Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 33 033【Inspection】

Chapter 33 033【Inspection】

"Abin, you're still slacking off here, you're getting busy inside! Hurry up!" Jiang Chao shouted at Pan Wenbin at the gate.

Pan Wenbin leaned against the corner and just took two puffs of a cigarette, and he wasn't finished yet. Seeing Jiang Chao yelling, he lazily said, "You hold on first, let me take a breath."

Jiang Chao walked over, "Are you breathing? I'm almost out of breath!"

Pan Wenbin put the cigarette in his mouth into Jiang Chao's mouth: "Come on, take a slow breath—the new official takes office three fires, we have to know how to be lazy, take your time, no one will die!"

Jiang Chao took a deep puff on his cigarette and let it out with a deep breath, "I'm really going to kill people, I didn't expect to be so busy tonight!"

"Business is good! If I were that crazy Hong Kong woman, I would be laughing. I don't have to do anything, and I can still make so much money!" Pan Wenbin said enviously.

"You mean Miss Fu?"

"Besides her, who else is there? But this crazy woman will come here at the end of every month to conduct inspections, making it look like the emperor is on a tour. Why is there no movement today?" Before Pan Wenbin finished speaking, he saw Jiang Chao beside him trembling. .

"Are you shaking? Is it cold, or do you have epilepsy?" Pan Wenbin turned his head curiously, and heard a slap, and a mouth hit him in the face, smoking all the cigarette in Pan Wenbin's mouth flew.

"Who hit me?" Pan Wenbin covered his face, and was about to get angry when he saw clearly that there were three people standing in front of him, Miss Fu, Master Su and Chen Biao.

At this moment, Chen Biao was staring at him fiercely. Needless to say, he was the one who slapped him just now.

Pan Wenbin also began to tremble.

"Hello, Fu, Miss Fu." His lips trembled a little.

Fu Qingying looked at him, "Where's Mark?"

"He was injured and went to the hospital."

With a slap, Chen Biao slapped him again, "Say it clearly! How did you get injured, and how did you go to the hospital?"

Pan Wenbin covered his face and was about to cry, "The new general manager didn't know what to do, he beat him, he was injured, so he went to the hospital!"

"The new manager?" Fu Qingying frowned.

Chen Biao watched her words and expressions, and after following Fu Qingying's side for so long, she immediately understood what she was thinking with every look and movement, so Chen Biao slapped Pan Wenbin and slapped Pan Wenbin, "Are you kidding me? The new manager dares to slap you." Mark?"

"What I said is true, he really hit Brother Mark... Everyone saw it!"

With a slap, Chen Biao mercilessly said, "What about Diao Jiahua, where is he, why doesn't he come out to meet Miss Fu?"

Pan Wenbin really cried, was beaten and cried. He didn't understand why this Chen Biao kept beating himself and not Jiang Chao.

"Something happened to Director Diao, so I'm not here!" Pan Wenbin covered his face with his hands after speaking, "Don't hit me again!"

With a slap, Chen Biao was fine this time, instead of hitting him, he hit Jiang Chao instead, "Tell me, what happened to Diao Jiahua?"

Jiang Chao wanted to kick Pan Wenbin's feet, endured the pain and said: "He was arrested by the police station!"

Fu Qingying was startled.

Chen Biao observed his words, and was just about to raise his hand to reward Jiang Chao with two slaps, but Jiang Chao had already taken the initiative to explain: "I'll say it, I'll say it all! It's like this..."

For a moment—
After listening to Jiang Chao's narration, Fu Qingying's expression remained unchanged, making it impossible to know what she was thinking.

On the contrary, Master Su and Chen Biao were a little bit impatient, especially that Chen Biao was gnashing his teeth, "This Song Zhichao is a ghost, and he even touches the eldest lady!"

Master Su looked at Fu Qingying and said, "It looks like this is a game tonight. Mark doesn't show up. There are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are kings. Miss, we have to be careful."

Fu Qingying snorted coldly, "It's just a clown, can it scare you like this?"

Master Su and Chen Biao didn't say a word.

Fu Qingying raised her eyebrows and said to Chen Biao: "Now, there is something for you to do!"


As the usher of the song and dance hall, Wang Yan is busy tonight.

Although she was mentally prepared and knew that at the end of the month, the business of the singing and dancing hall would be exceptionally good and there would be extraordinarily many guests, but such a hot scene like tonight is still rare.

With a dry mouth, she didn't know how much water she drank secretly, but her throat was still smoking.

"Hi sir, welcome!"

"Sir, do you need any help?"

"This way please, I'll take you in first!"

After a series of service procedures, Wang Yan's legs were a little sore. Just when she leaned on the big vase in front of the door and lowered her head to rub her legs, footsteps sounded.

"Hi sir, who are you?" Wang Yan professionally raised her head and greeted him with a smile.

Then, Wang Yan was stunned.

Looking at Pan Wenbin, who was beaten into a pig's head, and Jiang Chao, and then at the imposing master Su, who was wearing myopia glasses and had his head parted in the middle, with his hands behind his back, finally, his gaze fell on the frosty Fu Qingying. Yan swallowed involuntarily, and spat out three words jerky: "Miss Fu!"


No matter what age, some people will have their own halo when they appear.

Especially in the early 90s, the difference between Hong Kong people and mainlanders lies in the difference in dress, behavior and temperament.

For example, Hong Kong men like to spray cologne on their bodies, wear the most fashionable hairstyles, and wear fancy clothes.

The difference between Hong Kong women and mainland women is even greater, first of all in terms of makeup.

Most of the makeup of mainland women comes from the current fashion magazines "Beauty Salon" and "Popular Movies", or at least from the celebrity posters in hairdressing salons, or the stickers on those celebrity cassettes sold in the streets.

Many mainland women think that as long as they wear the same black eye shadow as the heroines of Hong Kong TV dramas, wear the same big plastic earrings, bat shirts, and fitness pants, they are also fashionable women, but the truth is not necessarily true. in this way.

Hong Kong women who are dressed in the same way stand with the mainland, and you can tell at a glance who is from Hong Kong and who is from the mainland without them even opening their mouths.

Fu Qingying is definitely the kind of woman whose temperament is most exposed. After this kind of temperament is restrained for a long time, it becomes a unique aura of a woman.

Therefore, when Fu Qingying arranged for Chen Biao to go to work, and she brought Master Su into the ballroom, countless people felt the huge aura that suddenly descended.

The male customers turned their heads.

The female customers all looked sideways.

At this moment, Fu Qingyao, with light footsteps and a slender jade neck, is proud like a snow-white swan.

She walked like a moving picture of a beauty.

When she passed through the crowd watching her and walked towards the front of the stage, Zhou Dafu, the head of the art troupe who had already heard the news, immediately came out to greet her, "Welcome Miss Fu, I have booked the best seat for you!"

The appearance of Zhou Dafu immediately broke the originally very beautiful picture, as if a toad suddenly appeared beside the beautiful swan.

Fu Qingying looked at the smiling Zhou Dafu, the corners of her slender eyes raised slightly.

Master Su, who fully understood Miss's mind, asked Zhou Dafu, "Which one are you?"

Zhou Dafu's chubby face was stunned for a moment, he had been in the dance hall for so long anyway, so he didn't know him at all.

It's so embarrassing.

But those who run the rivers and lakes have thick skins.

"I'm Zhou Dafu, not the Hong Kong Chow Tai Fook, but the head of the Rainbow Art Troupe, Zhou Dafu! Ms. Fu, we met before. I shook hands with you last time, and you praised me for doing a good job!"

Fu Qingying didn't speak, but Master Su laughed instead, "I remember when you said that... It seems that our young lady didn't praise you, but scolded you! Your show is messed up, like a circus, and finally Still playing with fire breathing, almost set the curtain on fire, who will praise you?"

Zhou Dafu blushed, "For me, scolding me is encouraging me to praise me, let our Rainbow Art Troupe make persistent efforts and create more excellent programs!"

Master Su shook his head: "You fat guy, you really have a thick skin." Then he looked at Fu Qingying, "Miss, do you think we..."

"Just sit here." Fu Qingying said.

Seeing that Fu Qingying had spoken, Zhou Dafu was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear. He hurriedly moved a chair for Fu Qingying, wiped it with his sleeve, and beckoned him to sit down.

"Miss Fu, you came just in time, we have prepared a special program for you today!"

"What kind of show, is it going to breathe fire again?" Master Su also sat down and teased.

"It's not fire breathing! It's a dance, a wonderful dance performance!" Zhou Dafu said joyfully, rubbing his hands. "Speaking of which, this dance was choreographed by the new Mr. Song. He said that it will definitely blow up the audience."

"President Song, what about Song Zhichao?" This was not the first time Fu Qingying heard Song Zhichao's name tonight.

"it's him."

"Detonate the audience?"

"That's right, that's what he said." Zhou Dafu had a small calculation in his heart, if Miss Fu felt uncomfortable after watching the show, he would put all the responsibility on Song Zhichao, and as for himself, he was innocent!

Fu Qingying smiled, contemptuous, disdainful!
"Then I want to see, what kind of dance is this!" His eyes were sharp.

(End of this chapter)

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