Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 65 065 [Free Strategy]

Chapter 65 065 [Free Strategy]

Song Zhichao left the recruitment hall with his briefcase in his arms, and when he came outside, he saw that there was really... no one!
Looking around, there were only a few people chatting together. Since they came here, they were all here to find a job. Who would waste time outside the hall?
Except for these few people, there is a leisurely wild dog picking up garbage in the parking lot, sniffing this and that, and finally trotting after a buzzing fly.

The fly was attracted by a fruity scent, buzzing all the way, and finally rushed to a snow-white pineapple, but before it got a firm foothold, it was driven away by a towel with a whirring sound.

The wild dog chasing after it was also chased away by the thrown towel. After running a few steps and turning around, it barked loudly at Fruit Abo, who was selling fruit at the door.

Fruit Abo was wearing a green military uniform with buttons off, and he was squeezing a pair of muddy Jiefang shoes under his feet. He was squatting at the gate at the moment, selling fruit in baskets.

The most common fruit in places like Southern Guangdong is pineapple. Because of the climate, pineapple has a lot of juice and sweet flesh.Eating a pineapple in your spare time can promote body fluids and quench thirst, as well as relieve heat.

At this time, Uncle's business is not good, because all the people who come here are applicants, their own life is very difficult, and there are a few who are willing to spend money to buy fruit to eat.

A black and thin child may be his grandson, wearing a tattered sweatshirt with bare shoulders, and a rocket with the words "Long March No. [-]" printed on the sweatshirt is in a bamboo basket at this time Climbing in and out, playing with a small green tin frog; Abo patiently wiped the pineapples with a towel, and placed the plump and beautiful pineapples in a conspicuous place on the stand.

Suddenly, the child stopped crawling, put his finger in his mouth, tilted his dirty little face, and said pitifully to Uncle Fruit, "Grandpa, I'm hungry."

Uncle Fruit touched his little head kindly and said, "Hold on for now, and when Grandpa sells the fruit, I will buy delicious food for my little grandson."

"Grandpa, what delicious food to buy?"

"What do our little grandchildren like to eat?"

"Grandpa, I want to eat shrimp dumplings."

"Then buy shrimp dumplings."

"Grandfather, I want to eat rice noodles."

"Then buy rice noodles."

Speaking of so many delicious foods, Fruit Uncle felt that he was also hungry.

Early in the morning, they brought two large baskets of pineapples from Panyu's countryside to the county town to sell them. They couldn't find a suitable place at the train station. They finally found a place where they could set up a stall, but they were chased away by other fruit sellers.

Helpless, he had no choice but to carry the burden, walk two steps, and yell twice.Then I heard people said that there was a meeting here, and there were many people, so I rushed over in a hurry, but the stall had been set up for a long time, but not even a single pineapple was sold.

From morning until now, I haven't eaten a single grain of rice, and Uncle Guo only feels his stomach growling and growling.But he could only bear it, he didn't make any money, so what right did he have to buy food and drink, and how would he explain to his wife, son and daughter-in-law when he returned home?

"Yeah, anyway, I'm not tired right now. It doesn't matter whether I eat or not. It's a meal that I can save, but it's just a pain for my little grandson." Fruit Uncle sighed in his heart, and reached out to touch his little grandson's head again.

At this time, Song Zhichao walked over.

Song Zhichao squatted on the ground, picked up the pineapples with his hands, and looked at them one by one.

Seeing a customer coming to the door, Uncle Fruit didn't care too much, and hurriedly greeted him warmly: "These pineapples are all grown by us. They have plenty of water and sweet flesh."

Song Zhichao picked it up and sniffed it under his nose, "How much?"

"On the catty, it costs two cents per catty!" Fearing that the only customer would be scared away by the price, Fruit Able quoted the lowest price.

Song Zhichao glanced, "All, how much?"

"What?" Uncle Fruit didn't hear clearly.

"Let me ask you how much all these fruits cost?" Song Zhichao pointed to the ones on the stand and the ones in the baskets.

Uncle Fruit was a little dazed, and the little grandson stared at Song Zhichao curiously with his fingers in the basket, staring at his black eyes in the basket, not understanding what he was talking to his grandpa.

"You said... you want to buy all of them?!" Fruit Uncle asked a little unconfidently.

Song Zhichao nodded, "How much is the total?" While speaking, he opened the briefcase he was carrying.

"Twenty cents a catty, this is 120 catties, a total of two yuan and forty cents!" Fruit Uncle said excitedly, the wrinkles carved on his face were trembling.

Song Zhichao smiled at Uncle Fruit, took out five yuan and handed it over.

Uncle Fruit hurriedly took the money, but immediately ran into trouble. He opened the cloth bag hidden in his waist, one layer after another, and all the coins were one and two cents. After counting, the total was only one and three Dime, simply not enough money for change.

"Sorry, I... don't have enough money, just wait a moment, I'll go to the canteen to change it for you first."

"No need to look for it!" Song Zhichao said, "You can do me a favor later."

"doing what?"

"You'll know later." Song Zhichao smiled.


The recruitment hall was still extremely hot.

Countless applicants swim in the crowded hall like tropical fish.

Holding a handkerchief, wiping away the sweat.

He raised his neck and drank the boiled water he brought.

With dry mouth and tongue, staring at various recruitment desks with dizzy eyes.

In their opinion, it is too difficult to find a job in such weather. It would be great if they could eat a few sweet and refreshing fruits.

at this time--
"Go out and eat Sydney!"

"Sydney pears are being distributed outside, so you won't have to eat tonight!"

"Hurry up first!"

Following the shouts, a group of people rushed out.

The people who are interviewing and applying for the job are a little confused and don't understand what's going on.

But soon, the news came back.

"Really, Sydney is being distributed outside!"

“Delicious, crispy and sweet!”

The other people who were watching swallowed hard, and rushed out without any hesitation.

Those who are applying for jobs, and those who are interviewing, can only look at others enviously, feeling like a cat tickling, full of depression.

After all, in this age, there are not many free fruits.

Soon, even the staff in the management department of the recruitment hall on the second floor were alarmed.

In the office, the dissatisfied old woman was drinking the tea made by Pang Dahai, and then seeing that there were fewer and fewer staff members around her, she couldn't help but hold the teacup and went downstairs to look, she couldn't help being surprised, the bustling The lobby has also become sparse, where have all the people gone?

After asking, I found out that everyone went outside to get free fruits.

At this time, the old woman was very puzzled.

Like many people, she had a big question mark in her heart: what the hell is going on outside? !
(End of this chapter)

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