Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 28 028 [Cool wind has faith, autumn moon is boundless]

Chapter 28 028 [Cool wind has faith, autumn moon is boundless]

At eight o'clock in the evening, Yuegui Clothing Store delivered the "Korean version" suit that Song Zhichao ordered very punctually.

In fact, after Miss Baoxia took the design sketch given by Song Zhichao back after measuring the size, master Luo immediately started to cut it according to Song Zhichao's design style.

Like Miss Baoxia, Master Luo was amazed at the design of Song Zhichao's suit when he saw the sample for the first time.It can be said that he has been making suits for so long, and this is the first time he has seen such a design, so that he himself is very eager to make the suit as soon as possible to see what the finished product looks like.

A suit worth 150 yuan is not cheap in this era. Master Luo is also very honest. He uses the best fabrics for suits, and he never cut corners. His sewing skills are also inherited from his family. , absolutely no problem.

However, Master Luo usually makes an appointment for two days, three days or even one week to help people make suits. During such a time, he can easily arrange work; It is a great challenge for Master Luo to come out with the suit.

For many veteran craftsmen, slow work leads to meticulous work, and the slower the clothes making, the better, so as to ensure that every size, every seam, and even every button of the suit are perfect.The management of traditional crafts depends on their excellent crafts, and they must not be perfunctory in order to rush.

This time, Master Luo did not abide by his principle of "slow work and careful work". He tried his best to catch up with the work. The particularly strenuous work, such as pedaling the sewing machine, picking up the thread, moving the needle, ironing, etc., was all done by Baoxia.

Master Luo has no children, only Baoxia is a female apprentice.When Master Luo took Baoxia, a dumb girl whom no one wanted, as his apprentice, he didn't intend to pass on her true skills.Now that I'm old, I can't just watch my skills disappear, so Master Luo plans to pass on all his skills to Baoxia from this moment on.

Although Master Luo didn't say this, Baoxia clearly felt the master's intentions; you know, in the past, the master would only let herself do some chores, such as sprinkling water and sweeping the floor, tidying clothes, and would never let herself touch These things, but now I have started to teach myself the skills of sewing clothes.

The dumb girl Baoxia was full of excitement. She didn't know how long she had been waiting for this day. Sometimes she even dreamed that her master was teaching her skills.

It can be said that the suit Song Zhichao ordered was actually Baoxia's first creation.So she exhausted her mind and gave her fullest enthusiasm.

During this period, in order to make the suit perfect, Baoxia, a dumb girl, had her hands pricked countless times with sharp needles. In order to achieve the best effect, she spared no effort to make every needle eye and every thread Seamless.

For Baoxia's serious attitude, Master Luo saw it in his eyes, kept it in his heart, and nodded secretly.

Master Luo did not withdraw until the suit was finished, and asked Baoxia to iron the clothes for the last time, while he lay down on the rocking chair exhausted, picked up his pickle-billed teapot with his hands, and drank tea while biting the spout , shaking the rocking chair and said to Baoxia: "You go, send the clothes over, don't keep the guests waiting."

Baoxia nodded and was about to fold and iron the suit, but Master Luo said, "Wait a minute, you still have one thing to do."

Baoxia was startled, and asked in sign language, "What are you doing?"

Master Luo pointed to the neckline of the clothes, "In the past, my name was always embroidered on the neckline, but you are the one who contributed the most to this dress, so let's embroider your name!"

Baoxia was stunned, her hands were trembling while holding the suit, as if she couldn't believe what the master said just now.

Seeing Miss Baoxia staring at him with big black eyes, with a look of astonishment on her face, Master Luo smiled and said, "Didn't you hear me clearly? Your name is embroidered on this dress."

Baoxia "Ayi Ayi", pointing to her clothes, then to herself.

Master Luo nodded, "Yes, I don't need to say it again."

Only then did Baoxia realize that she was not dreaming, and she burst into tears.

Looking at the tearful Baoxia, Master Luo shook his head, "Silly girl, what's there to cry about, I really don't understand."

But Baoxia cried louder and louder. Abandoned without father or mother, she finally found the value of her existence.

"I can make clothes. I will make a lot of clothes in the future." Baoxia cried and said to herself.

Master Luo lay on the rocking chair, drank tea, closed his eyes, beat the beat with one hand, and sang softly: "The cool wind has faith, and the autumn moon is boundless. Looking at my sentimental mood is like a year... Today, it is difficult to meet each other. So the lonely boat is quiet and the evening scene is cool. You watch the setting sun shine on a pair of flying swallows, and you lean on the canopy window and think quietly..."

This Cantonese song is Nanyin's "The Autumn Sorrow of a Ketu". Many older people like to listen to it and sing it.


In front of the big mirror——
After Song Zhichao saw the Korean version of the suit he ordered, he felt very satisfied. He tried it on and saw that the person in the mirror was chic and handsome, especially against the suit style, his figure looked particularly long.

In his previous life, many of Song Zhichao's clothes were custom-made by Italian craftsmen, and occasionally he would ask veteran craftsmen from the Mainland to help make clothes or shoes.

However, with the gradual disappearance of domestic veteran craftsmen and the gradual decline of that ancestral craftsmanship, Song Zhichao never met a suitable craftsman, and basically handed over to foreign craftsmen.

Sometimes Song Zhichao can't help feeling emotional, why can't China's thousands of years of traditional craftsmanship be protected?On the contrary, why can foreign traditional crafts be maintained for thousands of years?
When Song Zhichao was trying on clothes, the dumb girl Baoxia stood aside, watching with nervous expression.Her fingers kept curling the corners of her clothes. It was not until Song Zhichao finished arranging the suit and turned around from the mirror that she dared to ask in sign language: "I made this dress. If something doesn't suit you, I'll make it up again." I will do it for you, no money will be charged."

Song Zhichao understood her sign language, and smiled at her, "I'm very satisfied, I'm interested."

Baoxia laughed, her dark cheeks brimming with excitement, and she gestured with her hand: "As long as you are satisfied, I will tell the master. Thank you, Mr. Song, you are a good person!"

"Hold out your hand," Song Zhichao said.

Baoxia froze for a moment, but still stretched out her hand.

Song Zhichao took a look at what kind of hand it was, rough and thick, not at all smooth and tender as a girl's slender hand, but full of needle holes and calluses.

Song Zhichao held this hand.

Being held by someone, Baoxia was surprised at first, then embarrassed, and then remembered that her hand was too ugly, so she wanted to take it out of Song Zhichao's hand.

Song Zhichao gripped her hand tightly, then stuffed ten yuan into her palm, and said, "Old rules, errand fees."

Baoxia didn't know what to say, she took the money and made random gestures, meaning: "I can't take this money! I really can't take it!"

Song Zhichao smiled at her and said, "You forgot, as I said, I will never take back the money I send out."

Baoxia scratched her head, still making gestures.

Song Zhichao showed a hint of encouragement in his eyes, "Put it away. In the future, you will be a very good craftsman, and many people will line up to ask you to help make clothes. But you must remember, I am your number one A guest." After speaking, he winked at Baoxia.

At that moment, Baoxia remembered his name was Song Zhichao, and even more remembered his encouraging eyes.


I want to be the best tailor!

I make the best clothes!

(End of this chapter)

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