Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 44 044【Fulfilling the Promise】

Chapter 44 044【Fulfilling the Promise】

These days it is very cool to have a car,
Song Zhichao knew this car, it belonged to Brother Mark.

Sure enough, the window opened, and Mark waved at him vigorously through the window.

Song Zhichao threw the cigarette butt on the ground, crushed it with his toes, and quickly walked over with his briefcase.

After getting into the car, Mark acted as the driver, slowly shifted into gear, and Santana started driving.

Mark is a very smart person. Although he was very anxious about the contract, he didn't ask about the contract. Instead, he asked Song Zhichao if he was hungry.

Song Zhichao said bluntly that he was not only hungry, but was about to die of starvation.

Mark laughed: "That's right, let's go to the deep sea fish port first! Last time you invited me, I will invite you this time! In addition, I will introduce you to some friends."

Both of them knew each other's details, so Mark stopped pretending to be a senior person and spoke Cantonese. After Song Zhichao spoke Cantonese for a few days, his tongue was tied up, so the two started chatting in their native dialect.

Mark asked Song Zhichao about everything that happened yesterday, and was especially curious about how Song Zhichao managed to mess with Fu Qingying.Song Zhichao didn't hide anything, just told the truth and told him what happened.

After listening to this, Mark was silent for a long time.Although he had already overestimated Song Zhichao a lot, after hearing this, Mark realized that he had underestimated the young man in front of him from the beginning to the end.

Through the rearview mirror, Mark looked at Song Zhichao's immature face. He was only seventeen or eighteen years old at most, but Song Zhichao's eyes and his way of doing things were extremely sophisticated; even Mark himself did not deny that , if Song Zhichao was replaced by himself, would he be able to do better than him?

Although the roads in this era are not wide, it is not like the streets will be full of cars in the future. It is already good to have a few motorcycles running.Therefore, Santana can be said to be unimpeded along the way, and it only took less than ten minutes to arrive at the Deep Sea Fish Harbor Restaurant.

After parking the car, the two got out of the car, but the beautiful welcome lady at the door had already seen Song Zhichao, and she couldn't help showing a surprised expression on her face. Impression, it is difficult to remember him or not.

The greeter enthusiastically led the two of them to the private room that Mark had already reserved.

On the way to the private room, Mark said sorry, originally wanted to arrange the private room with karaoke last time, but heard that the private room had already been reserved, and he didn't know who took it first, so he could only feel sorry for Song Zhichao The average room is just passable.

Song Zhichao didn't feel anything about it.

The world is impermanent, Song Zhichao invited Mark last time because of his relationship and favor, and treated him to a big meal; unexpectedly, in less than three days, Mark treated Song Zhichao warmly, and regretted not booking a decent private room Feel sorry.

When the two passed by the private room last time, there was the sound of ghosts crying and howling singing.

Apparently, the guests inside were singing karaoke.

The singer sang the song "The Flower Guardian" by Hong Kong singer Hacken Lee——
"I ran into her in my heart in the street tonight
Two Feet decided not to listen to her calls and go home with her
The cold wind in the middle of the night is not allowed to blow her away
Her dark eyes are about to speak to me
The slender figure is fluttering, the figure is silently turning around

Tell me does a romantic lover love me..."

Maybe it’s because of the locals. Cantonese is pretty good, so it’s not difficult to sing this song. The only disadvantage is that the voice is so bad that after listening to a few times, Song Zhichao and Mark shook their heads together. Mark even said in Cantonese: “Sing What is that? It sounds worse than a pig squawking!"

The female greeter leading the way just smiled, but dared not speak.

Although he didn't book the private room with karaoke, Mark also chose the largest and most luxurious "Rose Hall".

According to the words of the female receptionist, the "Peony Hall" is "flowers blooming and wealth", and this "Rose Hall" is "beauty in the world".In the room, there are not only pictures of the "Four Great Beauties", "Four Beauties", "Fish and Wild Goose", and the poems of the ancients praising roses.

Regarding the introduction of the female welcome, Song Zhichao was noncommittal. What he was interested in at the moment was, who was in the room?

Although Song Zhichao knew that there were people in the room, he did not expect that besides Mark's girlfriend Anna, Wu Bingkun, the personnel manager of the dance hall, was also there, and there was also a tough-looking bald man. As soon as Mark entered the door, he introduced: "A Chao Let’s get to know each other first, this is my buddy and my best friend, he is righteous and loyal, his name is Jin Jiu, he is older than you, just call him brother Jiu!”

The bald man didn't wait for Song Zhichao to stretch out his hand, but stretched out his hand first, and said with a surprised face: "You are Chao? You are too young, and you really are a hero! Abandoning his old mother, it seems that I am real after such a comparison." I'm getting old!"

Hearing this man's voice, Song Zhichao had a rough idea of ​​his personality, so he replied, "Brother Jiu was joking, Jiang is still old and hot, and I still have to learn a lot from you in many places!"

Jin Jiu stroked his big bald head and laughed, "Yes, you can talk! No wonder Mark admires you so much!"

Everyone sat down, Uncle Kun and Anna didn't need to be introduced, everyone knew each other, just looked at each other and nodded.

Anna pretended to be the hostess and was in charge of arranging the food and drinks, while the four men sat and chatted together.

It was still early, Song Zhichao opened the briefcase directly, and handed the contract signed by Fu Qingying to Mark.

At this time, Mark no longer concealed his inner urgency, and hurriedly accepted the contract handed over by Song Zhichao, and looked through it carefully.

After fully confirming the above transfer agreement and signing content, and then confirming Fu Qingying's signature, handwriting and signature, Mark took a deep breath: "It's finally done!"

Carefully packing up this hard-earned contract, Mark opened his briefcase without saying much, and took out a stack of things from it.The thing was wrapped in newspaper and looked thick.

Mark pushed the paper bag to Song Zhichao without hesitation and said, "Achao, as we agreed before, you open it and have a look first!"

Song Zhichao just smiled, took the paper bag and opened it, and sure enough, there was a thick wad of hundred-yuan bills inside.

You must know that hundred-yuan bills in this era are still very rare, because the hundred-yuan bill was officially issued in 1988, and it has only been in circulation for two years now.In many cases, companies, factories, and industrial and mining enterprises do not use one hundred yuan to pay wages at all. One hundred yuan is a banknote with a large denomination and is only used in large money transactions.

Ordinary people, especially those migrant workers who came from the north to the south, would be surprised to see so much money, all in hundred-yuan bills, but Song Zhichao casually moved the wad of money with his hand, and suddenly raised his hand. Started to say to Mark: "Sorry, the amount of money seems wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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