Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 63 063 [Talent Recruitment]

Chapter 63 063 [Talent Recruitment]

Holding the letter of introduction that Song Zhichao gave him, Zhu Fugui stood at the entrance of the Caesar Song and Dance Hall, turning his head every step of the way, wanting to see if his cousin Song Zhichao was still there.

It's a pity that Song Zhichao disappeared early.

At the entrance of the song and dance hall, Wang Yan, who was in charge of welcoming guests, saw him and asked him politely what he did, seeing that he looked strange and didn't dare to underestimate him.

Zhu Fugui felt that he was stuttering, so he said that he was here to apply for the job.

Wang Yan said that there is no recruitment for the time being.

Zhu Fugui became anxious, and said that he came to see Wu Bingkun, the manager of the personnel department.

Is it a related household?
Wang Yan looked at Zhu Fugui's distinctive look again, and had some new guesses, so she asked him who introduced him?

Zhu Fugui blurted out: "My cousin!"

"Which one is your cousin?" Wang Yan was a little confused.

Zhu Fugui said again: "Song Zhichao."

"Manager Song is your cousin?" Wang Yan was startled, with a look of surprise on her face.

Monk Zhu Fugui Erzhang couldn't figure out when his cousin became the manager.

But Wang Yan didn't dare to be negligent. You must know that although Song Zhichao had only been the general manager of the dance hall for two days, his reputation resounded throughout the dance hall. Convince him.

Therefore, Wang Yan said very politely to ask Zhu Fugui to wait outside first, and then went in to report.

Wang Yan went in to inform Wu Bingkun, and Zhu Fugui was standing at the gate of the ballroom, looking inside furtively.

It can be said that he has never been to such a high-end place in his life.The most advanced place before was the Longtai Hotel where I and my cousin stayed.

The more he looked at the surrounding environment, the more afraid Zhu Fugui felt. It was even more magnificent and imposing than the palace on TV. He usually didn't even dare to think about this kind of place, but now he wants to find a job here.

Zhu Fugui didn't understand how his cousin Song Zhichao knew people here, let alone why he brought him nearby and left him alone.

It was terrible here, and everything was strange to him.

Zhu Fugui felt that his whole body was shaking and his legs were trembling. He was afraid that he would be kicked out when he met him later, and he was even more afraid of entering this big dance hall that was more magnificent than the palace.

For a moment—
After Wang Yan reported, she smiled and said to Zhu Fugui, "Our Manager Wu wants to see you first."

Zhu Fugui forced a smile, his tone tense: "Does he want to see me? Why, how to go?"

"I'll take you there." Wang Yan smiled at him, thinking that this man looked tough, but he was actually quite cute.

Seeing Wang Yan leading the way, Zhu Fugui took a deep breath, tried to pull off his feet nailed to the ground, moved a step, looked at the luxurious decoration of the dance hall, and finally stepped in bravely.


Outside, not far away—
Song Zhichao held his briefcase between his arms, smoked a cigarette lightly, and squinted his eyes as he watched his cousin Zhu Fugui walk into the Caesars dance hall.

For him, this is the biggest test for Zhu Fugui.

If a person does not even have the courage to change his life and dare not take the first step, then he is not saved.

Fortunately, although Zhu Fugui is timid, he still has courage. As for what he can become in the future and whether he can become a right-hand man in his grand plans, it depends on his luck and hard work.

Thinking of this, Song Zhichao took another drag on his cigarette, then smashed the cigarette end against the wall, flicked it with his fingers, and bounced it into the trash can not far in front.

Not far away, that car was still waiting for him.

Song Zhichao didn't answer, walked over, got in the car, and threw a cigarette to the master: "Go to Pan Yu's biggest talent market!"


Song Zhichao remembers clearly that there was once a movie in which a line was very classic——
"What is the most important thing in the 21st century? Talent!"

For Song Zhichao, he couldn't do it alone, he had to recruit some talents to help him.

So the first thing he thought of was the talent market.

In this era, going south to work has become an inevitable way out for many people.

According to the words of the common people, it is better to go out to work and earn money than to watch the world and farm the land at home.

As a result, migrant workers poured into all parts of southern Guangdong, and Panyu became a gathering place for countless migrant workers.

The way for migrant workers to find a job is generally very simple, that is, to entrust fellow villagers as guarantees, and then directly enter the factory. Few people go to the "talent market" to find a job.

And the "talent market" in Panyu County is not actually set up for those low-educated, stupid wage earners.

The talent market here takes the "high-end" route. Generally speaking, those who come here to apply for jobs are junior high school students, high school students, and even rare college students.

To be precise, in this era, college students are basically the favored children of heaven, with high gold content. As long as they graduate, it is easy to find a job.Unlike in the future, college students walk everywhere, and doctors and masters are not as good as dogs.But there are some exceptions. For example, those who are ambitious and want to start a business, or are dissatisfied with their salary, and want to find another employer, they will all come to this high-end talent market to try. I met Bole who knows the goods.

At this moment, the huge talent market is very lively.

It turned out that today happened to be Friday, and the talent market held the largest recruitment event every Friday.

Two old Chunlan ceiling fans creaked and squeaked on the roof, blowing the hot air feebly.

The entire recruitment hall was packed with people, no less than two or three hundred people could be seen with wide eyes.In the crowded crowd, you squeeze me, I squeeze you, sweat dripping from each other, filled with all kinds of weird sweat smells.

Even though the weather is hot, the applicants still dress very solemnly. The men basically wear shirts, trousers, and some even wear large suit jackets; most of the women wear long skirts, and some wear shorts and trousers.

These people are holding all kinds of certificates and education certificates in their arms, and they are fully prepared for this application.

Not far away, a young man is applying for a foreign trade manager, another girl is applying for a supervisor of the production department of an electronics factory, and an older middle-aged man is applying for a business manager.

However, none of these could attract Song Zhichao's attention. On the contrary, a recruitment platform five or six meters away from him attracted him.

This is the recruiting office of a garment factory, and the recruiting position is sales director.

It is clearly written on the recruitment poster that applicants are required to have a higher degree of education, at least a college student, and must have rich sales experience, especially those who have worked overseas will be given priority.

At this time, the interviewer for this position was a greasy middle-aged man, wearing an inappropriate black-gray woolen suit, not tall, with a fat head and big ears, and wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, giving people a kind of naive feeling .

When Song Zhichao saw him for the first time, he felt that this guy looked a lot like that Hong Kong film director named "Wang Jing".

(End of this chapter)

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