Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 32 032 [Legend of Xiangjiang]

Chapter 32 032 [Legend of Xiangjiang]

A black Santana car is driving on a bumpy road.

In this era, Huaxia has not yet turned into a world-renowned "infrastructure maniac", and its infrastructure construction is still far from complete, especially in frontiers of reform and opening up like Pan Yu, where infrastructure facilities are still very lacking.Not to mention anything else, the street lights driving on both sides of the road at night alone sometimes disappear.

From prosperity to silence, from silence to prosperity, this small county shows its incomparable vitality after the reform and opening up.

In the deep night, countless factories are still brightly lit. From a distance, you can even hear the humming of machines. Being here, you feel as if you are in the era of the industrial revolution in the 60s—the towering chimneys drifting into the darkness The smog in the night sky, as well as the crowds of wage earners pouring in from all directions after the night shift, speaking various accents, made the night more lively than the day.

Fu Qingying asked Chen Biao to close the window of Santana's car, and immediately, the noise outside was cut off from the inside of the car.

Her ears were cleared, but Fu Qingying's heart was still disturbed.

As the eldest lady of a rich family in Xiangjiang, she originally had a good temper. She came from a famous family and received a good education. Although she is not a gentle lady, she is not the kind of woman with a bad temper that can be feared.

However, all of this ended after Fu Qingying married Lin Jiahao, the young master of the Lin family.

Fu Qingying still clearly remembers how the whole Xiangjiang was a sensation when the rich family faced the rich family, the aristocratic family faced the aristocratic family, when the two famous families in Xiangjiang, the Fu family and the Lin family formed a good relationship between Qin and Jin.

For this reason, "Ming Pao", which ranks among the best in sales, even published her "love story" between Fu Qingying and Lin Jiahao for three consecutive days.

When I went to study in the UK, I met him and got acquainted with the poetic "Cambridge". Lin Jiahao sang that well-known love poem, expressing his love for Fu Qingying.

After returning to Hong Kong, the two met again in the poetic and picturesque Victoria Harbour, stepping on the soft sandy beach together, admiring the beautiful sunset.

Romance is what their love story is all about.

Holding 99 roses in his hands, he publicly showed his love in the largest square in Causeway Bay.

Kneel down on one knee and say, "Will you marry me?"

Sweet drunk the hearts of many infatuated girls.

For many people, although this love is not a gifted scholar and a beautiful woman, it is a man of talent and beauty, and the whole process is extremely romantic.

But how many people know that this so-called "Xiangjiang love story" is actually a plot that has already been set, just like making a movie, walking through the process and spreading dog food all the way, the purpose is just to tell everyone, The Fu Lin family is about to get married, and the stocks of the two families should also rise if they are strong and strong.

In private, the reason why Fu Qingying married Lin Jiahao was only because it was a typical "family marriage". For the sake of the family, she had no right to choose love. Besides, she, Fu Qingying, never believed in the so-called "love" in this world. ".

There is no class distinction, no status and wealth barriers, such pure love only exists in romantic novels like "Notre Dame de Paris".For Fu Qingying, the real reality is the "Red and Black" written by Stendhal. The difference in class is a gap that can never be crossed. Only the "love" of the right family can last forever.

That's why Fu Qingying accepted the Lin family and the legendary "young talent" Lin Jiahao. She believed that even if the two of them had no relationship foundation and no so-called love, they could be cultivated after marriage.After all, the marriage of the Fu Lin family is more important than anything else.

However, the reality of marriage soon destroyed everything.

It was rumored that Lin Jiahao was a flirtatious person after marriage, he liked to flirt outside, paparazzi reporters photographed him hugging and having fun with some celebrity models several times.As a result, the relationship between Fu Qingying and Lin Jiahao fell into crisis, and the once-talented and talented girl turned out to be in harmony with each other.

But only Fu Qingying knew the reason for the real "breakup" between the two, and even she felt disgusted by keeping this "secret".

At this moment, when thinking of that extremely unappetizing "secret", Fu Qingying couldn't help but frown slightly, and a bad breath surged in her heart.

"Miss, do you need to open the window?" The driver Chen Biao saw Fu Qingying's expression through the rearview mirror, and thought that the air in the car was not flowing well, which made her feel chest tight, so he asked.

"No need." Fu Qingying said.

She closed her eyes again.

Chen Biao didn't dare to disturb her and stopped talking.

Master Su has been with Fu Qingying for so long, it can be said that he has been by her side since she got married. Just by looking at her expression at this moment, one can tell what the eldest lady is thinking.

Regarding this, Master Su could only shake his head, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.


After almost half an hour——
"Miss, we're here!" Master Su greeted Fu Qingying who was sitting in the back.

Fu Qingying opened her eyes. In the night, the Caesar Song and Dance Hall was like a bright pearl in the night, bright and bright.

Chen Biao got out of the car, walked to the door and opened it for Fu Qingying.

At this time, Master Su had already got off the car, but his face was a bit ugly, because he saw that there was hardly any reception preparation outside the ballroom.

This was unbelievable before.

In the past, when Ms. Fu came to inspect, Mark would hold an extremely grand welcome ceremony. Banners were a must, fireworks salutes, and even a band playing music; The scene, the situation, even Master Su, his follower, thought it was awesome!So enjoyable!But in front of...

"Fuck the street! What are you doing!" Master Su couldn't help but swear.

I saw bright lights at the entrance of the karaoke hall, and occasionally people came in and out, but no one came out to welcome them, let alone the cheering team, grand fireworks salute and gongs and drums.


Nothing at all!

As the driver and bodyguard of the Fu family, Chen Biao also felt very angry.

When he came with the eldest lady before, he was also treated like a super VIP. He was served with delicious food and drinks. There was a large group of people patting horses and shoeshine. Lose his face.But now—
He was used to being held up by others, but now being left alone, the huge contrast made him very uncomfortable.

Fu Qingying seemed very indifferent to this, ever since she learned that Mark was sick and hospitalized, she knew that there was something strange tonight; looking at the current lineup, not to mention, there must be something weird.

Just as Fu Qingying was thinking, a person walked out from the door of the ballroom.

Master Su could see it clearly, but it was Diao Jiahua's little follower Pan Wenbin who used to rush around the street.

Seeing Pan Wenbin come out, Master Su and Chen Biao thought it was Diao Jiahua who had greeted him and asked him to come out to see if Miss Fu was here.

But before master Su Chong and Pan Wenbin waved his hand to inform the street-striking that we were coming, we saw Pan Wenbin stretched out, leaning against the corner not far from the entrance of the ballroom, took out a cigarette, and glanced furtively at his surroundings , and began to smoke lazily.

It turned out that this guy came out to be lazy and addicted to smoking.

Seeing this, master Su's lungs almost exploded.

Chen Biao said, "I'm going to arrest this Pujie and ask what happened!"

But before Chen Biao walked over, another person walked out of the ballroom, waving at Pan Wenbin vigorously.

Master Su and the others also recognized this person, but it was Diao Jiahua's other follower, Jiang Chao.

These two can be said to be Diao Wenbin's second generals, Hum Ha, who used to flatter Master Su and Chen Biao when they received Miss Fu.

(End of this chapter)

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