Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 39 039 [Kick you into the water]

Chapter 39 039 [Kick you into the water]

"What are you laughing at?" Fu Qingying really couldn't stand Song Zhichao's "treacherous" smile.

"I'm not laughing at anything..." Song Zhichao restrained his smile, put on a serious look, and then said in surprise, "By the way, let me ask you first, Miss Fu, is the person you sent called Chen Biao?"

Without waiting for Fu Qingying to answer——
"Oh, it should be him, your driver and bodyguard." Song Zhichao nodded, pretending to have suddenly realized, "But you forgot where this is, this is Pan Yu, not Hong Kong!"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that the main roads in Hong Kong are very flat, but the road conditions in Pan Yu are very poor. Chen Biao will break down halfway if he is not careful. I lost my breath, or I ran into a pig, a cow, a sheep, and was chased by someone to claim compensation... This is the county town, the countryside that you Hong Kong people think of, and it is reasonable to have pigs, cattle and sheep!"

Fu Qingying is not a fool, of course she understood what Song Zhichao was saying.

The villain of emotion had expected that he would send Chen Biao to the police station to release Diao Jiahua on bail, so he arranged various traps on the way. Chen Biao must have been caught by now, no wonder he didn't even make a phone call.

"You are despicable!" Fu Qingying said viciously to Song Zhichao.

"It's not that I'm mean, it's that I sincerely want to communicate with you to make a deal." Song Zhichao replied with a serious look again, and said in a firm tone, "Of course, the most important point is that you are the big boss of the dance hall. You are fine. It’s just that everyone is fine! What do you think?”

Seeing Song Zhichao's serious "be kind to others" face, Fu Qingying wanted to kick him twice, "Shut up! Even if Diao Jiahua bites me, so what? I can go back to Hong Kong and ask a barrister to come over. You know, Hong Kong lawyers have How amazing!"

"I know, of course I know!" Song Zhichao said, "I also know that in addition to the lawyers in Hong Kong, the newspapers are also very sharp!"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that I just wrote a letter and I want to send it to Hong Kong's "Ming Pao", hoping they can publish it."

While talking, Song Zhichao took out a letter from his arms, opened it and handed it to Fu Qingying, and winked at Fu Qingying and said, "Although this is my private secret, it is open to you, Miss Fu." , you can take a look first!"

Fu Qingying couldn't resist Song Zhichao's unscrupulous blinking, who was she? This guy was just a low-level wage earner from mainland China, how dare she wink and provoke her?Or flirting?

Fu Qingying couldn't help feeling annoyed, so she snatched the letter viciously, and saw a few lines of large characters written on it as the headline --- "Reveal materials, the daughter of the Fu family is suspected of tax evasion in the Mainland!"

Look at the following content again, which specifically talks about the operating conditions of the Caesars Dance Hall for so many years, as well as the unclear financial situation. Tax evasion and tax evasion” and other illegal acts.The description is as clear as seeing it with your own eyes.

I have to say, this man's writing is really good.

The voice is full of emotion and the words are clear. Even a professional newspaper reporter may not be able to write such a "moving" story.After all, a story like this requires not only superb writing skills, but also a strong imagination.For example, in the letter, Song Zhichao drew the daughter of Fu's family so "movingly" that people can't wait to beat her with a whip. As a compatriot from Hong Kong, the motherland allows you to come over to develop your career and make money. Tax evasion, you die!


The anger that fills my heart can no longer be suppressed!
Without saying a word, Fu Qingying tore the letter viciously to pieces, and threw it into the air.

The original "revealing materials" instantly turned into pieces of paper, flying in the air.

Song Zhichao was not surprised at all, he just looked up at the shredded papers flying in the sky indifferently, then turned his head to Fu Qingying and said sincerely: "Oh, sorry, Miss Fu! That copy is a copy, I still have the original here. Miss Fu, do you want to tear it up again?" While speaking, he actually took out another letter from his arms like a magic trick, and handed it to Fu Qingying.

Seeing the re-converted letter in Song Zhichao's hand, Fu Qingying gritted her teeth angrily, her phoenix eyes could burst into flames, "Do you really think that with such a letter, you can make me look ugly?"

"Of course I'm not sure, so I wrote a lot of letters!" After Song Zhichao finished speaking, he bit the letter in his hand, and even took out another stack of letters from his bosom, and waved them in front of Fu Qingying, in a low voice. Asked: "Miss Fu, take a look first, is this enough?"

Looking at the large stack of envelopes, Fu Qingying was so angry that her voice was trembling, "You know, our Fu family in Hong Kong and "Ming Pao" have a good relationship?"

Song Zhichao nodded sincerely, then took the envelopes in his hand and said, "I know, so this one is for "Ming Pao", this one is for "Sing Tao Daily", and these are for "Wen Wei Po". "Ta Kung Pao" and "Oriental Daily" ... How about it, I think there will always be one that will like this submission, after all, Hong Kong people love gossip, especially like to gossip about a famous family like you..."

Fu Qingying was so angry that she closed her eyes, tried her best to calm down, opened her eyes, stared at Song Zhichao: "Are you joking?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I never joke." Song Zhichao shook his head, "I'm telling the truth."

Fu Qingying smiled, and suddenly said: "After talking so much, are you thirsty?"

Song Zhichao cleared his throat, "Yeah, a little bit."

"So would you like me to buy you a drink?"

"It's work."

Then I saw Fu Qingying bent down to pick up a corner of her skirt.

Song Zhichao asked, "What are you doing?"

"Kick you into the water!" While speaking, Fu Qingying raised her foot and kicked Song Zhichao's ass standing by the pool.

Unprepared, Song Zhichao fell directly into the swimming pool, causing waves.

"What's the matter? Is this what you said to treat guests to drink water?" Song Zhichao asked, waving his arms in the water.

In the swimming pool, his clothes were completely wet, and he looked in a mess.

Fu Qingying stood on the shore and giggled, she felt most comfortable at this moment tonight, um, she finally got back the game.

"Dalu boy, drink water well, if you don't have enough, add more! I, Miss Fu, will fill you up!" Fu Qingying clapped her hands, put her waist, turned and left triumphantly.

Song Zhichao shouted in the water: "Crazy woman, do you want to sign the contract?"

Fu Qingying didn't answer, and with her hands behind her back, she gave him a rough middle finger.

This girl is also a famous lady?

"I'll give you a lung!" Song Zhichao lay on his stomach by the pool, smoothed his wet hair, and spit arrows.

(End of this chapter)

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