Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 43 043【Get what you want】

Chapter 43 043【Get what you want】

Fu Qingying finally signed the transfer contract.

For her, the transfer of 100 million to the dance hall is not a disadvantage, because she didn't like the dance hall from the very beginning. To be precise, she didn't like the company owned by the Fu family in Panyu.

The reason is simple, these companies are her dowry.

When she and Lin Jiahao got engaged, the Fu family handed over all Pan Yu's companies to her.Doing the math, there are almost seventeen or eight large and small companies.

It was when she took over these companies that her misfortune in marriage also began, so Fu Qingying hated everything here, hated the Caesar dance hall, intentionally made trouble in the dance hall, deliberately caused a series of troubles, and made others treat her as a crazy woman look at.

Now, she has transferred the dance hall, but she is not happy because she was forced by Song Zhichao.

As a Hong Kong person, especially as a Hong Kong socialite, Fu Qingying had to guard her inner pride, but Song Zhichao, a mainland boy, crushed her inner pride.

Fu Qingying left after signing the contract.

She didn't want to take another look at Song Zhichao.

As for Song Zhichao——
Holding the signed song and dance hall transfer contract, Song Zhichao felt in a good mood.So he took the paper towels from the dining table, walked over to the master Su who was being punished, and reached out to take the paper towels to help him wipe his forehead and the egg yolk juice on his face, "Stop pestering, miss I will forgive you! Zhongyou, is my suit dry yet?"

Master Su blinked, wanting to cry.

Song Zhichao handed him the tissue and said, "Well, I'm leaving—I'll see you later." Waving to Master Su, Song Zhichao stepped forward and walked out of the restaurant with ease.


Outside, the summer wind blows slowly, blowing the rows of dense banyan trees by the roadside, bringing a little bit of coolness to the sweltering summer.

It was nine o'clock in the morning, and there were not many pedestrians on the road.

The shops on the street have already opened their doors, buying and selling home appliances, renting out novels, selling hardware and sundries, as well as buying and selling slippers, clothes, children's toys and so on.

Some stores that buy and sell home appliances seem to be doing well, and many stores are playing high-frequency commercials in turn——
Power washing machine, dedicated to mother's love.

Be naughty, be naughty, Toshiba of the new era.

Amidst the bombardment of advertisements, on the left side of the street, a video store had the best business.

A large group of teenagers who looked like students squeezed inside to choose their favorite cassettes.The boss who knows how to do business deliberately put a tape recorder on the chair outside the door, and the tape recorder is playing loudly the dance song "Broken Love Front Alliance" by the Hong Kong Grasshopper Group——
"She always only left her phone number

Never let me take her home
I heard you fell in love with her
I used to be unable to extricate myself...

We care so much about her but she completely erases it
The more she hurts, the more sad she will never get an answer

What exactly does she think? Should I continue to speculate?
Or just forget about it..."

Accompanied by this dance song, Song Zhichao couldn't help but think of the MTV of this song in his previous life.

I remember well, in MTV, the three grasshoppers sang and danced, swung their hips, twisted their hips, shook their heads, stamped their feet, and performed their youth and vitality vividly with their gestures.

The beautiful melody and chic dance made this song a hit, and it also made countless people know that there is a group called "Grasshopper" in Hong Kong.

Later, this song was used in the theme song of the Taiwanese TV series "A Fairy Wife", which made "The Alliance of Broken Lovers" completely popular all over the country.

For a moment—
Song Zhichao came to the place where it was better to meet Mark on the phone, and looked around, except for an uncle who was sitting on a ponytail, shaking the pan to fry popcorn, and a few little farts with bowls and bags next to him There is no one else besides the child.

The children were eagerly waiting for the popcorn to be popped, and Song Zhichao was also waiting for Mark to appear.

According to the previous phone call, Mark will rush here as soon as possible.In fact, Song Zhichao believed that Mark was more anxious than himself at this time, and was anxious to see the real result. After all, the signed contract was in the briefcase he was carrying.

After waiting for about five or six minutes, Song Zhichao leaned against a banyan tree and took out a cigarette from his arms. When he was looking for a match, he realized that the match had run out at some point.

Throwing the empty matchbox flat on the ground, Song Zhichao felt that the nearby canteen was too far away, and he didn't bother to go there, so he went straight to the uncle who exploded the popcorn, handed him a cigarette and said, "Excuse me!" a fire."

Uncle put the cigarette in his mouth, lit it with the fiery red boiling pot, and then handed the lit cigarette to Song Zhichao.Song Zhichao took the cigarette, lit it butt to cigarette butt, and said, "Thank you."

Smoking and bored, Song Zhichao chatted with the popcorn-fried uncle.

Uncle said that his surname is Liu, he is not a local, and he came to work in Panyu from other places. Not long ago, his wife became pregnant, and he wanted to prepare more money for the child.

Usually he does some odd jobs in a factory and can earn about 60 yuan a month.If the factory doesn't have many things to do or is on holiday, he will push the old-fashioned popcorn machine at home and wander around the nearby streets to pop popcorn for everyone.

Uncle said that when popping popcorn, I don’t have any raw materials, so I process them with supplied materials. I can fry popcorn with any kind of corn, rice, or soybeans. About 1 kg of corn can be fried for a “cannon” popcorn. It costs 2 cents. Good luck. At that time, I could fry about 30 "cannons" a day, and I could earn 6 yuan.At the end of the day, it is very hard to walk around the streets, but he enjoys it, saying that when he thinks about the child who is about to be born, he will be motivated.

After chatting for a while, Uncle stopped shaking the popcorn machine. The people around him knew that it was about to explode. A few kids with runny noses hid aside, covered their ears with their palms, and stuffed them with their fingers. Ears, eyes wide open staring at the popcorn machine.

Even though Song Zhichao was an adult, he was a little apprehensive about such things, so he stayed away.

I saw Uncle put the popcorn machine up from the iron frame, took the iron pin and inserted it into the nose hole, twisted it hard a few times, then stepped on the iron pin with one foot, kicked it hard, and heard a bang With a loud noise, the fried popcorn burst out and blasted into the long dragon bag at the back.

The end of the dragon bag was tied, otherwise the popcorn would be blown out by this shot.

As the curtain ended with a loud bang, a strong sweet smell of popcorn spread out in all directions centered on the dragon bag.

Seeing this, several children clapped their little hands happily and clapped vigorously, with happy smiles on their faces, just like Chinese New Year.The little kid who provided the corn wiped his snot with the back of his hand in a high-flying manner, then took the big washbasin he had prepared, put it at the end of the dragon bag, and waited for uncle to untie the rope of the dragon tail. Open it, and then shake it, and a big pot of golden, yellow, tender and fragrant popcorn is filled up.

Can't wait, the little boy grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth, and then made a happy expression at his little friend, "Yeah, it smells so good." The other little guys stared at him with big eyes and swallowed their saliva. Envious eyes.

Song Zhichao was watching the children scrambling to pop popcorn when a black Santana drove up from a distance. Seeing him, it stopped by the side of the road and honked hard at him.

(End of this chapter)

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