Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 62 062 [Show Operation]

Chapter 62 062 [Show Operation]

Looking at the newspaper again, I saw that it was a picture of the panda "Panpan", the mascot of the Asian Games.

For ordinary people, what they see is Panpan's naive, lively and cute.But in Song Zhichao's view, this is a rare and great business opportunity.

What business opportunity?
Business Opportunity to Get Rich!
To be precise, the first time Song Zhichao saw the panda Panpan, what Song Zhichao thought of was the popular Olympic "Fuwa" in his era.

If you remember well, in the previous life after the Olympic Games, Fuwa was a huge hit, no matter if it was T-shirts, jewelry, ceramic toys, plush dolls, mini dolls...anything that looked like a Fuwa was sure to be popular.

And now, the opportunity is in front of Song Zhichao --- to be a panda Panpan toy!
As long as the Asian Games are held smoothly, panda Panpan toys will be popular all over the world, and Panpan toys will definitely sell well!

In fact, this is indeed the case. In his previous life, Panda Panpan, as the mascot of the Asian Games, experienced a small fire, then a medium fire, and then a big fire.

When she was designated as the mascot of the Asian Games at the beginning, the panda Panpan officially entered the public eye.Badges with various panda patterns and color scrolls began to emerge in the society, which can be said to be a small fire.

Immediately afterwards, as the Asian Games approached, the panda Panpan, the mascot of the games, began to enter the field of vision of domestic and foreign media, and her naive image could be seen on TV, which can be said to be popular.

With the smooth holding of the BJ Asian Games, during the Asian Games, through the spread of TV media, the panda Panpan was completely popular. She rushed out of Asia and went to the world. She was interviewed on TV and performed abroad. Toys flooded the entire toy market, and even broke into Europe, America and Africa, and the fire became a mess.

So now, Song Zhichao has made a plan, ready to take advantage of the panda Panpan's "fire" for the time being, and earn a lot of money from it; and all he has to do is to enter the toy market. To be precise, Song Zhichao plans to do Plush toys, dolls in the shape of Panda Panpan!
Of course, if you can do it, others can do it too, but Song Zhichao has his own secret weapons. He believes that as long as he uses these secret weapons, it will be difficult for his toys to become popular.

In addition, don't forget that this is Panyu, the place with the most intensive toy production in the entire mainland!
To describe the toy business here in one sentence, that is - "blessed by nature"!

"Cousin, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, a dazed voice brought Song Zhichao back from his contemplation to reality.

It turned out that Song Zhichao's "Ouch" woke up his cousin Zhu Fugui.

To be precise, Zhu Fugui was not awakened by Song Zhichao, but by his own urine.

Zhu Fugui opened his eyes in a daze on the bed, and saw his eldest cousin Song Zhichao was awake, sitting at the desk blowing his fingers.So he got up from the bed, with dark circles under his eyes and sleepy eyes, clutching the crotch of the floral trousers with his hands, and asked Song Zhichao in a daze, "Cousin, are you up? What are you doing?"

Song Zhichao bit his finger that was burnt by the cigarette butt with his teeth, looked back at his cousin Zhu Fugui, and turned his head: "I'm thinking about introducing you to a job."

"Introduction to work?" Zhu Fugui froze for a moment, rubbing his eyes, "What are you doing, a toy factory or an electronics factory?"

After leaving the toy factory, what Zhu Fugui worried most about was that he could not find a job and would starve to death on the street with his cousin.

As for the 1 yuan that my cousin brought, I don’t know if it was stolen, but he said it was saved for others. Maybe my cousin will go to prison, and I will be here without relatives or reasons.

"I introduce you to work as a waiter in Caesar's Song and Dance Hall, would you like to?" Song Zhichao asked.

For Song Zhichao, this is the best exercise for Zhu Fugui.Who made this guy too serious? The general southern factories would only turn people into labor machines, doing piecework day and night, and they couldn't train people at all.

Only places like song and dance halls are mixed with good and bad people. Not only must you know how to observe words and expressions, but also learn to be a human being. Even if you don't have a scheming heart, you will become a scheming man here, otherwise you will not be able to get along at all.

Song Zhichao's purpose is very simple, it is to throw his cousin Zhu Fugui into this big dye vat to pollute the pollution, so that he will stop being stupid and foolish, and he will be more mindful if he follows him in the future.

How did Zhu Fugui know this, let alone that his eldest cousin regarded himself as a "guinea pig" and immediately became excited when he heard that there was a job, "I am willing! Of course I am willing!"

"Well, I'll write you a letter of introduction, and you can go to Wu Bingkun, the HR manager there; if nothing happens, he will arrange for you to join the job." Song Zhichao said slowly, "But you must remember, If you work there, you must learn to speak vernacular. If you don’t know Cantonese, how do you entertain guests? Zhong You, don’t be too stubborn, and learn to be flexible.”

Zhu Fugui didn't understand what these meant, and he didn't bother to understand what these meant. For him, as long as he had a job and wouldn't starve to death on the street, he was content.


After breakfast, Song Zhichao had already written the letter of introduction, but instead of handing it over to Zhu Fugui immediately, he took Zhu Fugui out to have a good meal first, which made Zhu Fugui's mouth full of greasiness and exclaiming extravagance , too extravagant.

In the past, Zhu Fugui's breakfast was a simple meal in the factory, one serving of rice, one serving of pickles, or just eating two steamed buns to make up for a meal. How could Song Zhichao, who was so extravagant, even ordered a table full of dim sum, such as chicken feet, shrimp dumplings, etc. , durian crisps, preserved egg and lean meat porridge, etc. Zhu Fugui was so happy to eat, and felt more comfortable than the emperor.

After breakfast, Song Zhichao took Zhu Fugui to a nearby department store and helped him choose a new set of clothes, a black short-sleeved T-shirt with the "pirate" flag printed on it, a pair of frosted "Apple" brand jeans, a pair of brand new Putting on the pull-back shoes, Zhu Fugui hardly recognized himself when he looked in the mirror.

Not to mention that, Song Zhichao then took Zhu Fugui to a hairdressing salon, and asked the male hairdresser with pigtails and a skull pendant around his neck to help him make a strange hairstyle and cut it all short. , just leave a peach heart on the top of the head, which is actually the most popular "peach heart head" in Song Zhichao's era, also known as "Degang head".

Once this hairstyle was made, it directly changed Zhu Fugui's whole temperament. Against the background of this peach heart, Zhu Fugui, who was originally stupid, became a little "sturdy" and a little "bad".

Even the hairdresser was a little dazed when he saw the work he had made. When Song Zhichao wanted to pay, he refused to accept it, saying that it was the coolest hairstyle he had ever seen.

Song Zhichao stuffed the money into the hairdresser's chest, then tore off the skull pendant from the hairdresser's neck, and said, "Lend me this first!"

While speaking, Song Zhichao put the pendant on Zhu Fugui's neck. In an instant, like the finishing touch, Zhu Fugui's whole demeanor added a bit of evil spirit.

Taoxintou, a pirate shirt, and a skull pendant, Zhu Fugui is completely the standard equipment of the "super ruffian" of Song Zhichao's era.

When Song Zhichao took Zhu Fugui out of the hairdressing salon, all the people in the hairdressing salon paid attention to Zhu Fugui; in their opinion, the clothes of Zhu Fugui in front of them were cooler than those young and Dangerous boys in Hong Kong gangster movies Handsome, but also stylish, more "modern" and more "down-to-earth" to be precise.

It's a pity that Zhu Fugui's "big boss" temperament couldn't be maintained for three seconds, and he was directly called by Song Zhichao to break his "face".

As soon as he got into the car, Zhu Fugui revealed his true colors as a "hillies", "Brother Chao, I'm riding in a car again, which is much better than our tractor! Look, the chairs in this car have springs, which creak and creak, so much fun! "

Song Zhichao obviously saw that the highly nervous driver who had been holding his breath since Zhu Fugui got in the car took a big breath.

(End of this chapter)

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