Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 59 059 [Getting ahead]

Chapter 59 059 [Getting ahead]

In front, Zhao Jinbao saw Tian Xiaoli and another pretty girl coming, so he hastily adjusted his large double-breasted gray suit, secretly spit on his hands, and adjusted his four-six-quarter hairstyle.

This four-to-six-point hairstyle is exclusive to Aaron Kwok, and it is also called "Fu Cheng's head". Zhao Jinbao knows that Tian Xiaoli likes Aaron Kwok the most, so he actively aligns himself with Aaron Kwok in terms of dressing.

"Ali, you haven't forgotten your date tonight, have you?" Zhao Jinbao said impatiently as soon as he saw Tian Xiaoli. "I ordered tea at the Phoenix Tea House, and my sister said I'll be there on time, so you must behave well in front of her!"

It turned out that Zhao Jinbao had arranged for Tian Xiaoli to meet her older sister Zhao Jinhua tonight, which was to formally "meet the parents" after the relationship between the two was established.

The relationship between Zhao Jinhua and Zhao Jinbao is very good, especially after the death of their parents, Zhao Jinhua took good care of Zhao Jinbao. In her words, "I'm just such a younger brother, I don't love him, the other Hurt him?"

It is also because of this that Zhao Jinhua is very concerned about her younger brother Zhao Jinbao's marriage, and even more concerned about the woman Zhao Jinbao chooses.

Although their Zhao family was not a well-known family before, and the siblings were also from poor backgrounds, but now it is different. Her husband is the director of the factory, one of the best "toy kings" in Panyu, and her younger brother is the production manager of the factory. They are all famous people. In the past, they could just find a woman to make do with, but now they have to at least match each other.

Of course Zhao Jinbao understood what the elder sister was thinking, and he was a little worried that Tian Xiaoli would be looked down upon by the elder sister, so a few days ago, he made a fuss to meet the parents and taught Tian Xiaoli what to do and how to say it.

Of course Tian Xiaoli didn't forget about this, otherwise she wouldn't have taken a shower early after work to make herself smell good.

Tian Xiaoli has also heard about Zhao Jinbao's eldest sister, Zhao Jinhua. I heard that her nickname is "Jiaopohua", and her style is a bit bad. Three words can describe it: coquettish and cheap.

But Cheng Fafa is obedient to her. The reason is that Cheng Fafa also relied on Jiao Pohua to make a fortune. If Jiao Pohua hadn't used the skills of women to beat the Hong Kong businessmen who came to Pan Yu to invest, Cheng Fafa would not have made a fortune. There will be no achievements today.

Tian Xiaoli is beautiful, but she is not a stupid woman. Of course she understands the importance of meeting her parents tonight. When Zhao Jinbao said this, she hurriedly said to let him rest assured that everything is ready for her, and she will not make his sister unhappy of.

Zhao Jinbao breathed a sigh of relief when he got Tian Xiaoli's guarantee. Speaking of which, he was really afraid of his elder sister, who was sometimes stricter than his parents.

After solving the problem on his mind, Zhao Jinbao noticed Xia Xiaofang next to Tian Xiaoli, and asked Tian Xiaoli who she was.

Xia Xiaofang is a fine person, without waiting for Tian Xiaoli to introduce her, she stretched out her hand to Zhao Jinbao and said, "Get to know me, my name is Xia Xiaofang, and I'm Ali's friend."

Zhao Jinbao let out an "oh", and stretched out his hand to hold Xia Xiaofang's slender hand.

Xia Xiaofang said again: "I heard Ali mentioned it earlier, I didn't expect Manager Zhao to be so handsome, and your motorcycle is also very beautiful!"

It is rare for Zhao Jinbao to hear a beautiful woman praise him for being handsome, and he feels very comfortable in his heart. Hearing her praise for his beautiful motorcycle, it is in his heart.

You know, in order to meet the parents tonight, Zhao Jinbao rode his precious Zongshen motorcycle.

In this day and age, it is a great thing to have a motorcycle. He Zhao Jinbao rode it, not to mention how imposing he was. On the way to the factory just now, almost the whole way to the factory was to pay attention to him, which made Zhao Jinbao vain Psychology has been fully satisfied.

Now that Xia Xiaofang took the initiative to talk about motorcycles, it showed that this woman understood the psychology of a man's flamboyance, unlike Tian Xiaoli, who couldn't even say a nice word.

Zhao Jinbao looked at her with admiration, "What do you mean by this motorcycle? It's so-so! I'll take you and Ali for a ride when I'm free!"

"Aha, this is what you said, it's a deal!" Xia Xiaofang smiled winkingly, and secretly scratched Zhao Jinbao's palm with her fingers.

Zhao Jinbao couldn't help but feel that this Xia Xiaofang was knowledgeable and interesting, although she was not as beautiful as Ali, she also had a special flavor.

Letting go, Zhao Jinbao deliberately looked at the "Diamond Brand" watch on his wrist, and then said to Tian Xiaoli: "It's getting late, let's go directly, we can't make sister wait too long."

Before Tian Xiaoli opened her mouth to speak, Xia Xiaofang next to her said, "Yes, you can't keep your parents waiting too long, that would be very polite. Ali, I'll bring your things back for you, you guys go first!"

Seeing Xia Xiaofang's love and righteousness, Tian Xiaoli felt that she hadn't made friends this time, so she said, "I'm sorry."

Immediately, she handed the laundry basket in her hand to Xia Xiaofang along with the bag that Song Zhichao had just delivered.

Zhao Jinbao handsomely rode his Zongshen 125 big red motorcycle, and drove Tian Xiaoli roaring all the way on the road of the factory.

The huge air wave of the motorcycle hummed, attracting the attention of waves of wage earners.

Seeing this, Zhao Jinbao deliberately stepped up the accelerator, wishing that the rear of the car could breathe fire...!
In the back, Xia Xiaofang looked at Zhao Jinbao's motorcycle, and then remembered the diamond watch he was wearing just now, coupled with his suit, and finally came to a conclusion that this Zhao Jinbao should be really rich. If so, even if he is Director Cheng's biological father, he still has a role to play!


Phoenix Tea House is near the Toy Factory New District, about seven or eight minutes away by motorcycle.

This teahouse can be regarded as a well-known mid-range tea restaurant in Panyu. Generally speaking, wage earners don’t come to consume. Those who consume here are the management of some factories, as well as petty bourgeoisie who are trying to climb up.

When Zhao Jinbao drove Tian Xiaoli to Phoenix Tea House, his elder sister Zhao Jinhua hadn't come yet.

Zhao Jinbao heaved a sigh of relief, it would be best not to come, if sister-in-law came first and they were late, it would be bad.

After entering the reserved private room, Zhao Jinbao handed the menu to Tian Xiaoli grandly and told her to see what she wanted to eat.

Although Tian Xiaoli was mentally prepared, she was still taken aback by the luxurious style of this teahouse, especially when she saw that the waitress in charge of ordering food was dressed more fashionable than herself, Tian Xiaoli felt a sense of inferiority.

But soon, this feeling of inferiority turned into a sense of superiority, because the waitress obviously didn't see that she was just a working girl, and treated her like a rich person. and flatter.

Tian Xiaoli's heart was full of indescribable comfort. She had never been respected like this before. Even if she went shopping, every time she went to a high-end department store, because of her dress and the appearance of a working girl Those salesmen will ignore their identity, even if they receive themselves lukewarmly, or they will say coldly, "Can you afford it?" "Don't stain your clothes!" "These shoes are so expensive!" "Be careful , Don’t buy, don’t move!” These are the voices she hears most often.

Unable to help, Tian Xiaoli compared Song Zhichao with Zhao Jinbao again, and felt that her choice was correct. In such a high-end restaurant, Song Zhichao probably would not be able to bring herself in for consumption in his entire life.

Wage earners will always be wage earners!

Never have a chance to get ahead!
(End of this chapter)

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