Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 53 053 [Moving]

Chapter 53 053 [Moving]

I saw Zhu Fugui wearing a green soft hat of the People's Liberation Army, and rolled the bedding into twist rolls, together with pillows, washbasins, tea mugs, towels, toothbrushes, and other messy things bundled together to form a huge luggage , and then carry this oversized luggage decorated with messy "twist rolls" on his back.

That's not counting, because some old clothes and trousers couldn't fit in, so he put these things on in a mess, one layer after another, and he wasn't afraid of heat rash in the summer.

If the trick of putting on clothes fully demonstrated Zhu Fugui's intelligence, then wrapping three or four pairs of broken shoes together with tape and hanging them around his neck fully demonstrated Zhu Fugui's intelligence.

"Cousin, do you think I'm okay? I originally wanted to take those three cans with me, but I just couldn't fit them in." Zhu Fugui looked at the three neatly arranged ones with some regret, pitifully, It was originally a canned fruit and pineapple bottle for my own small sundries.

Song Zhichao couldn't help rubbing his temples vigorously with his fingers. He found that he had always underestimated the "intelligence" of this cheap cousin.

"Actually, you don't need to bring so many things, you just need to bring useful things." Song Zhichao tried his best to calm his emotions and his tone became kind.

"These are all very useful. You see, this washbasin is for washing your face, the towel is for wiping your face, this tea mug can also be used for brushing your teeth, and you can also drink tea, and these socks..." Zhu Fugui pulled from his pocket He took out a large handful of smelly socks, put them in front of his nose and sniffed them, and quickly covered his nose: "Although they haven't been washed, they can still be worn—these nylons cost two or three cents in the market. A pair of money!"

Song Zhichao pointed to the broken shoes hanging around his neck, "Don't tell me that these shoes can still be worn after patching..."

"Hey, cousin, how do you know? No wonder my mother said you are smart, you have spoken out what's on my mind!" Zhu Fugui looked surprised.

Song Zhichao gritted his teeth and pointed to the huge "twist roll": "Put this thing down first."

Zhu Fugui unloaded the twist roll, raised his face and asked, "What are you doing?"

"No more."

"What?" Zhu Fugui looked at the marijuana roll with longing eyes, a little bit reluctant.

"The shoes on your neck, throw them away!"

"And your layers of clothes, take them off!"

"Throw away the socks!"

"Hats off, too!"

Song Zhichao kept ordering, and Zhu Fugui kept acting.

Soon it will all be lost.

Seeing the pile of things left behind, Zhu Fugui's face became ugly. Although he didn't dare to refute, he pouted his thick lips with a look of reluctance.

When Zhu Fugui could not bear to plead for mercy, Song Zhichao immediately took out 100 yuan, stuffed it into his hand, and said: "Don't talk, keep silent—I bought your luggage!"


"Cousin, you lost money. In fact, my luggage is not worth so much money." Zhu Fugui happily held a 100 yuan bill, his eyes were a little bright.

"Cousin, this pile of things is actually sold as scrap, and can be sold for seven or eight yuan at most."

He watched, stroked, and carefully folded the 100 yuan, untied his belt, and carefully stuffed the 100 yuan into the hidden pocket inside his underwear.

When the two of them packed their luggage and were about to leave the familiar dormitory, Zhu Fugui couldn't help but glance back——
"Cousin, can you let me take that washbasin? I can use it to wash my face."

"Cousin, can I keep that tea mug? I can use it to brush my teeth."


"Shut up! If you speak again, I will return the 100 yuan!" Song Zhichao said while holding his briefcase.

Zhu Fugui quickly covered his mouth with his hands, and said to himself, "It's a good thing I didn't make a sound, or the money would be gone."


When Song Zhichao took Zhu Fugui and officially left the dormitory, the gang of wage earners who used to live with them talked to them a lot.

Everyone didn't understand the situation, and only thought that Song Zhichao and his cousin Zhu Fugui had been fired from the toy factory and kicked out.

It is not uncommon for workers in the south to be dismissed by their bosses, but it is generally difficult for those who have been dismissed to find another job. After all, the circle is small, and if one boss does not want it, other bosses will not accept it.

So everyone sympathized with Song Zhichao and Zhu Fugui.

"What a pity there is no work!"

"Yeah, who made them blind and offend Zhao Jinbao!"

"I didn't even wink when I came out to work, so I deserve it!"

"You can't say that, I heard that Zhao Jinbao stole his girlfriend!"

"That's even more useless, a man can't even keep a horse!"


Zhu Fugui is an honest man, when he sees people talking about him, he greets them, but they dare not talk to him for fear of being implicated by him.Zhu Fugui said that he and his cousin didn't want anything in the house, and whoever wanted it would take it away.

As soon as these words were spoken, those people took action.

Although he didn't dare to talk to Song Zhichao and Zhu Fugui for fear of getting involved, their stuff was good and they wouldn't bite.

A group of people swarmed into the dormitory behind the two of them, and began to scramble for the garbage "luggage" discarded by Song Zhichao.

"This mug is mine!"

"I saw this quilt first!"

"The washbasin is mine, so don't anyone fucking snatch it from me!"

"Fuck you mother, this old dress is mine!"

"Throw away your mother, I want all these shoes!"

A group of wage earners kept swearing and robbed the pile of junk.


Outside, Song Zhichao waved for a noodle car.

Zhu Fugui has never been in a car at his age. When he was a child, he would ride on a four-wheeled tractor called "Duddu" when he was a child, so when his cousin asked him to get in the car, Zhu Fugui was in a panic. Excited, I didn't know which leg to take, got into the car, touched and looked at it, and said to Song Zhichao with a trembling mouth: "Brother Chao, I'm in a car, I'm really in a car! I'm not dreaming, am I? ?” He pinched and twisted his own face.

It made the driver think he was suffering from a mental illness.

In fact, there are still many "crazy" people like Zhu Fugui in this era. They have never been in touch with fashionable things in their life. They are envious when they see a running car. They think that only leaders can sit in it. When they sit in it, The feeling of contentment and pride is undeniable.

The driver saw that Song Zhichao was still normal, no, to be precise, he looked like a big man in any way, no matter in his clothes or temperament, he was quite different from the turtle next to him, so he asked him where he was going.

Song Zhichao lit a cigarette, took a few puffs, held the cigarette between his fingers and flicked the ash out of the car window, then squinted his eyes and said, "Longtai Hotel".

(End of this chapter)

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