Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 56 056 [The First Opening of Love]

Chapter 56 056 [The First Opening of Love]

Song Zhichao basically ignored the gazes around him.

As a person who is not of this era, Song Zhichao has always had a feeling of "staying out of things". This feeling is like an audience watching the performance of the crowd under the stage, or like a certain god's mansion overlooking all living beings... so that it is inadvertent There will be a kind of extraordinary, refined, and unreliable alternative atmosphere in him.

This kind of breath turns into temperament, which is called "doing one's own way" and "free and unrestrained" in a kind of literary language.

After entering the toy factory, Song Zhichao easily found out Tian Xiaoli's whereabouts through his high-end "face value" along the way.According to people who knew Tian Xiaoli, Tian Xiaoli had already left work at this time and was taking a bath in the bathroom of the factory.

Southerners love cleanliness, and in addition to the hot weather, many factories generally have collective bathhouses.

However, this kind of bathhouse is not provided free of charge to employees, allowing them to take a bath for free. Each employee must apply for a "bathing card" issued by the factory before they can take a bath in the bathhouse.

Every time they go to take a bath, the employees only need to show the bath card. Every time they use the bath card, it is equivalent to paying [-] cents for the bath fee. The money will be settled at the end of the month and then deducted from the employee's salary.

Relatively speaking, most of the people who apply for bathing cards are female employees. Women love to be clean, and they are willing to spend [-] cents to wash themselves clean.

For male workers, they travel all the way from the north to the south to work, the purpose is to make money, and they have to pay [-] cents to take a shower, so they might as well go to the canteen to buy a bottle of beer and drink it; besides, what are men afraid of? It's not cold here, so you can just fetch water and take a shower in the dormitory. Some people don't even take a shower for several days, and they just wipe it off with a towel when they smell.

Because of this, generally only female employees of the toy factory go in and out of the collective bathhouse of the toy factory, and very few male employees come in and out.Even if there is, the purpose is not only to take a bath, but more to see women.After all, most of the boys who came to the south to work were young men of seventeen or eighteen years old, who could not go to school at home, so they came to the south to work and earn money.For them, youth has no chance to squander on studies, so squandering on women, knowing in advance what girls look like, is more than any temptation.

What's more, it is said that a year ago, a senior from a factory, in order to peek at a woman taking a bath, even took a guy, a chisel and a hammer, or something like that, and hid it in a towel. ", a small hole was cut in a hidden corner of the cement wall of the men's bathhouse.

If it hadn't been for a fat girl who was taking a bath and was soaping her body, she accidentally saw an eyeball rolling around her bones, and she fainted with a frightened "aww", people would not have caught this "spiritual" girl. Jia" male predecessor.

The final result of this incident was that all male employees who came to the collective bathhouse to take a bath were branded as perverts, and the price for male employees to take a shower increased from the original [-] cents to [-] cents.

It is said that this was approved by the factory manager Cheng Fafa. According to Cheng Fafa, this is called "taking care of female compatriots". He became a women's bathhouse, but he was afraid of being nagged by male employees, so he raised the price and forced the male employees to give up the right to take a bath without taking a bath.


Near the collective bathhouse——
A thick banyan tree has dense branches and leaves, and the shell-like leaves gently flutter, bringing a little bit of coolness.

Song Zhichao stretched one leg back against the banyan tree, and stepped on the ground with the other foot, leaning against the banyan tree, with one hand in his pocket, smoking a cigarette.

His posture is very lazy, especially when he is exhaling smoke, his chin is slightly raised. The sunlight shines on his body through the leaves, and the whole person is like a natural sculpture.

Song Zhichao didn't know that his unconsciously cool posture seemed to have attracted the attention of many people. In addition, he was handsome enough, with cool hairstyle and fashionable clothes, which made this look even more eye-catching.

Some people say that when there are many women, they are more courageous than anyone else, especially when they see beautiful men, they are more "sexy" than anyone else.

This is the case at this time.

A large group of fledgling girls just finished a bath, with wet hair, some casually tied up their long hair with hair clips, some simply let it loose, exuding the smell of shampoo from head to toe, they held bath products, or Holding washbasins and bags, they walked out of the collective bathhouse in groups of three and four, chirping.

Soon, the sharp-eyed girls saw Song Zhichao leaning against the big banyan tree, so they pointed at Song Zhichao unscrupulously, without hiding their affection for him.

A girl with dark skin blushed and tried to strike up a conversation with Song Zhichao amidst the pushing and shoving of her companions.

Her friends hid behind, waiting to see her jokes.

In fact, there are many such things. Whether it is a group of guys or a group of girls, when encountering such things, there will always be a "unlucky guy" who will be pushed out as a "experimental product" and take the initiative to talk to beautiful women or handsome guys.

It's done, everyone is envious together, and asks for credit, saying how much credit you have for fulfilling your good deed.

If you lose, you will become cannon fodder, causing everyone to laugh and be teased vigorously, and take this matter as a joke after dinner.

This is youth, unrestrained and unscrupulous.

Looking at the extremely handsome Song Zhichao, the dark-skinned girl is timid and shy in her heart. She feels that she is a bit ugly—even if she is not too ugly, her skin is also a bit dark. He was rejected by Song Zhichao.

But she can't back down, those "hateful" friends are waiting to see her jokes.

Taking a deep breath, the dark-skinned girl finally plucked up the courage to approach Song Zhichao, thinking silently, just ask him his name, if he has a girlfriend, and which workshop he works in. Partners don't laugh at themselves.

Yes, it's that easy, you can!

Dark-skinned girls work hard to encourage themselves. Many unattractive girls who work in the south will actively woo. It is also by virtue of this unprecedented and bold way that they have captured many handsome guys.

Therefore, there is a very strange phenomenon in the south that ugly girls match pretty boys.

Because ugly girls are bold and dare to chase boys.

How to say that sentence, "Men chase women across a mountain, women chase men across a piece of paper."

Here, it is simply the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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