Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 41 041 [Dead snake and rotten eel]

Chapter 41 041 [Dead snake and rotten eel]


Lying on the bed, Song Zhichao rubbed his nose subconsciously. He felt that he had a cold. Last night, that epileptic Fu Qingying kicked him into the water, so he probably froze.

He looked around and saw a box of tissues next to the bedside table, so he got up and stretched out his hand to pull a section and wiped his nose.

"Well, it's much better." Song Zhichao carefully looked at the place where he had a rest last night.

The room is very large, and a rare color 14-inch Panda brand TV is just placed on the TV cabinet at the end of the bed.

You know, there are not many standard guest rooms with color TV in this era.For many people, black and white TV is already a luxury, and color TV is even more out of reach.Some smart people even stick black and white TVs with colored films to disguise them as another colored "color TV" in order to satisfy their curiosity and vanity.

At this time, a TV advertisement is being played on the Panda TV——
Hong Kong actress Wang Mingquan supported a refrigerator and said, "Your voice is more reliable, and the quality is guaranteed. If you buy a refrigerator, you should buy the Rongsheng brand refrigerator that I recommend."

As soon as the TV camera turned, Liang Xiaolong turned around, "Hey, everyone, I'm Chen Zhen, and this is my good friend Lu Daan. We all use 'Aide brand' rice cookers!"

In fact, both Wang Mingquan and Liang Xiaolong were the most popular male and female stars in Hong Kong in the 80s. They were even more popular than the "Four Heavenly Kings" in Hong Kong in that era.

Not to mention anything else, the "A Thousand Rivers and Thousand Mountains Are Always Love" played by Wang Mingquan alone has made countless men and women teary-eyed and infatuated.So far, many young people still hum a few words: "Don't say that there are many obstacles in the green hills, and the wind is strong and strong..."

Besides Liang Xiaolong, for many gay men, Liang Xiaolong's kung fu TV series "Heroes Huo Yuanjia" and its sequel "Chen Zhen" were absolutely empty. At that time, Liang Xiaolong was more popular than Jackie Chan and Chow Yun-fat.Even the big brothers in the countryside know that Liang Xiaolong's kung fu is superb. He beat Xu Wenqiang and Huo Yuanjia. Countless men like to gather together in the evening and sing the theme song of "Chen Zhen" together: " My child, this is your home, the courtyard is elegant, simple and elegant, and the size is China..."

Unfortunately, the times have changed. It is no longer the hot 80s of Wang Mingquan and Liang Xiaolong, but the birth of the "Four Heavenly Kings" and the roaring of the "Little Tigers" in the 90s. Advertise on TV, selling refrigerators and rice cookers.

Pulling his mind away from the anecdotes of these celebrities, Song Zhichao looked at the overall decoration of the room with his eyes. It looked very simple. In addition to simple beds, tables, chairs and benches, there were dumbbells for exercise, arm strength machines, and Grips and other fitness equipment.

In addition to these, the most eye-catching thing in the whole room is probably the murals posted on the walls, almost all of them are Arnold Schwarzenegger, Stallone, and Bruce Lee wielding a nunchaku.

Needless to say, this must be a hunk's room.

And the fact is true, after Song Zhichao was "fished" wet from the swimming pool last night, Master Su arranged him in the room of his partner Chen Biao according to Miss Fu's instructions.

Song Zhichao sighed when he saw his Korean-style suit hanging on the hanger next to him, which was just finished and hadn't been worn for a full day. It was obviously still dripping.

Helpless, I had no choice but to wrap myself in a blanket, and searched for a set of casual sweatshirts in the room. I saw the brand, and it was from Alidas.I tried on the size, and it was a bit too big. After wearing it, I felt that the crotch was chilly. Fortunately, it is summer now, the cooler the better.

Song Zhichao had just put on his clothes when there was a knock on the door. Before Song Zhichao could say "Come in", the door was pushed open by Master Su unceremoniously.

Master Su originally planned to rush in and be caught off guard. It would be best if he could see Song Zhichao's ugly naked face on the street. Unfortunately, he couldn't do so. Seeing Song Zhichao wearing Chen Biao's clothes, he curled his lips secretly and said, you The mainland is also worthy of wearing Alidas?Do you know what brand it is?

However, as a Hongkonger, especially as the master next to Miss Fu, Master Su still put on a very gracious appearance, looked left and right with his hands behind his back, and then asked Song Zhichao pretendingly: "Did you sleep last night?" Are you comfortable?"

"What do you think?" Song Zhichao changed out his slippers and put on a pair of sneakers. Fortunately, Chen Biao's shoes were not too big, and they barely fit.

Master Su looked at Song Zhichao as if he was busy putting on his shoes, and didn't even look at himself. Obviously, he didn't take himself as a "housekeeper" seriously at all, so he couldn't help feeling angry; This mainland boy despises him all kinds of things, digs holes and frame him in every way, making himself so ugly that he can't hold his head up in front of the eldest lady, and the "love, hatred and hatred" accumulated in Master Su's heart almost explodes all at once.

After finally holding back his anger, Master Su pretended to be relaxed and said, "Since you're up, let's go over there—Miss Fu has something to discuss with you!"

"What are you doing?" Song Zhichao finally looked up at Master Su.

"How would I know." Master Su gave him a contemptuous look, "Hurry up! It's a dead snake!"

"Dead snake and rotten eel" is a curse word in Cantonese vernacular, which means that people are too lazy and move too slowly.

Song Zhichao smiled, stood up, walked over to pick up the wet clothes on the hanger, turned around and threw them to Master Su.

"What are you doing?" Master Su quickly took the clothes and asked with wide eyes. "Why did you throw my clothes?"

"Help me to dry it!" Song Zhichao ordered, "Since your lady wet it, of course I will let you dry it!"

After finishing speaking, Song Zhichao was about to go out to find Fu Qingying.

In the back, master Su hugged his clothes, opened his mouth, and finally managed to utter a word: "Why do I do this? I'm not your servant! Go to the street!"

Hearing this, Song Zhichao suddenly turned around and walked towards Master Su.

Master Su was taken aback, thinking that Song Zhichao was going to hit him when he heard "Pu Jie", so he took a step back and said in horror, "What are you going to do?"

Song Zhichao ignored him, went straight to the bedside table, took out a large roll of tissues from the tissue box, covered his nose and wiped it, muttering: "Oops, I really have a cold——Ah!"

After wiping his nose, he went to Master Su again, and stuffed the wiped tissue into his arms: "Sorry, help throw it away!" After speaking, he picked up the briefcase that was put aside, and left.

Master Su's eyes widened in disbelief, he looked at the wet clothes in his arms, then at the wad of used tissues, and gritted his teeth: "Fuck the street! Fuck the street! You big bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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