Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 403 413 [Golden Raspberry's Acting Skills]

Chapter 403 413 [Golden Raspberry's Acting Skills]

As a rare big beauty in the audience, Eva really couldn't bear it anymore - she couldn't bear Song Zhichao's flirtatious dance.After all, the dance of this era is different from that of Song Zhichao's era.

Especially in terms of movements, they will not be so unscrupulous, such as shrugging hips, swinging hips, and shaking legs, etc., are rarely used, or banned. The wind brought over, some dance moves that seemed normal in that era, but now they "go off track" as soon as they are performed.

Seeing Song Zhichao's flirtatious dancing posture made Eva, the daughter's family, excited.

The onlookers around stared wide-eyed, and they had to give Song Zhichao a thumbs up in their hearts, saying that they saw a real hooligan today.

Song Zhichao didn't understand yet, he thought he had shocked the audience with his astonishing dance moves.

So he worked harder, made the last dance move, and then pushed and pulled towards Eva, like rolling pancakes, rolled up Eva and hugged her in his arms.

The end of the song, the end.

Then the applause started, the applause was like thunder.

Song Zhichao bowed politely to Da Yao in accordance with the practice in the dancing world, with one hand behind his back and the other in front, he touched his chest modestly to thank everyone.

Eva also thanked everyone. She glanced at Song Zhichao beside her, her eyes full of strangeness.

"I didn't expect you to dance so well." Eva said to Song Zhichao in a slightly surprised tone.

Song Zhichao felt that he had won glory for the country in front of Lao Maozi, and he was in a good mood, so he said modestly: "I practiced it when I was free--this dancing is also a skill, practice makes perfect, and the more you practice, the more you will become proficient."

"Then how many girls have you danced with?" Eva raised her willow eyebrows and said something.

"You are the first." Song Zhichao turned his head, looked at Eva seriously and said, "You should feel honored, Miss Eva, you are the first officially recognized female dance partner of my Song Zhichao, and you are also my partner since Song Zhichao came here." The first woman to dance with after arriving here - I gave you the first time, and you must be responsible to me."

"Pfft", Eva was amused by Song Zhichao's joking and witty words, "I believe you have seen a ghost——I don't know how many girls like you have been fooled!" Gouged out Song Zhichao's eyes.

Seeing her so charming appearance, Song Zhichao's heart fluttered for no reason, and he reached out to touch Eva's face, and said, "What I tell you is the truth. In your father's words, everyday You can learn from the moon!"

Eva didn't expect Song Zhichao to be so bold, she just felt his fingertips across her cheeks, and for no reason, her cheeks became hot, seeing Song Zhichao's humorous smile, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said: "Dear Song Zhichao , I'm not feeling well, can you take me upstairs to rest?"

"Send you upstairs?" Who is Song Zhichao? He understands the code words of flirting between men and women. When he thinks that the other party is beautiful and delicious, he is not a eunuch. Besides, the spirits in the Soviet Union really make people feel so... But the other party is the daughter of the old general Yorkoff.

The daughter of old General Yorkoff?Suddenly Song Zhichao thought of something, glanced at the old guy who was laughing and drinking with three beauties not far away, and an evil thought suddenly appeared in Song Zhichao's heart.

These old men are not trustworthy. Even if they sign a written document, what should they do if they go back on their word? I have nothing to blackmail the other party.

Then Song Zhichao looked at Eva, a beautiful woman with flushed cheeks and mesmerizing eyes, who was obviously already familiar with it. This ballroom seemed to be out of control, and she wanted to be plundered. own people.

But soon Song Zhichao considered that Western women are not as traditional as Eastern women, and most of them will end up sleeping with men; if you sleep with this kind of woman, it is likely to bring you a large green grassland in the future—— ——As a man, Song Zhichao has not yet awakened to joy.

Just when Song Zhichao was thinking about gains and losses in his heart, Eva couldn't bear it anymore——she thought Song Zhichao was playing hard to get by keeping silent, and men like to do this, don't they?

So Little Princess Eva brought out the subjective initiative of inviting Song Zhichao to dance before, and stretched out her hand to Song Zhichao and said, "Let's go, my dear, hold me--well, I think I drank too much wine, and I feel a little dizzy. After finishing speaking, he rubbed his head with his fingers.

Song Zhichao looked at Eva's acting skills that were worse than the "Golden Raspberry" actress. As a man who was normal in all aspects and had just drunk again, he really couldn't refuse, so he had no choice but to go along with the flow.


When Song Zhichao "helped" Eva upstairs to rest, the future Russian strongman Comrade "Vladimir" who had been observing and paying attention to him suddenly asked his female companion: "What do you think of Chinese men? "

The female companion didn't understand what he meant, so she touched Vladimir's strong shoulders with her hand, and said with a smile: "Why do you mention Chinese men? In my eyes, you are the best."

Vladimir opened the woman's hand and said, "Chinese men are untrustworthy. Their 5000-year-old culture has endowed them with too much wisdom." His eyes were deep.

The female companion shook her head, not understanding.


Not far away, old Yorkoff really drank too much, and the three beauties next to him were still toasting to him.

Yes, he is old and ugly, but there are still beautiful women hanging around him.The reason is simple, he is General Yorkoff, and he has power in his hands.

So, that sentence is very correct, power is the most invincible "spring medicine" for men.

The three beauties seemed to be very concerned about Old Yorkoff, and while toasting, they kept fighting and jealous.This made Yorkoff feel the greatest relief of a man-if a woman is jealous of you, it means you are okay.

Yorkoff has always felt that he is still good, whether it is in bed or in the wine field.

But at this moment, he drank too much wine and was surrounded by beauties, his head was still a little sober, and that was thinking about his precious daughter Eva.

"Where's Eva? Where did she go?" Yorkoff pushed away the beauty blocking him, and then looked around the dance floor.

If I remember correctly, just now my daughter was singing and dancing with that boy Song Zhichao, why did she disappear all of a sudden?

"Master General, what are you always looking for?" A beautiful woman asked Yorkov in puzzlement.

Yorkoff rubbed his drunken eyes to see, but there was still no sign of his daughter, so he asked the woman beside him, "Baby, you said, on occasions like this, men and women danced and disappeared, why are you here?" thing?"

"That's okay, of course I'm going to open a room!"

"Go to bed after opening the room!"

"Do that kind of thing when you get into bed!"

clap clap clap!
Old Yorkoff slapped him three times across the face, "You think my Eva is as cheap as you! --- Bitch!"

(End of this chapter)

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