Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 64 064 [Senior People]

Chapter 64 064 [Senior People]

The greasy fat man was talking to the interviewer while wiping the sweat that kept coming out of his forehead and neck with a handkerchief.

"I've already told you that my name is Qi Wanda. I'm not a local, but a genuine Hong Kong citizen! Do you want to see my ID card? Sorry, I just don't have my ID card with me, so I can't show it to you for the time being... To be honest, I I think your job is quite suitable for me, so I am willing to participate in the interview."

"You ask me where I graduated? Have you ever heard of Hong Kong Polytechnic University? I am in the 78th class, and I once won a scholarship for all Hong Kong polytechnics!"

"You ask me if I have rich sales experience? I think this question is ridiculous. You should know by looking at me, I am definitely a professional in marketing!"

"I've never been a braggart, and I've never told people that I once sold 500 sets of clothes in a month, with a total value of more than [-] million; I never said that the people I know are all senior people, Carl La What does Gerfield know? We often drink tea together on the banks of the Seine in Paris. Zhongyou, you don’t know Karl Lagerfeld, you should know Hua Tsai, Chengcheng, Liming and Xueyou, the four of them often play with me In golf, Hua Tsai's skills are super bad, and he always loses."

This greasy fat man named "Qi Wanda" talked more and more vigorously, spitting all over the place, making no one dare to stand around.

The examiner who was in charge of the interview was the owner of the clothing factory. The more I listened to it, the more unreal I felt. I just wanted to hire a clothing director. I didn't expect to come to a man who knew even the "Four Heavenly Kings" and the "Lafayette" in the French clothing industry. .

Maybe he was frightened, maybe he didn't trust Qi Wanda very much, so the boss put down the resume in his hand, made a fair gesture, coughed and said, "Sorry, I'm sorry to hear you say so much. You are very impressive; but it is a pity that we are only a small factory with limited capital and cannot retain a great talent like you, so please find another job!"

When Qi Wanda heard this, he immediately became unhappy, wiped his neck with a handkerchief, then pointed at the boss's nose with the handkerchief and said, "Don't regret it! Talent like me, don't be Your loss!"

Seeing that the factory director was determined and refused to answer at all, Qi Wanda said again: "As a compatriot from Hong Kong, I warn you again that you are rejecting the enthusiastic and selfless assistance of a compatriot. Many companies are looking for talents like me. Grab it!"

The factory manager smiled: "I hope you can meet your Bole. Goodbye!"

Qi Wanda's face was blue and white, "I have no vision, and you can use agarwood as a good firewood! I wish your factory will close down as soon as possible!"

The factory manager's face suddenly turned ugly. He had never seen such a person, and he couldn't apply for the job. He cursed his factory to close down.

People around him also booed, booing that this fat guy who claims to be from Hong Kong has no quality.

That Qi Wanda was like a normal person, he didn't care about the eyes of everyone around him, took off his glasses, wiped his sweaty and shiny face with a handkerchief, snorted, put on his glasses, put the handkerchief inside his suit Stuffed in the bag, with chest out and belly out, he left the recruitment platform with a very arrogant posture, and went to inspect other recruitment places.

A group of people behind pointed at this guy, saying that he is a liar, since he is from Hong Kong, how could he come to Pan Yu to work.

He also said that he has a problem with his brain, either he is crazy or funny, otherwise he would not talk so much nonsense, and he also knows the four heavenly kings, whoever believes him is a ghost!

When Qi Wanda is making a fuss here, seeing him in other places is really like seeing a ghost. No one wants to get entangled with this psychopath. Before he asks if there is a job, he will directly say that the position is full, or say It doesn't look right for you.

Qi Wanda was rejected all the way, and was identified as an "unwelcome person" by the entire recruitment hall.

But this guy is also "a dead cow with one neck on one side", he is stubborn to the end, and when he sees a suitable position, he starts to recommend himself, no matter whether the other party is happy or not, he just says: "I am from Hong Kong, and I am here to help you! Immediately afterwards, he boasted that he graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, won a scholarship, and knew the Four Heavenly Kings, Lafayette... Finally, he said, "Don't want me, it's your loss!"


Song Zhichao briefly inspected the entire recruitment hall, and paid a lot of attention to the Hong Kong man named "Qi Wanda".

After a while, Song Zhichao made a decision in his mind. Now the most convenient and quickest way to start a business in the mainland is to invest as a compatriot from "Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan".

The country has policies that not only give preferential treatment to these overseas Chinese, but also obtain many unexpected rights and interests.

In addition, mainlanders these days are still very xenophobic, thinking that Hong Kong people are all fragrant, and all things in Hong Kong are good. As long as they are Hong Kong people, they are all rich and big bosses.Therefore, as long as you come to the mainland to do business as a Hong Kong citizen, you will be able to go anywhere.

It is precisely because of this that big families like the Fu family and the Cha family can't help but come to the mainland to invest and get a piece of the pie. The reason is very simple. Anyone who is smarter knows that as long as you are from Hong Kong, you can open any business in the mainland. An import and export trading company can make a lot of money.

After making up his mind, Song Zhichao went up to the second floor to find the manager of the recruitment office through inquiries, and asked how he could recruit personnel here.

The person in charge was a middle-aged woman, dressed in conservative and old-fashioned way, with a desire and dissatisfaction expression on her face, she ignored Song Zhichao's questions.

After asking for a long time, Song Zhichao figured out that this recruitment hall was managed by the Human Resources Department of the Panyu County People's Government.

According to the regulations of the management department, if you want to rent a recruitment space here and recruit personnel, you must first file a record with the management office, explain the company you belong to, your position in the company, and the specific content of the recruitment. After passing the review above, you must pay. There is a "recruitment space" rental fee of five yuan, and then job recruitment can be carried out.

Speaking of which, this kind of management system is still perfect, and it can kill many irregular wild companies. It is much better than the management system in the previous life where you can just pay a little money to pay for the recruitment.

But for Song Zhichao, it was a disaster,

He came out halfway, not to mention the company, he didn't even have a hair, how to file?

At first, I thought that if I paid more money, maybe the old woman would be able to accommodate it; unfortunately, the old woman obviously didn't like this, instead she scolded him with crooked eyes for engaging in capitalism and the old way of selling officials and titles, so that Song Zhichao accepted it as soon as possible. this heart.

Finally, afraid that Song Zhichao would not give up, the old woman added, "If you fail the review, you are not eligible to recruit in the hall!"

Song Zhichao saw that it didn't make sense to be soft, so he stopped pressing, thinking, since we can't openly recruit in the hall, what about outside the hall?
Who can interfere?

(End of this chapter)

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