat shirt exuding charming charm, red leggings are enchanting and charming.

The female dancer shrugged her chest and lifted her hips as soon as she appeared on stage, shaking her hips and shaking her waves, it was really hot.

Song Zhichao stopped smoking, and was fiddling with the matchbox provided by the dance hall, staring at the dance on the stage, his eyes wandering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhou Dafu has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and he has never met someone so incomprehensible as Song Zhichao. He babbled a lot by himself, but the other party didn't say a word.

Song Zhichao didn't say a word, Fat Fafu felt that the other party was unpredictable, and felt that his mouth was dry and he was about to be played to death.

"Captain Zhou, do you know who will be here tonight?" Song Zhichao said, turning his head and staring at Zhou Dafu.

It was only then that Zhou Dafu realized that Song Zhichao's eyes were extraordinarily bright, especially in this dark environment, the two pupils were like stars in the dark night, shining with a cold light.

He swallowed, "I heard that it seems to be Miss Fu from Hong Kong. She is coming here to watch the show tonight."

Song Zhichao smiled, "She comes every month, doesn't she?"

Zhou Dafu coughed, "That's right...she always comes very late every time, and stays for a long time before leaving."

"Then she likes your performance?"

"This..." Zhou Dafu's face was ugly. I don't know how many times I was scolded by that bastard in my memory. Every time I showed her a show, she didn't like it. Either the scolding was too bad, or my art troupe was bad. Waste wood group.

In short, that woman is a demon, and she poured wine on herself several times, humiliating herself so much that she couldn't hold her head up.At this moment, thinking of that Miss Fu's terrifying roar and moody behavior, Zhou Dafu was frightened into a cold sweat.

Song Zhichao knocked on the table with his finger, "Since this is the case, have you thought about improving it?"

"Improvement?" Zhou Dafu came back to his senses and was taken aback for a moment.

"Change these dances." Song Zhichao pointed to the performance on the stage. "At least change it so that Miss Fu thinks it's good and she can watch it."

"I have thought about it, but this kind of thing is not so easy to do - break dancing is already very good, so I have to change it!" Zhou Dafu said with a bitter face.

"Is it necessary to change it, or are you too lazy to change it?" Song Zhichao squinted at him.

Without waiting for Zhou Dafu to answer——
"Are they learning things quickly?" Song Zhichao pointed to the actors on the stage and asked.

"What?" Zhou Dafu was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "They are very eye-catching, and they learn things quickly!"

"That's good. Don't jump, tell them to go to my office." After Song Zhichao finished speaking, he stood up.

"To your office? Excuse me, what are you doing?"

Song Zhichao looked back at Fatty, "Of course it's going to be a shock!" After speaking, he pointed to the stage, then to Zhou Dafu, and said, "Break dancing? It's too low!"

Break dancing too low?

It took Zhou Dafu a long time to figure out what "too LOW" meant.

He can't accept it, break dancing is not fashionable yet, what is fashionable?Now break dancing is performed in the streets and alleys, and it is very popular even abroad.

On second thought——
Could it be that there is something more fashionable than break dancing in this world?

Song Zhichao locked the two dancers, a man and a woman, in his office and didn't know what he was doing.Accompanied by very rhythmic dance music, only the sound of crackling was heard continuously.

The female employee Wang Yan who was in charge of delivering tea to Song Zhichao went in for a while, and when she came out, she was surrounded by Wang Xiaofeng, Zeng Xiaohong and others, asking her what the boss was doing inside.

Wang Yan said solemnly: "Climb a tree."

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, I don't understand.

But what everyone didn't understand was that Song Zhichao actually summoned Fat Boy Bo, who had just been transferred to the purchasing department, into the house again, and he didn't know what job he had been assigned.

After Fatty Bo came out, he looked confused.

Everyone asked him, "What did Mr. Song ask you to do?"

Fat Boy Bo replied: "I don't know either, I just drew something and let me do it."


"No, this is it!"

Everyone looked and saw a stick drawn on the blueprint.

Everyone looks at me again, and I look at you, feeling that their intelligence is not enough.

At this time, Pan Wenbin, who was subdued by Song Zhichao and betrayed Diao Jiahua, glanced at the blueprint, raised his head and said in doubt, "Could it be... a pillar of support?"

"What kind of pillar is Qingtian? Don't talk nonsense!" His companion Jiang Chao was also very puzzled.

"I told you not to read --- have you seen "Journey to the West"? The golden cudgel played by Monkey King in it is a pillar that holds up the sky!"

"You mean... Mr. Song asked them to dance the golden cudgel?"

A group of people understood.

It is possible that the TV series "Journey to the West" is very popular, and it must be broadcast every summer vacation, especially the scene of Monkey King dancing the golden cudgel is very sharp.Many stars have performed on TV shows.

"Bruce Lee played with nunchucks, we dance with golden cudgels!"

"This idea is really..." Fat Boy Bo and others did not dare to say the word "bad" in the back, after all, Song Zhichao's decisive killing not long ago is still vivid in his memory, "I just don't know... Has anyone read it!"

 Thanks for the rewards of Perfect Track and History of Blood and Tears of God! ! !Thank you Bing Tie!

(End of this chapter)

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