Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 58 058 [Big trotter]

Chapter 58 058 [Big trotter]

Tian Xiaoli had a good time these days.

To be precise, since she and Zhao Jinbao confirmed their relationship, her working life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

First of all, Zhao Jinbao took advantage of her power to directly transfer her from an employee who worked hard to install eyes on toy panda dolls to the new district and became a production line inspector.Now her job is very easy. She no longer has to stare at the dolls and mechanically install eyes on them. If they are installed incorrectly, they have to be removed and reinstalled, and sometimes they are fined by the factory.

Now she only needs to patrol the inspection line, check, pick out unqualified products when she sees them, and call them back for the staff to redo.Now her name is not "foreign girl" Tian Xiaoli, everyone calls her "Tian inspector".

Of course, as a "parachute", many people in the new factory area pointed at her. Some said that she got in because of connections, and others said that she got into the position because of her beauty.Tian Xiaoli felt a little uncomfortable about these things at first, but soon she figured it out, it would be strange not to be envied by others in a situation like hers.

In addition to those who are jealous of her, there are many people around her waiting to curry favor with her, such as Xia Xiaofang who met in the shower today.

Xia Xiaofang is very beautiful, as a northerner, she has a much taller figure than southerners, her facial features are also very delicate, and her skin is even fairer, not as dark as southerners.

Xia Xiaofang has always maintained that she has a first-class body and good looks, but only after meeting Tian Xiaoli did she know what a "beauty" is.Xia Xiaofang understood better why Tian Xiaoli was favored by Zhao Jinbao, and was transferred to the new factory to do a comfortable job.

While taking a bath in the collective bathhouse, Xia Xiaofang took a special look at Tian Xiaoli's figure. It is really bumpy, the place that should be big is big, the place that should be warped is warped, her skin is almost like a peach, bright and radiant, stronger than her own I don't know how many times, with such a good figure, no wonder he is targeted by men.

After realizing the huge gap between herself and Tian Xiaoli, Xia Xiaofang made a decision, since she can't be an enemy, she should be a friend.

So Xia Xiaofang took a chance. When Tian Xiaoli found out that she didn't bring shampoo to wash her hair, she went to Tian Xiaoli's side and enthusiastically handed over her "Bee Flower" brand shampoo...

Soon, Xia Xiaofang's actions won Tian Xiaoli's trust, and the two became good friends who talked about everything.

For Tian Xiaoli, it is very rare for her to make friends who are willing to talk to her when she comes to this new factory area where she is not familiar with.

For Xia Xiaofang, being able to develop a relationship with Tian Xiaoli is equivalent to getting to know Zhao Jinbao, and Zhao Jinbao is Zhao Jinhua's younger brother, and Zhao Jinhua is the wife of the factory director Cheng Fafa. These layers of relationships are precious. Very, maybe I can take the opportunity to climb high branches in the future.

After taking a bath, Tian Xiaoli walked out of the bathhouse carrying a basket talking and laughing with Xia Xiaofang.

Tian Xiaoli asked Xia Xiaofang if she had a boyfriend, Xia Xiaofang smiled and said yes to Tian Xiaoli, and Andy Lau who was singing on the trumpet was her boyfriend.He also said that he has been in love with Andy for many years, and he likes to watch his TV series the most, such as "The Falcon", "The Legend of Condor Heroes", and "The Deer and Ding Tale".He also said that his favorite movie is "If There Is Love" filmed by Andy this year, and Andy is riding a motorcycle with Jacklyn Wu in a wedding dress on the main road, it is so romantic.

Xia Xiaofang then asked Tian Xiaoli if she liked Hua Tsai.Tian Xiaoli said that she likes Aaron Kwok and the songs sung by Chengcheng, especially his song "I Can't Stop Loving You".

While the two were talking, Tian Xiaoli heard Wang Guihua say that someone had delivered something to her.

So Tian Xiaoli walked over, ready to see what was handed over to her; then she heard those girls chewing their tongues behind their backs, saying how handsome and handsome Song Zhichao she had dumped was like a movie star. Almost, he also said that the Zhao Jinbao he is dating now is like a pig.

Anyone who hears such words will be angry, not to mention that Tian Xiaoli has never seen Song Zhichao's appearance at all, and the Song Zhichao in his impression is still the wage earner who doesn't know how to dress up very much.

Although Song Zhichao sang a particularly emotional song at the dinner party last time, which really surprised her, but in Tian Xiaoli's impression, Song Zhichao was still the same Song Zhichao, unkempt and unmotivated. Where can it go.

Therefore, when these girls were still brazenly praising Song Zhichao for how good he was behind her back, Tian Xiaoli couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly said, "Is he really as good as you say? Not necessarily!"

Wang Guihua and the others were taken aback by Tian Xiaoli who appeared suddenly. When they saw the person clearly, they suddenly felt a bright light in their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, they recognized who Tian Xiaoli was, the woman they scolded just now.

Wang Guihua also recognized who Tian Xiaoli was. Feeling a little embarrassed, she could only pretend not to know her and asked in Cantonese, "Which one are you?"

If you work in the south and know how to speak Cantonese, it means that you have stayed here for a long time, and you may even be misunderstood as a local, and those new migrant workers will look at you highly and respect you.It can be said that knowing Cantonese is a symbol of qualifications and status.

Seeing Wang Guihua's question, Tian Xiaoli said politely: "I am the Tian Xiaoli you just mentioned."

Wang Guihua and her friends blushed, knowing what they said just now, they probably overheard them.

But soon, Wang Guihua remembered her promise to Song Zhichao, coughed, pretended nothing happened, and said, "Do you know Song Zhichao? He asked me to pass these things to you." Wang Guihua said He handed the plastic bag in his hand to Tian Xiaoli.

Tian Xiaoli took the bag, and was just about to take it out to look through it, when she heard someone shouting at her not far away: "Ali, here!"

Tian Xiaoli looked up and saw Zhao Jinbao wearing a baggy suit and riding a brand new Zongshen 125 motorcycle, waving at her in front.

Everyone in the new factory area also knows Zhao Jinbao.

There is no way, Zhao Jinbao is the brother-in-law of the factory director Cheng Fafa, and he often calls friends in the factory. The first thing he says when he sees someone is: "Do you know me? Director Cheng is my brother-in-law!" Changjichang, he is the happiest in the world, it's hard not to know him or not.

When Tian Xiaoli saw it was him, she put away the plastic bag first, said "thank you" to Wang Guihua, then took a meaningful look at the others and said, "Do you know that chewing your tongue behind your back will hurt you?" It's easy to lose your life." Immediately, he took Xia Xiaofang and walked towards Zhao Jinbao.

Behind, Wang Guihua and others looked at each other in blank dismay.

In the end it was Wang Guihua who spoke. Looking at Tian Xiaoli's back, she couldn't help but said, "I really don't know what's so good about that Zhao Jinbao. No matter how you look at it, it's still not as good as that Song Zhichao..."

Her companions also nodded one after another——
"That's right, Song Zhichao looks more handsome than Andy Lau, this Zhao Jinbao looks like a piggy!"

"Piggy even rode a motorcycle today!"

"That's Zhu Bajie stepping on the Hot Wheels, braised pig's trotters!"

"Hahaha, big pig's hoof!" The girls all laughed.


Song Zhichao and Zhao Jinbao choose one, which one to choose?
In fact, the question is very simple ---
How can a wage earner compare with the boss' brother-in-law?
Tian Xiaoli sees this very clearly and thoroughly, so she never regrets her choice, but it still makes her feel a little uncomfortable when someone is chewing her tongue behind her.

Xia Xiaofang suddenly grabbed her hand and gave her a comforting look, "Don't pay attention to those eight women, they only chew their tongues when they have nothing to do."

Tian Xiaoli nodded.

In her opinion, Xia Xiaofang is really a rare good friend.

But they didn't know that at this time Xia Xiaofang's eyes were fixed on Zhao Jinbao in front of her, and she thought to herself, Tian Xiaoli became an inspector because of this guy?It looks like a pig with a fat head and big ears, so it's easy to deal with!

(End of this chapter)

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