Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 61 061 [Re-set Small Goals]

Chapter 61 061 [Re-set Small Goals]

early morning--
Inside the room of the Longtaida Hotel.

For three consecutive days, Song Zhichao and his cousin Zhu Fugui lived in the hotel and hardly went out.

The two ate and drank, all of which were settled in the hotel.

Zhu Fugui didn't understand what his eldest cousin was going to do. For him, such a happy and comfortable life was not much, so he hugged a TV all day long, watching TV dramas, watching commercials, watching life channels, even the children's program " "Jigsaw Puzzle" will not let it go...Eat after reading, sleep after eating, immerse yourself in an extremely happy life and cannot extricate yourself.

In contrast, Song Zhichao, who was believed by Tian Xiaoli to have no chance of becoming famous in his life, was very busy. He was busy "reading newspapers".

For example, right now, he is sitting at the desk with a cigarette in his hand, flipping through stacks of thick newspapers.

As a hotel, newspapers are the most popular. For Song Zhichao, there are only three ways to get in touch with outside information in this era, TV, radio, and newspapers and magazines.Among them, newspaper information is the most direct and fastest.

So in these three days, Song Zhichao collected almost all kinds of newspapers in the past week, and started to read them from beginning to end.

There are almost hundreds of copies of newspapers. In addition to the local "Nanyue Daily", "Yangcheng Evening News", and the orthodox "Guangming Daily" and "Xinhua Daily", there are also many small newspapers with wild ways , a small magazine.

In fact, the management of newspapers and magazines in this era is not strict, and the publication approval number is relatively loose. In addition, people have needs, so newspapers and magazines are flourishing, and often there are dozens of magazines in a small place. There are dozens of small newspapers, and you can buy all kinds of newspapers and magazines just by walking around the street.

In his previous life, Song Zhichao developed a good habit of reading newspapers every day. At that time, he read most financial and real estate newspapers in order to grasp information in real time and make decisions on his investment.

Therefore, it can be said that reading newspapers and magazines is not a work burden for him, on the contrary, it is still a kind of work enjoyment.

Song Zhichao was holding a cigarette and reading the newspaper. On the bed behind him, his cousin Zhu Fugui was wearing big floral pants, with his face up, his hands and legs spread apart, and a shameless "big" character. Lying comfortably on the bed, I scratched my belly and navel from time to time, and snored.

There was no way, he stared at the TV all night last night and watched "Zhengda Variety Show", and then watched the foreign drama "Brave Lion" played in "Zhengda Theater", which made him very excited.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, he began to have nightmares. He dreamed that the hero turned into a lion and rushed towards him, which made him howl in fright.Song Zhichao kicked him awake, he was still hysterical, and didn't fall asleep until he realized that he was dreaming.

In this way, Zhu Fugui was woken up by the "brave lion" repeatedly throughout the night, so that Song Zhichao had to make him hug the pillow and punish him not to sleep.

Zhu Fugui just sat on the bed with his pillow in his arms and persisted until his eyeballs became numb and his whole body became stiff.


Zhu Fugui slept soundly.

Song Zhichao was not interrupted by his cousin Zhu Fugui's snoring. For him, he was sketching out the next development plan.

As an "experienced person", Song Zhichao clearly knows what a special year next year, that is, 1991, especially in terms of stock futures, because the collapse of a certain big brother empire has caused a huge impact on the entire world.

So Song Zhichao's plan is very simple, that is, no matter what, he must seize this rare opportunity and make a fortune.

But if you want to reap the benefits of this great change, you must first have the chips to enter the market. If the chips are too small, you simply can't afford this gamble of the century.

In a word, this is a big gamble, played by the whole world, and now Song Zhichao only has 1 yuan in his pocket, let alone at the gambling table, he is not even qualified to watch from the sidelines.

Therefore, the top priority, Song Zhichao knew that what he had to do was to quickly accumulate initial capital in just one year, until he was qualified to play at the poker table.

So what we have to do now is to take the capital of 1 yuan and set a small goal for ourselves-earn [-] yuan in March!
Earning [-] yuan in March, if Song Zhichao made this "small goal" public, it would definitely shock many people's teeth, which is even more surprising than seeing aliens.

You know, in this era, 10 yuan is definitely not a small amount.The "10-yuan household" in this era is already very remarkable. You can buy a house in the capital for [-] to [-] yuan. You can imagine what the concept of [-] yuan is.

After Song Zhichao established this new "small goal", his thinking became extremely active.

People are not afraid of being lazy, they are afraid of not having a goal.

With goals, life is truly meaningful.


Set a small goal and earn [-] in March!
Song Zhichao flipped through the newspaper faster.

In the eyes of outsiders, his point of view is ten lines at a glance. Only Song Zhichao knows that he has developed a special ability to look through newspapers for many years to find the key points. Articles are useful to me, those are a waste of time to me.

As there were more and more cigarette butts on the ground, he flipped through more and more newspapers. Soon, he had read more than half of the newspapers, but he hadn't found any useful information yet.

Just when Song Zhichao felt a little sleepy in his waist, many news about the upcoming Asian Games in the newspaper caught his attention.

Asian Games?
Yes, if you remember correctly, it is now July 1990, 7, and there are still more than two months before the BJ Asian Games in September.

Song Zhichao's mind turned rapidly, like a mechanical flywheel.

I remember well that after Huaxia won the right to host the Asian Games for the first time in 1984, in the face of the difficulties encountered in the preparations for the Asian Games, the whole country launched a top-down donation boom-"All the people of the country are the hosts! "Everyone cares about the Asian Games, and everyone contributes to the Asian Games!" "The Asian Games strive for honor for the country, and I will add glory to the Asian Games!"

People from all walks of life across the country, from retirees to children in kindergartens, including compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese, hundreds of millions of Chinese donated money and materials for the Asian Games, and performed charity sales and clinics.According to statistics, nearly 7 million people donated funds and materials to the Asian Games, with a total value of [-] million yuan.

Now it's finally 1990, the runner-up meeting will be officially held soon, when the whole of China will be full of gongs and drums, firecrackers will be blasted, red flags will be waved, and there will be a sea of ​​people...,

This is the opportunity!
This is the opportunity!
Others don't know, but Song Zhichao feels that he has touched the beautiful little feet of the Goddess of Opportunity.

Immediately, Song Zhichao conceived several future plans in his mind, basically all of them were from his previous life, one was real estate, and the other was financial stocks.

But soon, Song Zhichao passed both of them. The reason is very simple. This era is not a good time to engage in real estate development, unless you can hold it for a long time and use strong funds to support it until ten years later.

As for financial stocks, today's domestic stock market is not perfect. If you want to play stocks, you'd better go to Hong Kong. A mature market will fully guarantee the benefits you win. If you don't do it here, you will be regarded as "speculative", everyone Shout out.

Of course, these are not the most important reasons. The most important reason is that Song Zhichao feels that he has too little money.

1 yuan seems to be a lot in this era, and the gold content is very high——
But to him, it was just a hair.

Simply put, no comparison, no harm.

As far as Song Zhichao knows, the original price of a "Han Xian BP machine" in this era is more than 4000 yuan, a DEC home computer is 1 yuan, and the market price of an ordinary air conditioner is 5000 yuan, and the good ones cost tens of thousands. There is also a big brother phone, which costs more than 2 yuan.

In such a comparison, is 1 yuan still a lot?

It's not even as good as a hair!
So what should I do now that I have this worthless 1 yuan in my pocket?

Song Zhichao frowned, lost in thought, and let the cigarette he was holding burn slowly between his fingers.

"Ouch" sounded.

The cigarette butt burned Song Zhichao's hand, and the pain woke him up from his thoughts.

Song Zhichao hurriedly threw the cigarette butt out, only then did he realize that the cigarette butt not only burned his hand, but also burned the newspaper in his hand, and burned a picture on the newspaper into a big black hole.

After looking at the picture, Song Zhichao suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"That's right, that's it!"

My heart suddenly became clear, and what I should do next was very clear.

 Last night I had serious insomnia because of writing a book, and who knows the pain of writing a book? Just look at the update time last night and you will know. It was updated after [-] o'clock in the morning. I can't sleep. I am conceiving the plot and modifying the details, especially the new book has not yet been released. , I really don’t know why I’m suffering so much.Please forgive me for complaining!

(End of this chapter)

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