Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 51 051 [Recognize me as a big brother, teach you to comb the center point]

Chapter 51 051 [Recognize me as a big brother, teach you to comb the center point]

Outside, Yang Wei felt that his head was still a little dizzy. He didn't expect a watermelon to ram him like this, and he didn't know if he had a concussion.He wanted to rush in to seek revenge on Song Zhichao, but he was afraid that he would not be able to beat that murderer alone, so he urged Sun Ping to rush in with him, but this guy refused.

Helpless, Yang Wei had no choice but to encourage everyone to pay back the money and force Song Zhichao to come out.

From Yang Wei's point of view, in just three days, Song Zhichao, a bastard, would definitely not be able to come up with 500 yuan!

After all, Yang Wei knew everything about him. Here, Song Zhichao had no relatives and no reason, and only his girlfriend Tian Xiaoli was stolen away. Who would lend him money?

Besides, five hundred yuan is not a small sum, wage earners like them, even if they don't eat or drink, they have to save more than half a year to save this much money.

So Yang Wei made up his mind to force Song Zhichao to come out, and when he can't afford the money, he will encourage Sun Ping and the others to come forward. He has already found a brick, and when the time comes, he will take advantage of the confusion and give it to Song Zhichao. Son, beat him into a concussion too.

"Throw away your old mother! Dare to hit me with a watermelon, I'll let you go around without eating!" Yang Wei cursed fiercely in his heart.


The dormitory door opened.

Everyone thought it was Song Zhichao who came out, and knowing that this murderous man was powerful, they involuntarily took a step back.

When it became clear that it wasn't Song Zhichao, but Song Zhichao's pussy cousin, the big guy took another step forward involuntarily.

Yang Wei showed off the bricks he picked up and yelled at Zhu Fugui: "Where's your cousin? What, is it because you don't have the money to pay back, so you dare not come out to see us?"

Zhu Fugui was frightened when he saw the tiles, and hurriedly said, "My cousin said, let me come out and pay everyone back!"

"What about paying back the money, don't fool us!" Even if Yang Wei was killed, he didn't believe that Song Zhichao would pay back the money.

But at this time, Zhu Fugui had already taken out 500 yuan, "You guys bring the IOU, and I will return the money to you!"

This sentence was told by Song Zhichao to Zhu Fugui. According to his intelligence, he would not ask for an IOU for giving money to others.

"Everyone, don't believe him, maybe the money is fake!" Yang Wei didn't believe him, he was still yelling.

But Sun Ping, Feng Cuicui and the others stopped listening to him making nonsense comparisons. It is the last word to get the money in their hands these days.

Soon, everyone's money was in their hands, and after careful inspection, the money was also real.

Although everyone was surprised that Song Zhichao got so much money to pay back the debt, but these are not important, the important thing is that his money has not been lost.

For those migrant workers who come to the south to seek a living, their monthly salary is only 80 to [-] yuan, and the money they save is more valuable than anything else.Even if one or two yuan, can not be thrown away in vain.

After a while, each took the money contentedly and left.

Yang Wei was the only one left, still holding his neck, copying bricks and staring at Zhu Fugui viciously.

"My cousin lent you 100 yuan, do you still want it?" Zhu Fugui asked confidently seeing that Yang Wei was the only one left.

Isn't even this fat man afraid of himself?
Seeing this, Yang Wei saw that the situation was gone, and his heart was like stagnant water, he threw away the brick, "I want it!"


"Cousin, you didn't see Yang Wei's ugly face just now. I asked him if he wanted the hundred dollars, and he didn't hesitate. He just threw the brick and said I wanted it!" Zhu Fugui was rarely seen in front of his cousin Song Zhichao. Prestige, he vividly described the scene of paying off the debt just now, forgetting that he was surrounded by people so scared that he almost peed his crotch.

"Cousin, you paid back the money, what are you going to do in the future?"

"Cousin, do you want to find another factory nearby to work?"

"Cousin, I heard that there is a good electronics factory, 50 yuan a month, including food and housing."

"Cousin, why are you kicking my washbasin?"

"Cousin, why are you flipping through my bedroll?"


"I don't want any of these things if I can get rid of them, it's troublesome—" Song Zhichao weighed Zhu Fugui's tattered quilt with his hands, and said to himself.

"Cousin, what do you mean?" Zhu Fugui's eyes widened, not understanding.

"I mean, are you still going to do it here?" Song Zhichao turned his back to Zhu Fugui, and suddenly turned to stare at him and asked.

"Ah? This..." Zhu Fugui scratched his head with his hands hesitantly, "What are we going to do if we don't do this? You know that I'm stupid, I have nothing but strength."

Seeing Zhu Fugui's hesitant appearance, Song Zhichao just smiled at him gently, and said, "I know what you said, but I offended Zhao Jinbao, he kept wearing small shoes for you, can you bear it?!"

Zhu Fugui just smiled naively, "There's nothing I can't bear, it's better to work hard here than go home to farm the land --- the harvest in the field is not good now, so I can save a couple of dollars here anyway; besides, he also Nothing to me..."

"Really?" Song Zhichao casually threw the half bottle of "safflower oil" that had been dug out from Zhu Fugui's bedside.

Zhu Fugui hurriedly reached out to catch it.

Song Zhichao hooked his hands at Zhu Fugui and said, "Come here."


"Tell you to come here, just come here!"

Zhu Fugui said "Oh", and obediently walked up to Song Zhichao. Song Zhichao stared at him: "Undo your clothes..."

"What are you doing, I'm sorry." Zhu Fugui smiled innocently, but his eyes were avoiding Song Zhichao.

"If you tell me to explain it, you can explain it, don't talk so much nonsense!"

Zhu Fugui said "Oh" again, then put down the safflower oil in hand, turned his back to Song Zhichao, and began to unbutton his clothes slowly——
Unbuttoning his clothes, he saw that Zhu Fugui's sturdy body was densely covered with rheumatism plaster, and a pungent smell of rheumatism plaster and safflower oil came out of his nostrils; There are a lot of bruises that haven't faded, obviously, these are the trauma caused when he was twisted, smashed, and bumped when he was moving goods in the warehouse.

"Ahem, the warehouse is short-staffed and there are many's okay, don't tell my parents." Zhu Fugui turned around and said to Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao didn't know what it was like, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Suddenly, Song Zhichao stretched out his hand and patted Zhu Fugui's shoulder hard.

"Oh, it hurts!" Zhu Fugui bared his teeth.

"Trust me, I won't let anyone bully you again!" Song Zhichao said solemnly to his cousin Zhu Fugui with burning eyes.

Zhu Fugui was startled for a moment, then smiled naively, scratched his head and said, "Of course I believe you. My mother said, old cousin, old cousin, goes to the river to take a bath. Brother Chao, you are smarter than me, and I will follow you from now on." You messed up."

Song Zhichao smiled, touched Zhu Fugui's rustic head with his hand, and said in Cantonese deliberately: "That's right! From now on, if you recognize me as the eldest brother, I will teach you how to comb the middle part!"

(End of this chapter)

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