Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 50 050 [Debt Repayment]

Chapter 50 050 [Debt Repayment]

In the dormitory room, Song Zhichao's cousin Zhu Fugui was surrounded by five or six people, among them were Yang Wei, Sun Ping and Feng Cuicui who had a very "good relationship" with Song Zhichao.

"Fatty man, where is your street-going cousin Song Zhichao hiding? Does he have no money to pay back and wants to hide his debt?" Yang Wei sternly scolded Zhu Fugui.

"Yes, that's our hard-earned money, and it's not easy for us to make money!" Feng Cuicui said.

"Who made him offend Zhao Jinbao? Now it's hard to find a job. I guess he has no money to pay back!" Sun Ping said.

"It doesn't matter that much, let him pay back the money anyway! Pay back the money quickly!" Others shouted.

Zhu Fugui was about to cry.

Since my cousin Song Zhichao borrowed 300 yuan and left three days ago, I have never seen him again.

Others said to themselves, I am stupid, my cousin must have taken the money and ran away, leaving him to suffer here alone.

Zhu Fugui didn't believe it, he believed that his cousin was a good person.

But the reality is that Song Zhichao offended Zhao Jinbao, Zhao Jinbao couldn't find Song Zhichao, so he vented his anger on him. Not only did he arrange for him to do the hardest and most tiring work, he worked hard to carry goods in the warehouse, and he kept making people feel angry. He came here to collect debts, three times a day, which made Zhu Fugui burn out, which was worse than death.

"I, my cousin, he will come back and pay back the money! Don't throw things anymore!" Zhu Fugui lay on the ground, pouted his buttocks and picked up the mess.

Looking at Zhu Fugui's bear, Yang Wei sneered.

Ever since Song Zhichao was offended by Zhao Jinbao by prying his girlfriend away last time, Yang Wei has been very sensible to draw a line with Song Zhichao, and secretly "abandoned the dark and turned to the light" to Zhao Jinbao, expressing his love for Zhao Jinbao with a cigarette loyalty.

Zhao Jinbao also needed a dog like him, so he praised him for his courage, and then instructed Yang Wei to trip Song Zhichao no matter what, because Zhao Jinbao couldn't swallow the breath he had last time.

Yang Wei felt that this was a rare opportunity to rely on Zhao Jinbao to make great contributions, so he became a pioneer of debt collection without hesitation. He came here every now and then to collect debts.
Seeing that Song Zhichao hadn't knelt down yet, Zhu Fugui knelt on the ground to pick up things——
"You still dare to pick it up? If you don't have money, throw all your things out!" Yang Wei picked up the thermos bottle on the table and was about to throw it out through the door.

Suddenly, a hand took his hand.

"Who, who dares to stop me?" Yang Wei turned around and saw Song Zhichao smiling at him.

"Song Zhichao, why is it you?" Yang Wei widened his eyes in surprise.

Song Zhichao didn't answer him, but picked up the handbag and slammed a watermelon on Yang Wei's forehead.

With a bang, the watermelon split into several pieces, and the watermelon juice splashed.

Yang Wei was knocked dizzy and squatted on the ground.

Everyone else looked dumbfounded.

I didn't expect Song Zhichao to be so fierce.

"Pull him out, it's disgusting!" Song Zhichao kicked Yang Wei, who was limp on the ground, and said to Sun Ping, Feng Cuicui and others, "I'll pay you back your money later... Now I'm counting down, Whoever stays in the house, don't even try to get money! Nineteen eighty-seven..."

Before Song Zhichao could finish counting, a group of people rushed out of the room, and soon only Song Zhichao and Zhu Fugui were left in the room.

Zhu Fugui hadn't recovered from the shock just now, he never expected his cousin Song Zhichao to arrive in time.

Looking at Zhu Fugui who was in a daze on the spot, Song Zhichao snapped his fingers in front of him, "Don't be in a daze—come, eat a watermelon to suppress your shock first!" He brought the broken watermelon in front of Zhu Fugui, "Uh, although it's broken If you have enough, you can still eat!"


Zhu Fugui, who came back to his senses, didn't want to eat watermelon. He didn't force Song Zhichao to pay back his 300 yuan at the first time, but asked Song Zhichao if he had any money to pay Yang Wei and the others. People always have to pay back.

Looking at this honest and honest cousin, Song Zhichao sighed, found a small spoon and handed it to Zhu Fugui, asking him to dig watermelon with the spoon to eat. Here he opened the briefcase he brought and took out 800 yuan from the opening. Yuan money, handed it to Zhu Fugui and said, "Take this money to pay the debt, and three hundred of it is yours."

Zhu Fugui rubbed his eyes with a spoon in disbelief, and asked Song Zhichao, "Where did you get so much money?"

"It's only 800 yuan, how much?" Song Zhichao directly opened the briefcase and shook out the entire 1 yuan inside.

A handful of hundred-yuan bills fell out of the briefcase and fell to the ground.

Zhu Fugui, who was digging watermelon with a spoon and stuffing it into his mouth, widened his eyes and couldn't close his mouth.

"Cousin..." Zhu Fugui's face was full of panic, "Where did you get so much money? Did you rob?"

"Steal your head!" Song Zhichao patted him on the forehead.
Zhu Fugui dropped the spoon on the ground with a "pat", picked it up and wiped it with his hands: "Where did you get so much money if you didn't rob?"

"I earned it through hard work." Song Zhichao knew that his simple and honest cousin would not believe him when he said it.Zhu Fugui was born as a typical small farmer who only believes that "the working people are the most glorious" and "speculation is the most shameful". It is more difficult for him to believe that he can earn [-] yuan in three days by planning, than to convince him that the rooster lays eggs.

Sure enough, Song Zhichao briefly talked about his experience, and then looked at Zhu Fugui.

Zhu Fugui's reaction was: "Cousin, don't you think I'm stupid and lied to me?"

Song Zhichao took a deep breath, "Okay, I won't lie to you. In fact, the money is not mine. I kept it for others, and I will return it to them later."

Zhu Fugui said "oh", "Then why did he ask you to keep it? With so much money, he is not afraid that you will take it and run away?"

Song Zhichao didn't expect that although his cousin was not smart, he had the spirit of breaking the casserole and asking the end, so he could only endure it, patted Zhu Fugui on the shoulder and said, "I don't know about this, but what I do know is... If you don't Go out and give the money back to those guys, and they'll come in again!"

Outside, Yang Wei and the others got impatient and shouted——
"Pay back the money, rush to the street! You are not playing delaying tactics, are you?"

"Pay back the money quickly, or we will rush in!"

"If you don't come out, we will call the police!"

"It's only right and proper to pay off debts!"

Zhu Fugui got scared, so he hurriedly stood up, "Wait, I'll come out soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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