Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 31 031 [Miss Fu]

Chapter 31 031 [Miss Fu]

"A Chao, I didn't bother you! It's your first day working here, how do you feel?"

Finding an opportunity, Mark brought Uncle Kun and Wang Defa to Song Zhichao with a smile.

Seeing him, Song Zhichao said, "I feel like... I haven't seen you for a day, Brother Mark, you look a lot more handsome."

Mark smiled, "I knew you could talk. But no matter how handsome you are, you can't be more beautiful than you! Let alone your hairstyle, and your suit looks very chic... Where did you buy it, give me the address, and I will buy it too set!"

Song Zhichao glanced at Wu Bingkun next to Mark and said, "It's OK to ask Uncle Kun, he knows better than me."

Wu Bingkun said a few words to Mark softly, Mark showed a little surprise on his face, and then asked Song Zhichao: "Did you design this style yourself?" He couldn't help but look at Song Zhichao's suit more, and then compare the clothes he was wearing. Compared with Song Zhichao's slim fit, the double-breasted suit looked extra bulky.

"Just design it for fun." Song Zhichao took it over with a sentence, "By the way, Brother Mark, do you mind if I changed the deck?"

"Of course I don't mind! You help me earn a lot, I'm not too happy!" Mark put a hand on Song Zhichao's shoulder, stared into Song Zhichao's eyes and said, "I'm not mistaken, Chao, you are a talent. "

"Thank you Mark for your compliment."

"It's not that I praise you, it's that you have such strength." Mark smiled, "I just wonder if you can handle Miss Fu tonight."

Song Zhichao also laughed, "If you don't try, how will you know if it will work?"

"Hahaha, that's what I like about you, dare to try!" Mark patted Song Zhichao's shoulder lightly, "You said it before, how can I cooperate?"

Song Zhichao's mouth curled up: "It's simple, all you have to do is—"

With a "bang", Song Zhichao raised his fist and hit Brother Mark's face hard.

Mark was caught off guard and was punched to the ground, with blood spattering from the corner of his mouth.

Uncle Kun and Wang Defa were all dumbfounded. They never thought that Song Zhichao would be so bold to attack brother Mark suddenly.

"What are you doing?"

"You are crazy!"

When the two came back to their senses, they were about to attack Song Zhichao.

At this time, Song Zhichao moved his wrist and said to them: "I'm really sorry! It turns out that Brother Mark doesn't understand gold bell shields and iron cloth shirts. The rumors are false! Don't be idle, help me quickly." Brother Mark went to the hospital——Brother Mark was injured and went to the hospital, so he can no longer receive Miss Fu here, many people here have seen it, right..."

Uncle Kun and Wang Defa were stunned.

Brother Mark, who was helped up, had already understood Song Zhichao's intentions. He wanted to laugh, but his face twitched in pain.

"This punch is sharp, I like it! Everyone has seen that I was injured, of course I have to go to the hospital for an examination first! What are you still doing in a daze, of course you go to the hospital with me! As for this, I will leave it to Ah Chao is fully responsible!"

Wu Bingkun and Wang Defa also understood.

Brother Mark and them are not suitable to appear in the dance hall tonight.

After all, in name, Brother Mark is still a wage earner of the Fu family.If he had a face-to-face showdown with Miss Fu and wanted to sell the dance hall, it would be tantamount to turning against the Fu family, and it would inevitably be ugly.

As for Uncle Kun and Wang Defa, they can't even show up. Their status is not as good as that of Brother Mark. If Miss Fu gets mad at that time, they will be the first to suffer.

In contrast, without Brother Mark and others, Song Zhichao can truly monopolize the power and play games with Miss Fu as a third party. As for how he handles Miss Fu, this is Song Zhichao's own business.

Under the "witness" of many guests and waiters, the injured brother Mark left the dance hall in a hurry with the support of Uncle Kun and Wang Defa, and went out to seek medical treatment.

The dance hall was once again bustling, but the way everyone looked at Song Zhichao became very strange.After all, he really hit Brother Mark just now, and he vomited blood from his mouth.

Needless to say, Wang Xiaofeng, Zeng Xiaohong, Pan Wenbin, Jiang Chao and others, with their brains, they couldn't figure out why Mr. Song dared to KO the big boss. Could it be that he was really joking?

Zhou Dafu, the head of the art troupe, was even more speechless, even daring to hit his own boss, this Song Zhichao was either an idiot or a lunatic.

Song Zhichao didn't mind being treated like a lunatic at all. At this moment, he lit a match with a leisurely expression, lit a cigarette with his hands together, glanced at the lively dance hall, and gently exhaled the cigarette.

Now, all he has to do is—wait!


At nine o'clock in the evening, near Luohu customs——
A black Santana limousine headed straight for Panyu County, surrounded by dim street lights.

In this era, the most common car in the mainland is the Santana, and the advertising slogan "Owning a Santana, you can travel all over the world without fear" is even more popular.

In fact, in the following decades, Santana became the most popular model on domestic streets. At its peak, it had a market share of more than 60% in the domestic auto market, and achieved a cumulative production and sales volume of nearly 400 million.

It can be said that in the early 200s when the per capita monthly income was less than 90 yuan, a 20-yuan Santana was no worse than the future Porsche.

But such a "luxury car" is a very rubbish model in the eyes of the driver at this time.

As the four-person bodyguard and driver of Miss Fu's family in Hong Kong, Chen Biao, who has a sturdy body and a cold face, has no favorable impression of this type of car.He is used to driving the most common BMWs, Mercedes-Benz, and Bentleys. For this low-end Santana, Chen Biao always feels like a rough country woman lying on the bed, unable to arouse the slightest interest in riding the horse.Whether it's the simplicity of the control room, the feel of the gear lever, or the weak power of the car, nothing satisfies him.

Chen Biao was driving the car, frowning; sitting in the passenger seat with a parted head and wearing myopia glasses, "Master Su" was also frowning, but he was frowning because of the master sitting behind——Fu Miss Fu Qingying.

Not long ago, Master Su had already called that Mark, meaning to get Mark ready to welcome Miss Fu grandly later.But after calling three or four times, they didn't get through.Later, Master Su got annoyed, so he called again with another phone, and this time he got through, but before Master Su could give his name, the other party suddenly hung up again.

This was hard to imagine before.

You know, Miss Fu is the person appointed by the Fu family to be in charge of all Pan Yu's business.In the past, the Mark boy, as long as he heard that it was Miss Fu's call, he would immediately fawn on him. If Miss Fu was not happy, he would run over like a shit, but now...

"This Mark boy has become more courageous!" Master Su couldn't help muttering in his heart, and then looked at Miss Fu's face again, and the hanging heart in his heart hung up again.

On the back seat of the car, Fu Qingying, who was dressed in a female professional suit, looked serious, cold to be exact.

In terms of appearance, she is definitely a rare beauty, with willow eyebrows and phoenix eyes, Qiong nose and cherry mouth, typical melon-seeded face, face like powder, skin like fat, the influence of the big family, let her body naturally reveal a Aristocratic and elegant temperament.It's just that at this moment, her phoenix eyes are full of evil, and the corners of her eyes are slightly raised, giving people a sharp and powerful gaze.

"Is the phone connected yet?"

"No—" Master Su adjusted his myopia glasses, and hurriedly turned around to answer.

"Where's Diao Jiahua, did he call?"

"I hit it, but no one picked it up!" Master Su felt that a storm was coming, and timidly scratched his middle part with his hands.

Fu Qingying slowly closed her eyes, clenched her fists tightly, and took a deep breath——
Master Su could feel her aura growing slowly, and it was about to explode.

Even Chen Biao, who was driving, felt it. He also held his breath, waiting for that moment of earth-shattering shock.

at this time--
Beep beep, beep beep!
The big brother next to Master Su's phone rang.

Master Su glanced at the phone number, turned his head and said to Fu Qingying, "Miss, it's Mark Boy."

Fu Qingying opened her phoenix eyes.

Master Su hurriedly answered the phone, "What are you doing, Mark? Do you know what day it is today? I'll call you a few times, why did you turn off the phone?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Master Su severely criticized Mark, with a bad tone.

Only then did someone over there speak, "Sorry, I'm not Mark, I'm Wu Bingkun, the HR manager of the dance hall."

"Mark was injured and hospitalized, let me call to tell you that he can't go to meet Miss Fu, I'm really sorry, let me convey his apology..."

Master Su's face was red and green, "What do you mean I'm sorry? The eldest lady is in the car now, if you have anything to say, let him tell the eldest lady directly, don't hide it!"

Over there, Wu Bingkun kept saying, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Master Su still wanted to get angry, but the other side said that the doctor came and it was inconvenient to continue the call, so he said "I'm sorry" again, and then hung up the phone directly.

Master Su was holding the big brother in a daze. These mainlanders have become bolder since then, daring to hang up their own phone calls one after another.

"Ahem, miss, Mark said he couldn't pick you up because of something... You see, should we find a place to rest first, or go directly to the ballroom?"

Fu Qingying's cherry lips parted slightly, her attitude was decisive: "Go to the dance hall!"

(End of this chapter)

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