Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 29 029 [The Art of Packaging]

Chapter 29 029 [The Art of Packaging]

The Caesar Song and Dance Hall at eight o'clock in the evening is the time when the most guests come to the door.

I saw that the deserted parking lot during the day was already full of all kinds of vehicles, most of which were bicycles. Apart from the big brands of Feige, Yongjiu, and Phoenix bicycles, there were also some high-end "mountain bikes".

The "mountain bike" of this era is a fashionable car. A bike costs about 500 yuan, which is twice the price of an ordinary bicycle.Cycling with handlebars and buttocks pouted has become the most fashionable pursuit of many young people.Therefore, when a young man riding a mountain bike brings his girlfriend to the ballroom to play, all kinds of envious and jealous eyes will be cast around him.

But compared with these mountain bikes, it is motorcycles that are more attractive."Yamaha", "Wuyang", "Guangyang", and even some miscellaneous brands such as "Qianjiang", "Zongshen" and "Jianjian" can detonate the rate of return outside the ballroom, killing those proud mountain car.

Looking at the singing and dancing hall, it was even more noisy. There were only a few people in the venue, but all kinds of guests had already poured in.

As the big boss of the dance hall, Brother Mark has not yet appeared. Miss Fu is coming to inspect tonight. He, Uncle Kun and others have a lot of things to do. First of all, they need to clear up the income accounts, and then arrange Miss Fu's meals Accommodation, of course, the most important thing is how to clean up Miss Fu.

In matters of face, Mark has always been very considerate, not to mention the so-called inspections by the other party, every time he comes, he is making trouble for him.In order to reduce trouble, Mark can only do enough to save face, so that Miss Fu can't even find an excuse.

Mark covets the Caesars Dance Hall and wants to eat it. The reasons are very simple. First, it is his painstaking effort, and it was built by Zhang Tiezhu.From scratch, from deserted to bustling, Zhang Tiezhu has painstakingly created an entertainment empire.In this ballroom, he is the real Caesar, and no one can replace him.

Second, this business is very profitable.We must know that singing and dancing halls are a hugely profitable industry in this era. The income from tickets, drinks, and other gray income can even reach an astonishing tens of thousands of yuan in one night.

Not to mention anything else, in the Caesar Song and Dance Hall, there is a charge for every drink booth.Different fees are charged depending on the distance from the stage.

For example, now, the ordinary booths worth three yuan have already been booked, and only the ten booths at the nearest ten yuan to the stage have not yet been booked.

The service staff in the dance hall have long been accustomed to everything in front of them, so most of them are serving around the three-dollar booths, and the front row looks deserted.

Now, as waiters, what they have to do is to do their job well and provide customers with good drink service.By the way, beware of the new general manager Cha Gang.In the past, those managers and supervisors always liked this, jumping out from time to time to check the posts, scolding them if they found any problems, or directly fined them and deducted their wages.That Diao Jiahua was even worse, all the money withheld fell into his own pocket, and it was more than his monthly salary in one night.

Song Zhichao has no habit of staring at employees for fines.For him, it is a sign of incompetence for a leader to rely on this to monitor the work of employees.

In the dazzling rock lights, Song Zhichao was leaning against a corner of the hall, playing with a matchbox in his hand. When the newly promoted supervisor Wang Xiaofeng passed by him, Song Zhichao waved to him.

Seeing the gesture, Wang Xiaofeng immediately put down his work and walked towards Song Zhichao.

From the foreman to the supervisor, for Wang Xiaofeng, Song Zhichao is his own bole, and he has the kindness to know him.Originally thought that under Diao Jiahua's suppression, he would have no future, but he didn't expect that Song Zhichao would promote himself to be a supervisor as soon as Diao Jiahua collapsed, focusing on the front office service of the ballroom.This also made Wang Xiaofeng tearfully grateful to Song Zhichao.

"Mr. Song, what do you want from me?" Wang Xiaofeng wiped the sweat from his forehead. It was his first day as a supervisor. He was very active and did a lot of work.

Song Zhichao pointed to the ten empty decks, "What do you think is the difference between these decks and those?"

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the three-yuan drink booths, and they were basically full of people, but no one cared for the first ten-yuan booths.

"It's nothing different." Wang Xiaofeng said puzzled, "The tables, chairs and benches are all the same, and they are all wiped clean. It's just that the price in front is a bit more expensive, so no one wants to sit there."

"Why don't you sit?" Song Zhichao glanced at the ten card seats again, and finally told Wang Xiaofeng, "You arrange for someone to combine the ten card seats, two into one, and five; Full of fruits and snacks, say that these fruit snacks are specially shipped from abroad; Zhongyou, light candles, say that they are high-end candles from France-have you ever seen a candlelight dinner, it must be as romantic as that! Finally , the most important point, a card seat sells for 100 yuan, not a penny less!"

Wang Xiaofeng was dumbfounded, "Ten card seats combined to become five? And sell one for 100? There is no seat for ten yuan, [-] yuan, let the ghost sit?!"

However, Song Zhichao was his immediate boss, not to mention his great benefactor. Although Wang Xiaofeng didn't understand, he still followed Song Zhichao's orders.

They called a few waiters, and quickly settled everything. They bought some apples, bananas, and pears from the kitchen. Finally, according to Song Zhichao's instructions, they went outside to purchase very large and foreign-style candles, and decorated the five booths beautifully. .

Sure enough, when the candles were lit, the entire dance hall was attracted by this unique booth, and didn't understand what it was doing.

According to Song Zhichao's instructions, Wang Xiaofeng notified them that the song and dance hall will hold a themed event tonight, and the content of the event is - Caesar's "Romantic Night".

The first five decks are specially prepared for couples, with fresh fruits from RB airlifted as gifts, as well as couple candles imported from France, allowing you to have a larger private space and watch the performances up close; at the end, it is emphasized that only five, The fee is one hundred, and it will be gone after booking.

After the notification was over, Wang Xiaofeng was worried, worried that Mr. Song's trick would be useless, how could any fool spend 100 yuan to sit in such a seat, unless he had a brain problem.

Other people in the ballroom, such as Pan Wenbin, Jiang Chao, Zeng Xiaohong and others also felt that doing so was a waste of effort, no fool would spend more than a month's salary to sit in a booth.

What is the concept of "one hundred yuan" in this era?
The monthly salary of factory workers is only seventy or eighty.

There are 8 eggs for one yuan, and 100 eggs for 800 yuan.

100 yuan is equal to 21 catties of pork and 330 catties of rice, which is equivalent to the expenditure of many rural people for half a year.

Who can sit in such a booth? !
(End of this chapter)

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