Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 49 049 [Going to collect debts]

Chapter 49 049 [Going to collect debts]

On the side of the road, Mark's black Santana car drove slowly, but it was Mark's girlfriend Anna who was driving.

Anna picked Mark into the car first. Mark drank too much, and she was worried about letting him drive on the road.

When Mark got into the car, he waved to Jin Jiu and said, "We're on the way, I'll see you off!"

Jin Jiu greeted Song Zhichao and Uncle Kun, and went to Santana.

At this time, the big brother phone that Mark was holding in the car rang with a "beep beep".

Mark connected to the mobile phone and tapped his name, his face became weird.

After a while, he actually handed out his elder brother's phone through the car window, and said to Song Zhichao, "A Chao, please answer the phone."

Song Zhichao was slightly taken aback, and quickly guessed what it was. He reached out and took the big brother handed over by Mark in his hand. It was very heavy, no wonder it was called the ancestor of the "brick machine". After a little weighing, it was at least about a catty.

Putting the big brother to his ear, before Song Zhichao could speak, Master Su's familiar voice came from over there: "Is it Song Zhichao? Can you tell who I am?"

"Old Su, I haven't seen you for a few hours, and you've become lively again." Song Zhichao said with a smile.

Master Su snorted coldly over there, as if recalling the embarrassment of being hit by an egg sandwich this morning.

"Song Zhichao, don't be stubborn! Just now I conveyed my best wishes to Mark on behalf of the eldest lady. I hope he can run the Caesars Dance Hall well, and don't be robbed of the limelight by Cha Yongxiao's Broadway. As for you..."

Master Su deliberately paused, and then said with a grin: "Miss Fu has something to tell can the light of a firefly candle compete with the sun and the moon? His ability is nothing more than a penniless wage earner!"

Song Zhichao held his mobile phone, didn't speak, and didn't even have a big mood swing.

This dissatisfied the master Su on the other side of the phone. He thought that Song Zhichao should react somewhat after hearing this.

"Hey, are you listening to me?"

"Yes." Song Zhichao said casually.

"Did you really listen? Do you know what I mean?"

"Oh, you said I was a wage earner. That's right, I am a wage earner, that's right."

Master Su was so angry, "Our eldest lady will stay in Panyu for three months... Song Zhichao, do whatever you can to see if you are a dragon or a snake!"

"Are there any mistakes? I am a dragon and a snake is in charge of her affairs!" Song Zhichao hung up the phone directly.

On the other end of the phone, "Song Zhichao! Hey, Song Zhichao! Talk to me! You're on the street! You bad boy! How dare you hang up on me, I'll fuck you!"

Mark, Jin Jiu, and Uncle Kun all had bright eyes, looking at Song Zhichao with admiration——if they heard correctly, Song Zhichao scolded Fu Qingying on the phone just now, saying, "Never mind her business."

Damn, there is a kind!


Mark and Jin Jiu left in the Santana car.

Only Song Zhichao and Wu Bingkun were left at the entrance of the hotel.

Uncle Kun also drank a little too much, so Song Zhichao supported him first, waiting for someone to come over, and then stuck him in the car and sent him home.

Uncle Kun's tongue was a little big, and he stared at Song Zhichao and said, "Achao, you are a smart person. When I was your age, I was still ignorant and didn't understand anything. It's good to be young, dare to fight, I'm not afraid of losing! I can't do it, I'm too old to fight anymore." Somehow, Uncle Kun's eyes turned red when he remembered something.

Song Zhichao said, "Uncle Kun, do you have a business card? Give me your business card."

Wu Bingkun took out his own business card from his arms.

Business cards in this era are very precious, and only those with status and status can own business cards.

Wu Bingkun didn't understand what Song Zhichao wanted the business card for, and said, "It has my phone number on it, if you need any help from me, feel free to call, although I'm not very capable, and I'm a bit tactful, but I really appreciate you—— —A Chao, remember to come find me later!”

Obviously, Uncle Kun regards Song Zhichao as a friend.

Song Zhichao didn't answer, took the business card, took out a pen from his pocket, and wrote his name on the business card, "Song Zhichao" in big characters.

After Song Zhichao finished writing, he handed the business card back to Wu Bingkun and said, "Uncle Kun, it doesn't matter if you believe me or not, I don't like to owe favors, so you keep this business card and wait until the dance hall encounters any difficulties." When the time comes, you can bring it to me, and I will never hesitate to define it!"

After speaking, Song Zhichao saw that Wu Bingkun was still in a daze, so he gently stuffed the business card into the pocket of Wu Bingkun's suit jacket, patted it, and said, "Uncle Kun, take care!"

A car came, Song Zhichao helped Wu Bingkun into the car, told the location, and the car left.

Inside the car, Wu Bingkun came back to his senses and turned his head to look, only to see Song Zhichao waving at him from behind. The afternoon sun shone on him, making him look extraordinarily heroic.

Wu Bingkun shook his head, touched the business card in his pocket, which was equivalent to "promise", and muttered: "It's nice to be young."

For Wu Bingkun, he doesn't believe that Song Zhichao can really solve the crisis of the future ballroom.If even Mark is helpless, what can Song Zhichao do as a wage earner from out of town.

But Wu Bingkun still put away this business card, at least, this is a memory, isn't it?

After Song Zhichao sent Wu Bingkun away, he smoked a cigarette on the side of the road.

For him, his task has been completed, earning [-] yuan in three days, he has done it.The most important thing is that from now on, neither Mark nor Fu Qingying will appear in front of her again.

If possible, now he just wants to be quiet for a few days, and then make a good plan for the next step.

"Mmm, I'm so tired!" Song Zhichao stretched his arms lazily while biting his cigarette.

At this time, a small car slowly drove up to him.

There is no way, although there are many restaurants this year, but there are more people eating in big hotels, it is already very good to be able to stop the car at the entrance of the hotel.

When he got in the car, the driver asked him where he was going.

Song Zhichao stubbed out the cigarette, threw it through the car window, and said, "Go to the staff dormitory of the developed toy factory!"

The "noodles" of this era claim to run fast, and before Song Zhichao squinted in the car for a while, he had already reached the street outside the dormitory.The driver master said that the streets in this place are too narrow for cars to enter.

Song Zhichao paid [-] cents for the car, and got out of the car with his briefcase.

When I got out of the car, I looked up at the sun above my head, and the summer heat hit my face directly.

Song Zhichao found a small shop selling cold drinks nearby, bought a frozen watermelon, carried it in a plastic bag, and walked into the dormitory.

Along the way, people who knew him all pointed at him with complicated eyes.Some even saw him and were afraid to avoid him, avoiding him like the plague, turning their heads and walking away when they saw him.

The attitude of the workers made Song Zhichao feel like a "tiger in the streets".

In fact, Song Zhichao understood why without thinking about it.I offended that guy Zhao Jinbao, but that guy is also the production manager of the toy factory, no one dared to get so close to me.

As for other people pointing and saying something to him, Song Zhichao couldn't hear it clearly because they were too far away, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

Just like that, Song Zhichao nonchalantly walked towards the place where he lived, holding the watermelon in one hand and the briefcase in the other.

Before he could reach the door of the dormitory, he heard a noise of "ping, ping, ping, pong, pong". All the pots, pans, and pillows and quilts in his room were thrown out, and at the same time, a noisy voice came out: "Why hasn't Song Zhichao come back from the street? Don't you want to pay back the money!"

(End of this chapter)

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