Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 66 066 [There must be a brave man under the reward]

Chapter 66 066 [There must be a brave man under the reward]

Outside the recruitment hall——
The crowd was turbulent and very lively.

Under Song Zhichao's instructions, Uncle Fruit enthusiastically distributed fruit to those applicants for free, and said warmly: "It's hard work applying for the job, please work hard!"

Eating the sweet and juicy pears, and listening to the warm encouragement from Fruit Arbor, everyone just felt warm in their hearts.

It is not easy for everyone to make a living, especially in such a recruitment venue, where each other is even a potential opponent. Has anyone heard such warm words?
But when everyone thanked Uncle Fruit, Uncle Fruit said that he did not do these things by himself, he was just an old fruit seller, and pointed to Song Zhichao beside him, saying that this gentleman did all these things, he Buy fruit and give it to everyone for free.

Everyone was surprised, looking at Song Zhichao, they couldn't understand why this young man was so kind.

More and more people gathered, and seeing that the timing was about right, Song Zhichao stopped hiding and said bluntly that he was recruiting people!
Recruiting, recruiting who?

Everyone was even more puzzled.

Song Zhichao smiled, then picked up the fruit knife on the fruit stand with his toes, threw it away, and caught it handsomely in his hand.

Just when people didn't understand what he was going to do, Song Zhichao opened the briefcase he was carrying with his hands, and immediately, a thick stack of hundred yuan bills appeared in front of people.

In this day and age, many people haven't even seen what a hundred-dollar bill looks like.Not to mention such a thick pile.

A gust of wind blew, making the wad of banknotes rattle.

Instantaneous time——
Everyone's eyeballs are straight.

In this era, there is a saying that "wealth is not revealed", but Song Zhichao just shows off his wealth in a high-profile way.

This made Uncle, who helped him distribute the fruit for free, very worried for him. He felt that Song Zhichao was a good person, and a good person should be rewarded.

At this moment, there were already many pairs of greedy eyes in the crowd, fixedly staring at the briefcase in Song Zhichao's hand and the thick wad of banknotes in the briefcase.

Seeing that he had successfully attracted everyone's attention, Song Zhichao smiled, then took out a banknote from a pile of bills, and with a bang, the fruit knife nailed the hundred-yuan bill directly to the wall behind him.

The banknotes were nailed with knives and trembled in the wind.

"Now play a game with everyone—you only need to answer my five questions, and if you get all of them right, you can take away the hundred-dollar bill!"

When the voice fell to the ground, people around shouted——
"Is it true?"

"It can't be a lie!"

"A hundred dollars for answering five questions?"

"What's the problem?"

There must be a brave man under the reward, not to mention the real reward of 100 yuan in front of him.

In this era, the gold content of 100 yuan is the monthly salary of many people. Immediately, a young man stood up and expressed to Song Zhichao that he was willing to accept the challenge.

People who used to eat fruit were attracted by this strange recruitment, and even some people in the lobby couldn't help running out to watch the excitement after hearing about such a weird recruitment.

In an instant, there was a sea of ​​people outside the entire hall, and everyone stood on tiptoe, stretched their necks and waited to watch the excitement.

Song Zhichao was straightforward, and he didn't want to waste any more time.

"First question, what's your name?"

"No way, it's that simple?" The young man was taken aback.

Song Zhichao took out a cigarette, bit it in his mouth and stared at him, "Just answer, don't ask too many questions."

"My name is Ding Jianjun."

"What position are you applying for here?"

"Application for Treasurer."

"How much salary do you expect?"

"This is the third question, right? 80 yuan." The young man licked his lips and stared at Song Zhichao to see his reaction.

Song Zhichao put his hands together to light the cigarette, shook it, put out the match, and gave him a squinting look: "What are your specialties?"

The young man was startled and thought for a while, "I graduated from Yangcheng University."

"I asked what specialties you have, but I didn't ask where you graduated from."

"I, I... I have a professional accounting certificate, and I have learned mental arithmetic."

Song Zhichao nodded, "Zhongyou has one last question..."

The young man breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the hundred-dollar bill nailed to the wall, and felt that it was beckoning to him.

Others around him also looked at him enviously, regretting why they didn't stand up, these few questions are too simple, even a fool can answer them.

It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in this world. They can only watch this young man named "Ding Jianjun" answer Song Zhichao's last question, and wait for him to win the one hundred yuan bill after he wins.

Song Zhichao took a drag on his cigarette, and smiled kindly at the young man, "One last question, I put a pig and a tiger together, and the next day the pig didn't die, but the tiger did, why?"

The triumphant young man couldn't help being taken aback, touched his face, and wondered if he had heard the question wrong.

Other people around were also in a daze, feeling like young people, they live such a big life, never heard such weird questions.

"Sorry, comrade, aren't you joking?" the young man asked.

Song Zhichao shook his head, "Do you need me to say it again?" He repeated the question with a smile.

This time everyone heard it clearly, and they were all confused. According to the IQ of their age, they couldn't understand the real "meaning" of this question at all.

After hesitating for a long time, the young man replied: "Because the tiger is sick, it died of illness." After speaking, he swallowed a little unconfidently, staring at Song Zhichao, waiting for him to announce the result.

Song Zhichao held a cigarette between his fingers, and licked his eyebrows with his fingers, "Sorry, you got the wrong answer."

The young man let out an "oh" in disappointment.

Before he could leave the arena, countless hands had already been raised around——
"I come!"

"let me!"

"I'll come first!"

Everyone didn't want to miss this opportunity to earn 100 yuan, so they raised their hands and recommended themselves.

at this time--
"Why are you here? Do you know how to answer the last question?"

"Look at all of you, everyone wants to be opportunistic, and you can't make money without real materials!"

"Shut up all of them! See if I get the hundred yuan!"

Following the sound of speaking, a greasy fat man stood out from the crowd with his chest and belly raised. Five people and six people stood out.

Song Zhichao saw that it was the greasy middle-aged man who claimed to be from Hong Kong in the recruitment hall - "Qi Wanda".

(End of this chapter)

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