Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 38 038 [Sword]

Chapter 38 038 [Sword]

Seeing Fu Qingying throwing the contract on the ground, Song Zhichao was neither angry nor annoyed, he just picked it up, patted the dust on it, then looked up at Fu Qingying and said, "Miss Fu, I think you can make this suggestion Think again."

"Don't think about it!" Fu Qingying said decisively, "I can't find a reason to sell it at all."

Song Zhichao stood up, "The reason is actually very simple." He walked up to Fu Qingying and looked down at her: "First, Miss Fu actually doesn't like this dance hall, otherwise she wouldn't make troubles and destroy the dance hall from time to time. Although I don't know the reason, Ms. Fu must have no affection for this dance hall;
Second, the Fu family only invested in this dance hall and never managed it. Mark has always been in charge of it. His contribution is obvious to all. Now he just doesn’t want to be a wage earner. If the Fu family really knows people and is kind Ren, he should fulfill him;
Third, today's dance halls have helped the Fu family earn a lot of money. I roughly calculated that there are at least two or three million yuan. Reasonable, more than enough after taking into account the depreciation expenses of the ballroom over the years.

In short, the Fu family sold the ballroom and gained fame; Mark got the ballroom and followed his wish.Kill two birds with one stone, why not do it? "

A little surprise appeared on Fu Qingying's face, as if she didn't expect Song Zhichao to analyze the matter so finely.

"It is undeniable that I have underestimated you. You have a good eloquence and a quick mind, but I still have no reason to sell the dance hall. Even if I don't like it, I have never thought of selling it, so you said so much use!"

Fu Qingying hated the feeling of being looked down upon by others, so she stood up while speaking.Her tall figure, coupled with the high heels, made her almost as tall as Song Zhichao, and the two looked at each other, neither giving way to the other.

Looking at the aggressive Fu Qingying, Song Zhichao finally backed down a step, smiled at Fu Qingying, and suddenly asked, "Do you know Diao Jiahua?"

Fu Qingying: "He is mine."

"I know. But do you know where he is now?" Song Zhichao said with a smile, "He's at the police station, which is what Hong Kong calls a police station."

Fu Qingying was still very calm, looking at Song Zhichao coldly.

Song Zhichao: "Do you know why he was arrested? Because he embezzled company funds and embezzled company drinks."

Fu Qingying was still very calm, her phoenix eyes were fixed on Song Zhichao, as if she was watching a clown acting.

Song Zhichao touched his face, "You should know it from the look on your face."

Fu Qingying smiled contemptuously, "I know, that's why I'm watching your clown performance."

Song Zhichao nodded, "Then do you know what else Diao Jiahua did besides these?"

Fu Qingying snorted coldly, but did not answer.

Song Zhichao smiled, picked up his briefcase, opened it, then took out a newspaper from it, handed it to Fu Qingying and said, "Look at this first."

Fu Qingying held back her curiosity, and took the newspaper contemptuously. Not understanding what Song Zhichao was doing, she lowered her head and looked carefully at the newspaper. It turned out to be a "Nanyue Daily" that expired two days ago.

"What are you looking at, I don't understand simplified Chinese characters."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you will know it when you look at it."

Fu Qingying snorted coldly, and flipped through the big newspaper again, this time she saw something.

On the front of this very formal newspaper, there is clearly written the headline of an article --- "Deepen tax collection and management reform, promote taxation by law!"

It turned out that this was an article published in the fifth issue of "Foreign Taxation" magazine in 1990, and it was published after being quoted by "Nanyue Daily".

You must know that Nanyue is the frontier of "foreign taxation" in the whole of China. As the bridgehead of reform and opening up, it has always provided the country with the huge tax revenue needed to store internal power.

The publication of this article also heralds the official start of the tax reform and taxation based on the rule of law.You know, in the past, in order to attract foreign investment and invigorate the economy, local governments turned a blind eye to the "tax evasion" problem of many foreign-related companies and enterprises. After all, local economic development is the key. .

But now, the reprint and publication of this article has shown that the local government of Nanyue should formalize the "rule of taxation by law", fully demonstrate the authority of the government, and escort the construction of a truly healthy investment environment.

From the perspective of outsiders, this may be just a gimmick put on by the local government. Only Song Zhichao, who has been there, knows clearly that this time the local government is going to be serious.

No, to be precise, the whole of China is moving for real.

Treat all "tax evasion and tax evasion" with zero tolerance!

Not to mention anything else, a famous mainland female star in her previous life was later arrested and imprisoned for 1458.3 days for evading taxes of 422 million yuan through false declarations and other means.

During this period, her family property was seized, the company closed down, and she lost everything overnight.

In a cell of a few square meters, she was locked up with four inmates, huddled together on a concrete slab to sleep, unkempt, and not allowed to dress up.

No one here called her by name, only gave her a code name: 129.

A year later, when a group of her friends released her on bail pending trial, it was discovered that her hair had turned white overnight.

Now, this is a sharp sword in Song Zhichao's hand, a sharp sword that can pierce people's hearts.

As the owner of the Caesars dance hall, Fu Qingying certainly knows the financial situation of the dance hall, and she is even more aware of the "secrets" of taxation.

So, her gaze became gloomy.

Song Zhichao fanned the flames from the sidelines: "Diao Jiahua is just a small character, so of course it's not his turn to take the blame for this kind of thing; Mark, although he is the person in charge of the dance hall, unfortunately, he is not a legal representative, so he can be irresponsible! Miss Fu, Who do you think is responsible?"

Fu Qingying's complexion was not only gloomy, but frosty, icy cold.

Song Zhichao didn't seem to notice the change in her expression at all, and continued: "The dance hall has been in operation for so many years, and the accumulated amount is not a small amount. Although our legal system is still under construction, it is not perfect in many aspects, but now it is against tax evasion. The crackdown is very severe, fines and so on are trivial matters, and you might even go to jail. Miss Fu, do you think it’s better to sell the dance hall and get rid of the hot potato, or continue to be the legal representative of the dance hall, and would rather die than surrender?”

Fu Qingying snorted coldly, "What about Diao Jiahua? I sent someone to the police station to protect him. Even if he couldn't get out, I could make him bear everything and shut him up from beginning to end. Isn't it too much for you to threaten me with this?" Mentally retarded?"

Hearing this, Song Zhichao suddenly laughed, very strangely, making people uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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