Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 42 042 [Battle Qi]

Chapter 42 042 [Battle Qi]

When Song Zhichao saw Fu Qingying again, Fu Qingying was eating.

As a four-star hotel, the VIPs living in this small villa all have meal delivery service, especially for Hong Kong "VIPs" like Fu Qingying, the conditions they put forward are met by the hotel. Not only did they help her The delicious food was delivered on time, and it was accompanied by coffee and black tea.

At this time, the elegant piano music was playing in the villa, but it was the very flavorful "Grace from God".

The bright and clean restaurant, white mixed with green and refreshing tones, western-style fireplace, and Bible murals give people a sense of auspiciousness and warmth.

The restaurant of the villa is not big, but because Fu Qingying eats alone, the small restaurant seems a little deserted.

Song Zhichao walked into the restaurant with a briefcase, and saw Fu Qingying eating a sandwich at a glance. Looking at the breakfast on the table, it was full, but it was basically Western food, either fried eggs, bacon, or French bread .

Song Zhichao greeted Fu Qingying in a gentlemanly manner: "Miss Fu, hello!"

Fu Qingying gave him a cold look, then indifferently used a knife and fork to cut up sandwiches and fried eggs, pretending that he was transparent.

Song Zhichao didn't feel embarrassed, he found a seat and sat down, put down the briefcase in his hand, and smiled at Fu Qingying: "Miss Fu, let's have dinner."

This time Fu Qingying didn't even look at him.

Song Zhichao smiled to himself, and just about to speak to ease the atmosphere, his stomach growled.

Only then did Song Zhichao remember that he hadn't eaten anything since last night, so it's no wonder he wasn't hungry.

"Miss Fu, how many people are you eating?" Song Zhichao glanced at the delicious food on the table. The table was full, and it was enough for three people.

Only then did Fu Qingying raise her head, "Want to eat?"

"Hehe, if you sincerely invite..."

"Sorry, I don't want to invite you; Zhongyou, this is a meal for one person." Fu Qingying gave Song Zhichao a contemptuous look.

"Meal for one person? Hehe, it looks like Ms. Fu eats quite a lot!" Song Zhichao smiled, "It's a blessing to be able to eat—our family, A Niu, also eats so much, but once, he almost starved to death!"

"Ahem!" Fu Qingying glared with her phoenix eyes.

Song Zhichao pretended he didn't see anything. Seeing coffee and black tea beside him, he thought that there was nothing to eat, so it would be fine to have something to drink, so he picked up the teacup...

At this time-
"What are you doing?"

"Have some tea."

"Sorry, this tea is also for one person." Fu Qingying said with a fake smile.

Song Zhichao shrugged apologetically, and went to fetch the coffee pot.

"Sorry, this coffee is for one person." Fu Qingying continued to stop him.

Song Zhichao couldn't help but said, "Coffee and tea, do you want them all?"

"I prefer to drink coffee first and then tea, what do you care!" Fu Qingying rolled her eyes at Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao was about to roll his eyes, "OK, I won't eat or drink your food—this napkin is not for one person, is it?"

After Song Zhichao finished speaking, he took out a stack of napkins.

Before Fu Qingying figured out what he was going to do, she saw Song Zhichao and Song Zhichao started to sneeze, sneeze, and then wiped his nose in front of her, "Sorry, last night an epileptic kicked me into the water, and I caught a cold." Already! Ah-choo——!"

Song Zhichao deliberately sneezed violently at Fu Qingying's dining table.

Fu Qingying was going crazy, she was a rich young lady, and the servants were usually quiet when eating, not even daring to say a word, not to mention Song Zhichao sneezed and wiped his nose in front of her meal like this.

It's disgusting!

Fu Qingying couldn't eat anymore, she just put the knife and fork aside.

Song Zhichao pretended to be confused and said, "Sorry, Ms. Fu, just eat, I didn't bother you, did I? I feel like I'll be fine with a few more sneezes, so don't worry about me!"

Fu Qingying finally understood that she couldn't compare to Song Zhichao in terms of thick skin.

"No need, I'm full." Fu Qingying picked up a napkin and wiped the corners of her mouth, her beautiful eyes glared at Song Zhichao viciously, "You know, you are very annoying!"

Song Zhichao smiled slightly, sat down again and said, "Thank you, Miss Fu, for being so straightforward. The great writer Leo Tolstoy once said that when a person hates others, she often cannot see the bugs crawling on her body, but That bug's name is 'Nasty Bug'."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, I'm talking about Leo Tolstoy."

Seeing Song Zhichao's serious face, Fu Qingying clenched her fists and clenched her white teeth, feeling an urge to flatten people.

"Okay, I won't bicker with you anymore, you should understand why I called you here."

"If you don't tell me, how would I know." Song Zhichao said, but he had already started to take out the transfer contracts from last night from his briefcase.

"Your action is too fast, I haven't said to sign yet."

"Oh, I just took it out and prepared it for you to sign." Song Zhichao smiled at Fu Qingying, spread out the contract, and took out a hero brand pen, unscrewed the pen, and placed it neatly. Put it on the document, put your hands together, and stare at Fu Qingying with a straight posture.

Fu Qingying tried her best to calm down her emotions, gritted her teeth and said to Song Zhichao: "The outcome is not yet decided, I'm still waiting for a call."

"I know, you are waiting for a call from Chen Biao."

"You know it! Don't think that I believe you because you said so much last night. If you don't have a phone call, I won't sign the contract!" Fu Qingying proudly folded her arms, her phoenix eyes were cold.

Just as Song Zhichao was about to speak, his master Su ran in anxiously, holding his elder brother's phone in his hand, and said to Fu Qingying, "Miss, A Biao is calling!"

Fu Qingying said calmly: "Don't be so anxious, take your time! What did A Biao say?"

"A Biao said he was at the police station."

Fu Qingying smiled, smugly.

She hugged her fragrant shoulders, raised her chin, and protested to Song Zhichao: "Did you hear that, A Biao has arrived at the police station, and soon, he will release Diao Jiahua on bail. Song Zhichao, what tricks do you have?"

Song Zhichao opened his mouth, but before he opened his mouth, Fu Qingying said again: "Don't think I don't know, you are the one who was recruited by Mark. I thought you were capable, but I didn't expect that! You know, I hate you very much I hate your clothes, your hairstyle, and your tone of voice! You, a mainland boy, dare to fight me, who gave you such courage?"

Next to him, Master Su became anxious: "Miss, no, I mean..."

"You don't need to tell me, I know everything." Fu Qingying thought about Master Su's words, "A Biao has made a great contribution this time, and I will reward him well when I come back. As for you, although you have done a lot of wrong things before, I will make up for you now. If you don't have a chance, go, invite me out of this Mr. Song, I don't want to see him again! I won't do it for a minute or a second!" Fu Qingying dictated.

Master Su tried to catch his breath, and couldn't hold it anymore, "No, Miss! A Biao is in the police station, but he is not going to release Diao Jiahua on bail, he was arrested!"

Fu Qingying's complexion suddenly became very strange, the triumph just now remained between her cheeks and eyes, the surprise that came suddenly expanded slowly, and the embarrassment of being humiliated also slowly spread, and finally turned into a scolding, He yelled at Master Su: "What are you doing? Can you finish talking at once!"

Master Su was so frightened that he trembled all over, like a mouse that bumped into a cat, he bowed his head and apologized again and again: "Sorry, Miss! Excuse me, Miss!"

"He also made a mistake by accident!" Song Zhichao kindly stood up to smooth things over, pulled Master Su aside, and said very sincerely: "Miss Fu, don't be angry anymore. Why don't you sign this contract first to quell the flames." ?”

"I'll sign you, big-headed ghost!" Fu Qingying couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed the egg yolk sandwich on the plate and threw it at Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao dodged swiftly and dodged to the side, and the fried egg on the sandwich hit Master Su's head directly.

Master Su looked up at the top of his head in a daze, and the egg yolk flowed from one end.

(End of this chapter)

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