Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 36 036 [Local Tyrants Are Crazy]

Chapter 36 036 [Local Tyrants Are Crazy]

Strong singing and hot dancing has always been the most popular carnival show in Caesars Dance Hall. Now the strong singing is over and the hot dancing is about to begin.

When the rock lights on the stage start to flicker, the spotlights above everyone's heads start to go on and off, and the fast-paced "Savage King" disco dance music starts to play, everyone knows that the most exciting and hottest dance performance tonight is about to begin .

Compared with the popular "Ho Dong" and "Warrior" disco, the disco of "Savage King" is much faster in terms of melody and rhythm.If the first two are slow-paced swings, then the wild man's disco is fast-paced madness.

Sure enough, the moment the Savage's disco sounded, the entire dance hall exploded as if gasoline had been poured on it and immediately ignited!



"It's a sleepless night!"

"This is the city of Caesar!"

"I'm the king here! I'm going to howl! I'm going to be crazy! Whoa whoa whoa!"

Amidst the crazy shouts, there was a sound around the stage, and a string of fireworks exploded.

The sky is full of fireworks, gorgeous and colorful.

Even though she was sitting in the drink booth, Fu Qingying, who was calm and composed, couldn't help but be attracted by the beautiful fireworks in front of her eyes, her eyes flashed with surprise.

You know, the various performances in the dance halls in the past did not have this kind of fireworks scene. Only a few Hong Kong superstars held concerts to create such a gorgeous scene.I didn't expect that the dance hall would be willing to spend such a large amount of money tonight.

She couldn't help but glanced sideways at Song Zhichao.

I saw the other party leaning on the booth with a cigarette between them, looking relaxed and calm about everything in front of him.

Needless to say, he was the only one who could come up with such a ghostly idea.

Master Su also looked at the gorgeous stage in amazement, opened his mouth wide, and looked indescribably surprised.

Looking at the audience, they were also shocked by the explosion of fireworks in front of them. When they woke up from the shock, the first thing they had to do was - shout!

Whoop and scream!
Mix the best dance music and instantly evolve into a hormone-stimulating poison!

People started to go crazy, and in the midst of the madness, the lights on the stage were turned on, and a coquettish girl in a miniskirt danced around a bright steel pipe at some point.

Her posture is enchanting, her movements are bold, full of wildness, her slender legs are holding the steel pipe, and she is constantly doing all kinds of unimaginable movements.

And next to her was a man of the same build, also surrounded by a steel pipe, doing the same movements.

The two moved in unison, full of powerful visual impact.

Needless to say, this is what Song Zhichao instructed the two of them to create - Zhen Gu Shuo Jin - "Pole Dance".

This kind of dance, in the previous life, amazed countless people from the very beginning, and was criticized as a low-level dance full of low-level fun.It was not until later that it was slowly accepted by many people and became a fitness dance sought after by urban women and even men.

In the previous life, this kind of dance was so amazing, but now Song Zhichao showed it to the world in advance, the shocking force is definitely stronger than dropping ten atomic bombs.

At the scene, all the audience were completely shocked by this super exciting dance. They felt that their blood was surging upwards, and their whole bodies seemed to be stuffed with explosives, ready to explode at any time...

They stared at this unprecedented weird dance in a daze, dumbfoundedly, and had long forgotten the damn break dance, swing dance, three steps, four steps, five steps slow...

I don't know who howled, and the people who were in a daze came to their senses, and they all howled.


Demons dance!

The madness in the dance hall was completely ignited.

Those wealthy nouveau riche even got carried away and took out their wallets, throwing the banknotes in them on the stage and into the air recklessly. It seemed that only by doing so could they relieve the fiery passion deep in their hearts!

As a result, banknotes were flying all over the sky.

Everything is crazy.


As the head of the Rainbow Art Troupe, Zhou Dafu can be regarded as someone who has seen big scenes, but as it is now, male and female artists just danced on the pole with their arms on it, which attracted the audience to throw money all over the sky - top you Damn, this scene is really spectacular.

Zhou Dafu was staring at the bills flying all over the sky, and he was still in a dazed state, until a ten-yuan bill fluttered from the sky to the top of his head, and then slid across his cheek from the top of his head, and when his nose fell, Zhou Dafu grabbed it in his hand.


brand new!

Holding the banknote to the tip of his nose and smelling it, it was the smell of banknotes that he was no longer familiar with. Zhou Dafu finally came to his senses. He began to move his fat body like crazy, reaching out to grab the flying banknotes, one, two. Zhang, three or four!

Happiness, this feeling can only be experienced in dreams!
But this is not a dream, it is a real situation.

Looking around, other people in the dance hall and art troupe were also picking up wildly, so Zhou Dafu shouted loudly: "It has to be handed in! It must be handed in! Can you hear me clearly?"

Unfortunately, no one answered him, everyone was immersed in the dream of catching flying banknotes, and no one wanted to wake up.


As the instigator of this "money rain", Song Zhichao was also a little surprised.

Although Song Zhichao knew that he designed this kind of "pole dancing" that would surprise the world in advance, it would shock the audience, but he didn't expect the effect to be so strong; he didn't expect that people in this era are so passionate, rich people It's so generous.These people who throw money are more worthy of the title of "local tyrant" than those penniless rich people in later generations.

It's just that Song Zhichao doubted whether these local tyrants would cry when they woke up later, because seeing the scene where the money rained for a long time, at least it was almost tens of thousands!

"Wow! It's really spectacular!" Sitting next to Fu Qingying, the master Su Zao forgot his identity, with an excited expression, applauding.

It's no wonder that even though he is from Hong Kong, he has seen the world with Miss Fu, but the pole dance in front of him is too exciting, coupled with the "money rain" all over the sky, as well as the surrounding environment and atmosphere, the master Su couldn't help but "forget himself".

"Does it look good?"

"It's really beautiful! You don't even have to see Hong Kong!" Master Su happily replied casually. Then he turned his head and saw Song Zhichao looking at him with a smile. Song Zhichao asked the question just now.

Then look at the eldest lady Fu Qingying next to her, her face was already pale and she was staring at him angrily.

Master Su shuddered all over, and hurriedly said, "Miss, don't get me wrong, I mean this dance..."

Song Zhichao didn't give him a chance, "It seems that the dance is passable, so my reception is considered a success. Miss Fu, what do you think?" Song Zhichao looked at Fu Qingying with a smile.

Fu Qingying knew that it was time for a showdown.

"Why are you doing so many tricks? Is it just to receive me?"

"Hehe, Ms. Fu Mingjian, actually I have something to tell you..." After finishing speaking, Song Zhichao got up and made a polite gesture, "So can you move the big car to a quiet place?"

Fu Qingying glanced at Song Zhichao contemptuously, "What do you have to tell me? Unfortunately, I don't like the place you chose. If you want to talk, you can go to the place I arranged. How about it, do you dare to go?" Eyes full of provocation.

Song Zhichao smiled: "Miss Fu invites me, how dare I refuse to honor --- which place?"

(End of this chapter)

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