Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 35 035 [Who is stronger and who is weaker]

Chapter 35 035 [Who is stronger and who is weaker]

Fu Qingying glanced at Song Zhichao, and saw that the other party was wearing a chic suit, with a particularly slender figure, straight and white teeth, and a very sexy smile, a broad forehead, thick and soft hair, strange but handsome Her hairstyle was tough yet somewhat elegant, and her eyes twinkled, looking deep and mysterious.

Song Zhichao also looked at each other, this is a very beautiful woman, in terms of figure and appearance, no matter what era she is in, she is the ultimate beauty.It's just that her expression is too cold, as cold as ice, which washes away the natural femininity of women, but adds a bit of noble desire to be conquered by men. To be precise, she is the typical "iceberg beauty".

Generally speaking, as long as it is a man, when he sees Fu Qingying's overwhelming beauty, most of them will be seduced by sex and soul, and they will not be able to move.Especially those mainland men who have never seen the world, they can't see this otherworldly Xiangjiang beauty. They feel prettier than those big stars on TV. Just a glance at the other party will make them feel ashamed and feel that the other party is a fairy from heaven and earth. , I am just the mud and shit piled on the ground, and I feel extremely inferior in appearance and heart.

Even a decent man like Mark, under the pressure of Fu Qingying's powerful aura, would occasionally show a look of helplessness and embarrassment, so Fu Qingying believed that the mainland boy named Song Zhichao in front of him would not dare to meet his eyes Even if they look at each other, they will quickly dodge and lose the battle.

She was wrong.

Song Zhichao stared at her with a smile, his eyes did not mean to dodge at all, on the contrary, there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes.The meaning of this kind of playfulness is obvious, just like appreciating a piece of art and giving it a grade, pass or fail.

Song Zhichao gracefully held the red wine glass, handed it to Fu Qingying, his eyes swept across her face, her collarbone, her chest, and then to her small waist... so unscrupulous, so arrogant.

The corners of Fu Qingying's eyes twitched, her breathing became short of breath, and her gaze became sharp. She snatched the wine glass Song Zhichao handed to her, and without any explanation, splashed it directly at him.

Song Zhichao was already alert when the corners of her eyes moved, so the moment Fu Qingying raised the wine glass and poured out the red wine, he just moved casually and dodged to the left, and then the red wine splashed and splashed on the ground. The face of a hapless guy behind him.

Fatty Zhou Dafu didn't know what the fuss was about, so he rushed to report to Miss Fu, saying that a wonderful dance show was about to start, but he didn't expect to be blush before he got there liquor.

At this moment, Zhou Dafu froze on the spot like a puppet, the red wine dripped down his chubby face, not to mention his distressed appearance.

"Captain Zhou, what are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and thank Miss Fu, this wine is red wine from [-], a glass of wine is worth your salary for several months!" Song Zhichao greeted the stupid Zhou Dafu.

Zhou Dafu is also an old Jianghu. Hearing this, he immediately came to his senses. He wiped the wine from his face, stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, and said with a bright smile like a sunflower, "It's really good wine! Zhou Dafu thanks Fu Dafu Miss gave you wine, don’t waste it if you don’t have to drink it!” After speaking, he licked his fingers deliberately.

At this time Song Zhichao already understood why the other party was angry.No way, Song Zhichao often visited those high-end clubs in his previous life. All kinds of top-notch beauties at home and abroad, even female stars, were lined up in rows like auction items, and he was allowed to choose. His eyes are a bit unscrupulous and unobstructed... How can a woman like Fu Qingying, who is of noble birth and arrogant in her bones, be able to bear his eyes.

Knowing this, Song Zhichao narrowed his gaze a little, and smiled at Zhou Dafu, "Mr. Zhou, what's the matter with you running here?"

Zhou Dafu hurriedly said: "I'll tell Miss Fu that the next dance show is about to start, please watch carefully."

"I'm interested, and I'll thank you on Miss Fu's behalf." Song Zhichao didn't regard himself as an outsider at all, then turned to Fu Qingying and said, "The show is still underway, why don't you have a drink while enjoying the singing and dancing." Poured a glass of red wine, held it up, and handed it to Fu Qingying.

Next to him, Master Su saw everything clearly, and he couldn't help admiring the strength of the young man in front of him, who was so embarrassing even after being splashed with wine by the eldest lady.

Fu Qingying snorted slightly, with an indifferent expression, as if strangers should not approach her.

According to her status, she would not do things like splashing wine a second time, but she would not easily accept the red wine handed over by Song Zhichao—for this young man who looked respectful but was actually rebellious, she Disgusted from the bottom of my heart.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Song Zhichao smiled slightly, didn't mind her reaction, put the wine glass in front of her, and then bossed Zhou Dafu: "Let the dance begin!"

Zhou Dafu nodded and bowed his head and hurried away.

Song Zhichao turned his head, took out the cigarette case from his arms, knocked it casually on his hand, and knocked out a cigarette——
Master Su thought that he wanted to give him the cigarettes, and was considering whether to accept it or not. Unexpectedly, Song Zhichao said to him, "Is there a fire? Borrow a fire!"

Master Su had never seen such a person before, and he didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Song Zhichao stared at him again, and asked again with a smile: "Is there a fire?"

Beside, the foreman Zeng Xiaohong was touching the matches in his pocket, and just about to stand up, but the supervisor Wang Xiaofeng secretly pulled her back and gave her a look.

Master Su was full of anger and wanted to refuse, but when he opened his mouth, it became: "Well, there is—"

Master Su really wanted to slap himself in the face, it was too disappointing, how could he answer like that.

But at this time, he had already pulled out the lighter he carried with him, and with a bang, he lit it skillfully——
Song Zhichao leaned over, lit his cigarette with the lighter, then patted the back of Master Su's hand, and said, "You have a heart!" to express his gratitude.

Master Su looked stupid, he didn't understand why he would do these things by accident, as if everything just now was out of his control.

He looked at Song Zhichao, and then at Miss Fu, full of self-blame and grievance.

"Miss, I..." Master Su wanted to explain, but Fu Qingying didn't even look at him, her voice was like an oriole's cry, but her tone was cold and heartless: "Shut up, we'll talk later if we have anything to say, and watch the performance now. "

Master Su shut up, held back the anger in his stomach, glared at Song Zhichao, and sat down angrily.

Song Zhichao laughed in his heart, a servant is a servant, he will never know how to refuse, and he is also habitually skilled in helping to light cigarettes.

Song Zhichao pretended not to see Master Su's "sorrowful" eyes, pulled a chair away from him and sat down, leaned in a comfortable posture, crossed his legs, and enthusiastically said to the two of them: "This show is very good, Hong Kong is a good show." Nothing to watch!" After finishing speaking, he took a puff of cigarette, "If you want to see something, you can watch it, if you want to eat it, you can eat it, don't worry, this is Pan Yu, not Hong Kong!"

A pun with a long meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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