Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 60 060 [Poor ghost reincarnated, not saved! 】

Chapter 60 060 [Poor ghost reincarnated, not saved! 】

In the private room of Phoenix Tea House, before Tian Xiaoli took the menu to order, the door of the private room was pushed open, and a sharp voice said: "What are you doing, Ah Bao, are you sick? Order like this Low-end restaurant?"

Following the sound of the conversation, a woman dressed up in gorgeous makeup and heavy makeup broke into the door.

Zhao Jinbao quickly stood up and said to the woman, "Sister, I'm sorry, I don't know you don't like this restaurant."

The woman who broke in was Zhao Jinbao's elder sister, Zhao Jinhua, nicknamed "Jiaopohua", a well-known romantic woman in Panyu County.

Zhao Jinhua frowned, wiped her scarlet lips with a handkerchief, glanced at her younger brother who stood up, and Tian Xiaoli, who stood up with her younger brother, flicked the handkerchief and said, "Forget it, who told you to be my younger brother? No matter how bad it is, I will come if you treat me!"

After hearing this, Zhao Jinbao breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly pulled a chair for the old lady to sit down.

Zhao Jinhua sat down without looking at the others.

Zhao Jinbao was busy winking at Tian Xiaoli, and Tian Xiaoli quickly took the teapot on the dining table, and poured tea to Zhao Jinhua very respectfully: "Sister, please drink tea."

Zhao Jinhua put on a high profile, put the Kun bag she was carrying on the table, raised her legs, glanced at Tian Xiaoli with smoky eyes, and said, "Are you my younger brother's girlfriend Ali?"

When Tian Xiaoli asked, she hurriedly said, "Yes, my name is Tian Xiaoli, and I work in Fafa Toy Factory."

"I didn't ask where you work." Zhao Jinhua said coldly, "I just asked if you are my brother's girlfriend?"

"Yes, I am." Tian Xiaoli said timidly.

"That's right, don't answer irrelevant questions, chickens talk to ducks!" After Zhao Jinhua finished speaking, she picked up her teacup and took a sip.

Zhao Jinbao hurriedly said, "Sister, Ali is actually quite nice."

"I didn't ask you, you shut up."

Zhao Jinbao shut his mouth tightly after being scolded by his elder sister.

Zhao Jinhua looked at Tian Xiaoli again, "Can you speak vernacular?"

"No." Tian Xiaoli said in a low voice.

"No? You've been in the South for so long, but you don't know Cantonese?" Zhao Jinhua curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

"Sister, although Ali can't speak the vernacular, she can understand it."

"Did I make you talk?" Zhao Jinhua gave his younger brother a sidelong glance, and Zhao Jinbao immediately shut up again.

After Zhao Jinhua glared at her younger brother, she turned to stare at Tian Xiaoli again: "You know what's going on in our family. I'm just a little brother, and Ah Bao doesn't know people well, so I'm often deceived by others. As a sister, I have to help him. Check, if you want to enter the door of our Zhao family, you must let me like it!"

Tian Xiaoli was overwhelmed by Zhao Jinhua's harsh tone and aggressive aura.

"Sister, don't worry, I'm not that kind of bad woman, and my relationship with Zhao Jinbao is also sincere."

"Sincerely? Ha ha!" Zhao Jinhua sneered a few times, "Sincerely how much is it? Do you believe it? I don't believe it!"

Seeing this, Tian Xiaoli gritted her teeth, "Then sister, how can you trust me?"

"Simple," Zhao Jinhua stared at Tian Xiaoli and said coldly, "Kneel down, kowtow and pour tea for me, and then swear to God, you Tian Xiaoli and our Abao are not dating for money! Can you do it?"

Tian Xiaoli's face suddenly turned pale, which hurt people's self-esteem too much.

Zhao Jinbao also had an embarrassing expression on his face. He was about to speak to persuade his elder sister, but was glared at by Zhao Jinhua. He hurriedly changed his tone, turned to Tian Xiaoli and said, "Ali, it's just a formality, so I've wronged you... "

Is it just a grievance to kneel down and kowtow to pour tea?
Tian Xiaoli didn't expect Zhao Jinbao to say such a thing.

Seeing that Tian Xiaoli didn't respond, Zhao Jinhua smiled contemptuously, "I knew you were not a simple woman. Ah Bao, it looks like you misjudged the person again!"

Zhao Jinbao's face was a little embarrassed, and he glanced at Tian Xiaoli anxiously.

Forced by the situation——
With a thud, Tian Xiaoli knelt down on the ground, then picked up the teacup in front of her, gritted her teeth and said to Zhao Jinhua, who had a contemptuous face, "Sister, please use tea!"


Tian Xiaoli didn't know how she finished the meal, the whole dinner was filled with Zhao Jinhua's contemptuous expression towards her.

As her younger brother, Zhao Jinbao only knew how to be submissive, and he didn't even dare to fart in front of his elder sister.

Tian Xiaoli ate the whole meal like chewing wax, and she could only hear Zhao Jinhua bragging that her husband Chengfa would soon become the "Toy King" in Panyu County, and even the entire south, and that she would be promoted to the wife of the "Toy King". There will be more factories opened, more money will be made, and Zhao Jinbao will rise to heaven and become the brother-in-law of the "Toy King". Let Tian Xiaoli be careful, pay attention to her words and deeds, and don't show her appearance as a rural migrant girl.

In short, one sentence can replace Tian Xiaoli is not good enough for Zhao Jinbao, let her do it for herself.

After the banquet, Zhao Jinbao did not send Tian Xiaoli back, but sent his elder sister Zhao Jinhua back on a motorcycle.

Tian Xiaoli could see that this was Zhao Jinhua's intention, saying that she didn't want to take a taxi, and she had to ask her younger brother to take her back in person.

Of course Zhao Jinbao was obedient, so he had no choice but to leave Tian Xiaoli behind and promised to send his elder sister home first.

But he was still a little worried about Tian Xiaoli, and Tian Xiaoli was afraid that he would make things difficult, so she said that she would pay for the taxi later.

Seeing what she said, Zhao Jinbao didn't say anything else, and the elder sister over there urged him again, so he had no choice but to ride a motorcycle to drive Zhao Jinhua back.

Later, seeing Zhao Jinbao and the others leave, Tian Xiaoli was not willing to pay for a taxi home.For her, it is not too far from the new factory, just a few steps away.So he dragged his exhausted body and walked towards the factory step by step.

Little did she know that Zhao Jinhua would look down on her even more if she did so.

A woman who can't even bear to spend the taxi fee is not worthy of her brother at all.

Because this is not frugality, but loneliness!

Lonely women, all poor ghosts reincarnated, can't be saved!

In the female worker's dormitory——
Tian Xiaoli opened the door, but saw that the lights in the dormitory were still on.The two female employees who lived with him were still awake. One was reclining on the bed and reading Qiong Yao's novels with pillows on it, and the other was wearing a corset and applying makeup in the mirror.

Seeing Tian Xiaoli came back, the two female employees looked envious, and the one who wiped his face said, "Ali, I heard that you went to see Zhao Jinbao's parents, how are you doing?"

"Well, it's okay." Tian Xiaoli forced a smile and replied weakly.

The two female employees thought she was being hypocritical, so they smiled tacitly, and said to her: "That Xia Xiaofang put your things on your bed, can you see if there are any missing things?"

It was only then that Tian Xiaoli remembered what had happened before, and when she saw it, she found her own small basket and the plastic bag that Song Zhichao had handed over to her on the bed.

Couldn't help being curious, Tian Xiaoli sat by the bed, stretched out her hand to open the plastic bag, and found that there were song cassettes of some Hong Kong and Taiwan stars inside, among which Aaron Kwok and the Little Tigers had the most, and these were all played by Tian Xiaoli and Song Zhichao back then. Bought at a street stall.

Touching these familiar cassettes, Tian Xiaoli couldn't tell what it was like.At this time, what Zhao Jinhua said to herself before came to mind again.

"I know you had a boyfriend, what's his name? Song Zhichao, right? I heard that he's just a wage earner in the factory, with no talent. You'd better not see this kind of man again."

"Besides, what is this Song Zhichao? Compared with my younger brother, he is not even as good as a nose hair. You'd better avoid this kind of rubbish!"

"Since you are with my younger brother in the future, you must learn to be more disciplined and don't let people gossip, do you know?"

Tian Xiaoli took a deep breath, came back to her senses, looked at the cassettes in her hand, wondering if she should throw them into the trash, and suddenly, she found the photo hidden in the cassettes.

When I picked it up, it was the private photo I gave Song Zhichao.

If I remember well, it seems that I wrote a sentence later, a promise to Song Zhichao.

Tian Xiaoli's heart began to feel uncomfortable, she stabilized her mind, and then turned the photo over, the handwriting was very clear: "Tian Xiaoli has only married Song Zhichao in this life, let this be the proof!"

It's just that there are a few more words under this line of handwriting——
Time such as water, always silent;

your happiness is the sun in my world.

Looking at these four sentences, thinking about the meaning of these words, and comparing what happened to her tonight, Tian Xiaoli felt a dull pain in her heart.

 Allow me to write down such a chapter again, because this chapter is very important and lays the groundwork for the follow-up.Thanks a lot! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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