Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 404 415 [Murder with a knife]

Chapter 404 415 [Murder with a knife]

If Song Zhichao said "The Soviet Union may be about to end" a few months ago, and the target was the highly respected General Yukov, the result is likely to be shot by Yukov on serious charges.

But now the domestic situation in the Soviet Union is tense. The most important thing is that as an important incumbent in the country, General Yukov, who is in charge of the army, knows a lot of inside stories that others don't know.

Therefore, when he heard Song Zhichao's "shocking" words, he thought he had seen a ghost.

Immediately, General Yokov didn't bother to investigate whether Song Zhichao and his precious daughter Eva had sex, but directly dispersed the people around him, leaving only him, Song Zhichao, and his daughter in the room, and then asked Song Zhichao said, "Did you really see this from the Tarot cards?"

Song Zhichao said firmly, "Yes."

Old Yukov was a general, and as a Soviet soldier, he fought bravely and won numerous awards.But he has one of the biggest weaknesses, that is - superstition.

A superstitious person always pins some things on the warning or advice given to him by the heavens. When he was at home, Old Yorkov liked the game of divination tarot cards very much, and invited some domestic masters to discuss his future career. predict.

It has to be said that Old Yorkoff was lucky. Regardless of whether those masters are true or not, many predictions about him have come true, so that Old Yorkoff believes in the prediction method of "Tarot Cards" even more.

As Old York's daughter, Eva knew this, so Song Zhichao knew it too.

At this moment, Song Zhichao can only continue to play his magic stick, no matter whether it is to get away with it or to avoid his affair with Eva from being discovered by the old Yorker.

Since he knows everything that will happen in the Soviet Union in the future, it doesn't matter if he reveals a little bit to Old Yorkoff here. Besides, Old Yorkoff is his partner in name, and he has not long ago His daughter was kidnapped.

Therefore, Song Zhichao pretended to say some news about the disintegration of the Soviet Union. In order to enhance the credibility and mystery of his words, Song Zhichao added some messy things such as the traditional Chinese "Book of Changes" and "Plum Blossom Yishu" Speaking out directly made old Yorkoff dizzy.

In the end, to Song Zhichao's surprise, Old Yorkoff actually believed it.


Old Yorkoff has always been yearning for the mysterious oriental culture, and he has also heard about the mysterious and predictive ability of the orient.He didn't expect to meet a truly capable person today, and this person is Song Zhichao who has a very good relationship with him.

In addition, the reason why old Yorkfu was deceived by Song Zhichao was not because he was stupid, but because he was too smart.

A person with great wisdom and stupidity likes to do things in a simple way. This is the case with Old York. Since Song Zhichao is like a magic stick, let him be used as a magic stick.


In the following time, Song Zhichao and Yorkoff deeply discussed the general direction of future cooperation between the two parties.

The relationship between the two men took another step forward, which made Eva on the side dumbfounded.Originally thought that Song Zhichao would not be able to escape his father's crusade this time, but unexpectedly, the two became "good friends".

At this moment, looking at Song Zhichao talking to his father, he is handsome, unrestrained, and full of confidence in giving advice.

Eva's heart just melted.

Song Zhichao: "..."

He glanced warily at old Yorkoff, then at Eva, who was winking like silk, and there was a thrill and impulse in his heart to flirt with other people's daughters in front of other people's fathers.

Uh, Russian women are really... very shameless.

But he just loves it.


In the next week, Song Zhichao, with the help of the old Yukov, Bodoyev and others, first exchanged all the 15 million goods of the Chas and his sons into antiques and curios worth [-] billion, and then transferred these Russian The antiques were consigned back to Hong Kong, and a small part was selected for auction through Christie's auction house. Unexpectedly, that small part was directly auctioned for a sky-high price of one billion.Then Song Zhichao entrusted the funds obtained from the auction to Ouyang Jing's stock operation team, and began to continue shorting Soviet futures.

Time is running out for the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Every second counts.

As for Song Zhichao himself, he stayed in the Soviet Union for more than a week. During this period, his relationship with Eva became more intimate. To be precise, the two of them were somewhat "passionate about adultery"——Song Zhichao felt like Wei Xiaobao and Wei Xiaobao in "The Deer and Ding Tale". Princess Jianning's journey to the dowry was like an affair, full of thrills and excitement.Only the two of them can know the taste.

However, when this relationship was about to be discovered by Old Yorkoff, Song Zhichao found an excuse to return to Hong Kong vigilantly.So much so that the old Yorker didn't know from the beginning to the end that his sweetheart Princess Eva had already been robbed and robbed by Song Zhichao.


1991 12 Month 09 Day.

Rarely sunny and sunny.

Seagulls hovered, flew, and screamed on the sea.

Several cargo ships coming back from the Far East docked at the Wanchai Wharf in Hong Kong like a giant dragon.

"Are we there? Have we returned to Hong Kong?" The unkempt Cha Yongxiao got out of the cabin, followed by his father Cha Dongchen.

Zha Dongchen's appearance is also very bad, especially during these days in the Soviet Union and being imprisoned by Song Zhichao, he has become quite haggard.

"Yes, we are here." Zha Dongchen looked into the distance, took a breath of the air in Hong Kong, and felt himself alive again.

Cha Yongxiao had already started cursing viciously, "Damn street boy Song Zhichao, he took the plane back to Hong Kong, but left you and me in the cabin with a lot of salted fish, and now I'm covered in salty fish!" It smells like fish."

Cha Yongxiao fanned his clothes vigorously, trying to fan away the smell on the clothes.

Cha Dongchen also had an angry face, but his anger was hidden, not as public as his son Cha Yongxiao.

"Don't worry, Yong Xiao, I will definitely avenge this revenge!" Zha Dongchen said coldly, "But now that we have lost [-] million in goods, and we have been imprisoned in the Soviet Union by Song Zhichao for so long, I am afraid that it will not be long for a while." Difficult to deal with him."

"What should I do?"

"What should I do?" Zha Dongchen rolled his eyes, and finally said in a strange tone: "Do you know who is the most powerful in Hong Kong now?"

"Boss Huo?"

Zha Dongchen shook his head: "He used to be the most powerful, but now he doesn't care about things. Now the most powerful is Li Chaoren."

"But will Superman Li help us?"

Zha Dongchen sneered: "Don't forget, one of the [-] million that was robbed this time belongs to Superman Li!"

"what do you mean……"

"Kill someone with a borrowed knife!" Zha Dongchen's eyes were gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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