Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 55 055 [If You Are My Legend]

Chapter 55 055 [If You Are My Legend]

When Song Zhichao came out of the bathroom wearing a bath towel and wiping his wet hair with a towel, he saw Zhu Fugui dipping a steamed bun in sugar and squatting beside the TV like a monkey without sitting down. Eating steamed buns happily, while staring at the TV screen, watching with relish.

The TV series is the golden suit martial arts drama "Sword Demon Dugu Begging Defeat" starring Huang Rihua, Wu Dairong and Shao Meiqi.

This play was very famous in the previous life, the reason is that this play is played by Huang Rihua, a very sharp character in Jin Yong's novel "Dugu Qiu Defeat".Anyone who likes Jin Yong's novels is very interested in this god-level "character".

Zhu Fugui had watched "Shooting the Condors" and "Shen Condor" in his hometown before, so of course he knew who the great god "Dugu Qiubai" was.

It can be said that for Zhu Fugui, he doesn't know who "Zhong Chuhong" is, but he must know the characters in Jin Yong's martial arts.Even Zhu Fugui has always believed that "Huang Rihua" is "Guo Jing", so when he saw Huang Rihua turned into "Dugu Qiubai" on TV again, he couldn't help asking Song Zhichao, who was eating white buns dipped in sugar: " Brother Chao, could Guo Jing be the son of Dugu Qiubai, they look the same, and they are both named Huang Rihua."

Song Zhichao didn't expect his cousin's thinking to be so "time-traveled", so he could only say: "They are played by an actor, not a person."

Zhu Fugui said "Oh".

Song Zhichao thought he had figured it out, but he heard Zhu Fugui say, "Dugu Qiubai is not his father, it may be his grandfather...the three of you really look alike!"

Song Zhichao smiled, and didn't dare to talk nonsense with Zhu Fugui anymore, lest he lower his IQ and be taken into a ditch by him. Seeing Zhu Fugui eating steamed buns with gusto, he asked, "Is the white steamed bun delicious with sugar?" ? If you’re hungry, I’ll order you something to eat!”

"No, it's good." Zhu Fugui took a big bite of steamed buns at Song Zhichao, "Look, my steamed buns can be dipped in sugar or malted milk, and the taste will be different after dipped in malted milk. It smells like milk! Brother Chao, do you want to eat it?" As he spoke, Zhu Fugui dipped the steamed buns in malted milk and handed them to Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao shook his head, "You eat, I have something to go out first; if you are hungry, go down to eat, don't be too stingy. Remember, working outside is the most important thing for your health."

After finishing speaking, Song Zhichao put on his clothes again, and brought those tapes from the dormitory, such as Aaron Kwok's, Andy Lau's, and Little Tigers', as well as the photo of Tian Xiaoli. In a small plastic bag with the words "Grand Hotel", and then told Zhu Fugui to stop watching TV when he is free, and to learn more local vernacular. After all, if you are working here, if you can't even speak Cantonese , is easy to be bullied, after saying this, he turned and went out.

Zhu Fugui was watching TV vigorously, but in fact he didn't even know when Song Zhichao would leave the house.

With his big butt pouted, he happily watched "Dugu Qiubai" on TV practicing epee cheats in the cave. From time to time, he grabbed the steamed bun and gestured twice following the moves on TV, saying "hey ha".


Fafa Toy Factory is one of the largest toy factories in Panyu County.

As the factory manager, Cheng Fafa has always been ambitious, especially in recent years, he bought two large toy factories at one go and established three relatively large factories.

Originally, Tian Xiaoli and Song Zhichao worked in the same factory area. Since Tian Xiaoli decisively broke up with Song Zhichao last time, and dated Zhao Jinbao, she was transferred to the new factory area through her relationship in just one day. The inspection work can be said to be easy and free, and the salary has increased from the original 53 yuan a month to 70 yuan.

For Yang Wei, Sun Ping, Feng Cuicui and others who knew Tian Xiaoli well, this time Tian Xiaoli really "flyed up the branch and turned into a phoenix" and climbed a high branch, and a happy life in the future is just around the corner.

While everyone was envious, they didn't think there was anything wrong with Tian Xiaoli's abandonment of Song Zhichao that day; on the contrary, in their view, all of this was Song Zhichao's fault. The fault was that he was useless at all. Can't keep it.

At this moment, Hong Kong singer Andy Lau's new song "If You Are My Legend" is ringing at the high altitude of the new factory area of ​​the toy factory——
"For ever and ever
romance tales say too much

can someone write me a

Tian Ruo Qing Tian Yi Lao

I'm just worried that I won't be able to wait...

if you are my legend
让 他 天长地久
The dream chaser is waiting for you..."

The singing is melodious and desolate, telling a sad and touching love story between a man and a woman.It can be said that once this song was released, it became popular all over the country in a short time, not to mention Panyu County, which is close to Hong Kong. Many migrant working girls have already regarded Andy Lau as their dream lover in their hearts. In the dormitory, you will find that there are various posters of Hua Tsai on their walls.

Accompanied by Andy Lau's magnetic and thick bass, in the mournful singing, the female workers who just got off work from various workshops of the toy factory are in a good mood, happy pace, smiling, playing or playing around from People came out of the factory one after another.

For them, most of them are very young, and some even went south to work as a female worker just after finishing junior high school, and entered a factory as a female worker. Earn money to support your family, you can buy a lot of cosmetics, you can put on beautiful lipstick, wear fashionable clothes, and of course, you can also fall in love and make boyfriends justifiably.

For example, now, many boys are waiting for their girlfriends outside the gate. In the future, the two of them can eat a bowl of spicy fish balls and refreshing rice rolls, and then go sit by the river , Get into the woods for a while, kiss and touch, and enjoy the happiness given by youth.

When Song Zhichao arrived at the new area of ​​the toy factory, just in time for the factory to get off work, men and women poured out of the gate, looking very lively.

Compared with those giggling and ignorant wage earners, Song Zhichao is very attractive no matter how he dresses or how he looks.So much so that he soon became the object of attention at the gate.

The boys who were waiting for their girlfriends all felt threatened when they saw this scene.Because they found that their girlfriends always glanced at Song Zhichao from time to time, and they couldn't stop them.

No way, who made this era an era of "appearance", otherwise there would not be any "Four Heavenly Kings", "Little Tigers", and the future all-powerful Asian whirlwind "Jimmy Lin".

In this day and age, looking good is really important.

What's more, compared with those big stars, Song Zhichao is not weak in appearance or temperament, and even has a "sense of reality" that is within reach. There are many girls in the toy factory, so it is inevitable to see him being a nympho.

Let me ask, who hasn't had a love affair for the first time?
(End of this chapter)

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