Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 57 057 [Appearance is justice]

Chapter 57 057 [Appearance is justice]

One step, two steps, three steps. Seeing that the dark-skinned girl had already walked in front of Song Zhichao, she boldly looked at Song Zhichao with her eyes, but suddenly found that the other party's star-like eyes were staring at her. Suddenly, she accumulated the courage for a long time , Under these bright star eyes, she was completely discouraged.

She lowered her head, not daring to make eye contact with Song Zhichao, her heart was like a deer bumping into her bosom, her heart was beating non-stop, the fingers of her two hands were vigorously stirring the drawstring of her skirt, thinking wildly, should she Just go back like this, even if you are laughed at by your companions.

"Hello, beauty, can I ask you a favor?"

Just when the dark-skinned girl wanted to retreat, Song Zhichao spoke.

The girl was startled, then startled again, and looked up to find that Song Zhichao was staring at her with a smile, and when she saw her looking over, she even showed her a bright smile again.

The dark-skinned girl can be sure that he must have said that to herself.

Are you also... a beauty?

The dark-skinned girl felt as sweet as honey in her heart, um, sweet.

For a long time, I have been called a black girl, and even gave myself a nickname called "Black Girl Toothpaste".Because I heard that there is a Hong Kong toothpaste brand called "Black toothpaste".

She doesn't know if this kind of black toothpaste is good or not. She has always used "Leng Suan Ling" toothpaste, because the advertisement of this toothpaste is well done. The "black toothpaste" I hate when others call me a "black girl".

But now the black girl has become a beautiful woman, and the huge contrast makes the dark-skinned girl feel dizzy.

"You...what do you want me to do for you?" The dark-skinned girl felt that her voice was very low, like a mosquito humming, and she considered whether to say it louder, lest the other party didn't hear.

"Then do you know Tian Xiaoli, she just transferred from the old factory to work in this new factory." Song Zhichao asked with a smile.

"I... I know." The dark-skinned girl was a little excited, and her words were awkward. "She's in our workshop."

Tian Xiaoli is the biggest "parachute" in the factory, and she is very beautiful. Although she has only been here for less than three days, she has already become famous, and no one knows her.

"Okay then, can you please pass this package on to her?" Song Zhichao handed the black-skinned girl the plastic bag containing the cassette and photos.

The dark-skinned girl glanced at the bag in surprise, but quickly took it, "Don't worry, I will hand it to her personally."

For her, this seemed like a promise, a promise that she would fulfill with all her heart no matter what.

Song Zhichao nodded at her, "My name is Song Zhichao, thank you again—excuse me, what's your name?"

He asked my name!

He even asked my name!

The dark-skinned girl's voice trembled, "I, I, my name is Wang Guihua."

As soon as she said her name, the girl regretted it, because many people said her name was too rustic, and she didn't dare to look into Song Zhichao's eyes for fear that he would laugh at her.

"Osmanthus fragrans in August, it's July now, and it looks like you'll have more than a month to smell the fragrance! Wang osmanthus, I will remember you!" Song Zhichao pointed to Wang osmanthus handsomely with his hand, showing a very sincere After speaking, he turned and left.

Walk very smartly, walk very freely.

For Song Zhichao, this visit to the factory was not really to meet Tian Xiaoli.Apart from being familiar with Tian Xiaoli, he doesn't have much personal feelings. After all, he is him, not the previous "Song Zhichao".

Now, asking the dark-skinned girl to help hand over the things, for him, is considered a retirement. He helped his predecessor "Song Zhichao" fulfill his last wish. From now on, he and Song Zhichao's girlfriend Tian Xiaoli will have nothing to do with each other again!

Song Zhichao walked casually, but he didn't know that behind him, the dark-skinned girl named "Wang Osmanthus" had long been petrified, her whole body was rigidly stuck in place, and she only whispered the words Song Zhichao just said in her heart, "August osmanthus is fragrant." "It turns out that I will also be fragrant.

Every girl has a dream, but the way of dreaming is different.

Song Zhichao inadvertently awakened a girl from Piaoxiang's dream.

Seeing Song Zhichao leave, his partner Wang Guihua was still in a daze, and the group of friends who were hiding behind to watch the show didn't follow.

what happened?
This girl has talked with the handsome guy for so long.

How can it be?

They swarmed up, surrounded Wang Guihua in the middle, and asked in a hurry: "What did he tell you?" "What's his name?" "Does he have a girlfriend?" "Why did he give you something?" ?”

Only then did Wang Guihua wake up.

She glanced at her friends lightly. If you observe carefully, you will find that at this moment, there is no inferiority complex or cowardice in her eyes, but a little pride.

She raised her chin and said, "You want to know?"

The little friends stared at her and nodded together like chickens pecking at rice.

Wang Guihua smiled, and raised the bag in her hand: "His name is Song Zhichao, as for these things... I will give them to Tian Xiaoli!"

"Song Zhichao?" One of the girls showed a surprised expression, "It can't be that Song Zhichao?"

"Which Song Zhichao?"

"It's the man who used to have sex with Tian Xiaoli, who was later pried into the corner by Zhao Jinbao."

"It's him, no way!"

The girls all looked incredible.

"I didn't expect him to be so handsome. Have you seen his hairstyle? And his clothes..." Another girl looked like a nympho. "Simply more handsome than Andy Lau and Aaron Kwok!"

"Yeah, I was also electrocuted by him! How could Tian Xiaoli break up with him?"

The girls were chattering, and they couldn't figure out how a handsome guy like Song Zhichao would be dumped by Tian Xiaoli.

"It's hard to explain," said a girl who thought she was smart, "Zhao Jinbao is rich, his brother-in-law is still the director of the factory, and that Song Zhichao is just a wage earner. If I were Tian Xiaoli, of course I would choose Zhao Jinbao! "

After the girl finished speaking, everyone looked at her and said nothing.

"What are you doing, why are you looking at me?"

"If it were me, I would choose Song Zhichao."

"I choose him too, Zhao Jinbao is like a pig."

"With a handsome guy by my side, even looking at it is comfortable!"

"That Tian Xiaoli really has no vision, she missed a handsome guy for nothing!"

Just when the girls were expressing their emotions——
"Is he really as good as you say? Not necessarily!"

While talking, I saw a beautiful girl with long hair and shawl carrying a small basket, just after taking a shower, walking towards them with an angry face.

(End of this chapter)

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