Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 54 054 [Zhu Fugui's Spring]

Chapter 54 054 [Zhu Fugui's Spring]

"Longtai Hotel" is a well-known hotel in Panyu County. Although it is not a super luxurious star hotel, it is a very economical "state-owned hotel".

As the "conscience" of Panyu's hotel industry, although Longtai Hotel's service is not the best, but as a model of state-owned hotels, it would rather do business at a loss so that guests can live well. To put it bluntly is --- cheap!

In fact, many state-owned hotels in this era are losing money, and people who don't know how to manage the hotel are allowed to manage the hotel. The final result is that the expenses are far greater than the profits.

For example, this Longtai Hotel, on the surface, seems to have an endless stream of customers, and the business is booming. Buyers who come from all over the country to purchase electronic products, leather products, clothing, and toys will basically stay in this hotel.The reason is simple, invoices can be issued for reimbursement.

Then, the tricks came out.

In order to reimburse more accommodation expenses, these people can be said to have shown their magical powers across the sea, and they have used all kinds of tricks. Among them, most of them are through the back door. As long as you can establish a relationship with the person in charge of issuing invoices in the hotel, you will be able to continuously issue invoices .

As for the person who issued the invoice, his thinking is very simple. Anyway, the money earned by the business is not his own, it belongs to the hotel, and the money earned by the hotel is not his own, but the country's.

The person who issued the invoice thinks this way, and the other people who work in the hotel think the same way. Anyway, bed sheets, pillows, toothbrushes, slippers, etc. are not their own. It doesn’t matter if the guests take it or not. The hotel’s things are naturally contracted by the state.

The employees think this way, and so do the hotel leaders. Anyway, the money they earn is not their own. They are only in charge of management.

From top to bottom, no one is responsible for the real interests of the hotel, so this place has become a "paradise" for many customers.

So much so that there is a saying in Pan Yu, "As long as you can establish a good relationship with Longtai Hotel, you can live there as your home!"

Song Zhichao's way of establishing a good relationship with the staff of Longtai Hotel was very straightforward. He found the supervisor of the housekeeping department, put ten yuan in his pocket, and said, "At most one month, at least one week, help arrange it!"

The supervisor was also very kind, and directly arranged Song Zhichao and Zhu Fugui to live in the hotel with the best facilities and the most comfortable large guest room, and told Song Zhichao, "Just stay here, I will take care of everything!"

know each other.

The ten yuan tip was not in vain. You can definitely get the most VIP-level service here, and the price is not too expensive.

Therefore, a market economy is good, everyone gets what they need.


After entering the room, Song Zhichao took off his suit and put it on the hanger, then began to untie his tie, put on slippers, and prepared to wash up first.

Zhu Fugui, however, was in a state of excitement. Looking at the two super-large and super-soft beds in the room, he pressed them with his hands, making a persistent sound; so he sat on them again, chirping, chirping, and the spring bed went up and down. Swaying wildly, Zhu Fugui was inexplicably surprised: "Cousin, this bed can move!"

Song Zhichao didn't bother to talk to him, feeling his body was greasy, so he said to him, "I'm going to take a bath."

Song Zhichao took the bath towels, toothbrush, toothpaste and other items in the room, and went directly into the bathroom.

These things are all standard in the hotel. It seems that the room that the comrade in charge introduced is very good. It uses some high-end products, unlike ordinary small shops, which are reluctant to spend. Towels and toothbrushes are all miscellaneous brands.

Zhu Fugui was still excited, took off his shoes like a child and jumped on the bed for a dozen laps, and was attracted by the pressure pot placed in the corner again.

He didn't know what it was, he was shaking it in his arms, and there was a sound of water, so he guessed it was a tea bottle, but he was used to that kind of simple thermos bottle, and he didn't know how to use this kind of pressure pot, so he just buckled the lid with his fingers , But it couldn’t be buckled, and I tried to twist it with my hands, but it couldn’t be twisted. After tossing for a long time, I looked at the pressure mechanism, and finally I was smart, I pressed it, and then water flowed out from the spout.

Zhu Fugui was taken aback, and shouted excitedly: "This is amazing! Cousin, this teapot is similar to our pressurized well, it can pressurize water!"

"Cousin, do you want some water, and I'll make you a cup?"

"Cousin, this water is so delicious, it's as sweet as adding sugar!"

Zhu Fugui was so excited that he drank three cups of boiled water from the pressure pot in one gulp. It was so beautiful that he didn't respond when he saw that Song Zhichao was still taking a bath in it, so he stood up again and looked around like a treasure hunt.

Soon, Zhu Fugui saw the poster hanging on the wall, but it was a "swimsuit photo" of Hong Kong actress Zhong Chuhong, which the hotel had obtained from somewhere, framed and hung above the bed as a work of art.

Zhu Fugui blushed as he looked at Zhong Chuhong in a three-point swimsuit on the poster.

Although he is also a wage earner, Zhu Fugui never spends money indiscriminately. He never goes to the video room to watch pornographic movies when others spend money.Therefore, he has no chance to see what a "woman" is, let alone who is the big star "Zhong Chuhong".

If he had to talk about his only "first love", it would be when "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was broadcast on TV in [-]. Zhu Fugui, who was still a "little kid", stole [-] cents from the family and went to the small shop in the east of the village to buy it. A large sheet of colorful stickers of "Pretty Huang Rong" Weng Meiling was later hidden under the pillow, and I took it out to look at before going to bed at night.Later, my mother found out that he had stolen the money, so she blocked him in the cowshed with the soles of her shoes and beat him up violently, and this unrequited love that hadn't started yet ended without a problem when Zhu Fugui's butt blossomed. .

At this moment, Zhu Fugui, who was no longer a brat, stared at "Zhong Chuhong", only feeling that his throat was dry, his chest was hot, his face was hot, and his eyes were straight. He felt that the lesbian in front of him was wearing too little.If you wear clothes like this in your hometown, someone will poke your spine.

He wanted to take his eyes off the poster, but he couldn't bear to.

Hearing his cousin Song Zhichao taking a shower in the bathroom, Zhu Fugui's heart was beating for no reason. Taking a look at "Zhong Chuhong", he finally braved up, stood on tiptoe, and licked his thick lips like a thief. It was lightly printed on Zhong Chuhong's lips.

Zhu Fugui closed his eyes, trembling all over.

Trembling with excitement, trembling with excitement.

He felt his whole body fly up.

Floating, flying high and high.

At this moment, he felt that there was a sun in his chest, which was so warm that he would rather die for this woman named "Zhong Chuhong".

Yes, for her, he would even give up his life!
If she could talk, if she ordered him to die...

At this moment, Zhu Fugui fell into an indescribable state of delusion. It was not until a cough came from the bathroom that Zhu Fugui shivered in fright, and hurriedly avoided the poster, guilty of not daring to look at it.

The bathroom was restored to its original state.

After Zhu Fugui was sure he was safe, he had the courage to look at Zhong Chuhong on the poster, only to feel that she was smiling at him, and her lips were still moist.

Zhu Fugui touched his mouth with his hand, and it was also moist.

He felt he was "in love".

(End of this chapter)

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