Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 67 067【Reward】

Chapter 67 067【Reward】

at this time--
Qi Wanda looked around and felt that everyone around him was suppressed by his "imposing manner", so he turned his head to look at Song Zhichao, and then pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose with his fingers, showing a shrewd look in his eyes.

Song Zhichao was about to speak, but Qi Wanda raised his finger to his lips and hissed, "You don't need to speak, I will answer all five questions for you."

"First, my name is Qi Wanda, a member of the Qi family army, and Wanda, a well-developed Wanda. Second, I only apply for the position of sales director, and I will not consider other positions. Third, the salary I ask for is as much as possible. I am not afraid of money. Burning hands. Fourth, my specialty is that I am very smart, and no problem can stump me. As for the fifth problem you mentioned..."

Qi Wanda prolonged his voice on purpose, stared at Song Zhichao with a pair of small eyes, then leaned over and whispered into Song Zhichao's ear: "To be honest, I know the correct answer, but I'm a good person... If If you are willing to pay me 50 yuan, I will say no, lest you lose face. What do you think?"

Song Zhichao smiled, and looked at the fat man in front of him, "Sorry, I still want to hear what your correct answer is?"

Qi Wanda also laughed, took out a handkerchief from his arms and wiped the sweat on his forehead, then gave Song Zhichao a meaningful look, "Which one do you know best, do you need me to say?"

Song Zhichao remained silent.

Qi Wanda laughed out loud.

The people around looked at it inexplicably.

Seeing that Song Zhichao was just smoking, he smiled at himself and said nothing.

Qi Wanda became even more unscrupulous, and said with a smile: "I don't know if you like my answer? If you don't like it, I can't help it. Who asked you to come up with such a sharp question."

While speaking, Qi Wanda walked directly to Song Zhichao under the watchful eyes of the crowd, swaggered out the knife nailed to the wall, took off the one hundred yuan bill, and flicked it with his fingers to confirm that it was genuine. Only then did I fold it carefully and put it in my pocket.

Looking at his appearance, Song Zhichao didn't stop him, but just looked at him with a weird smile on his lips.

The people around don't understand, and the answer hasn't been announced yet, so the winner or loser will be decided.

So everyone insisted on not letting Qi Wanda leave, and insisted on making him publish the correct answer.Some people even said that he is a liar, who is bragging here even though he doesn't know the answer.

Qi Wanda was forced to be helpless by everyone, so he said: "Do you really want to know the answer?"

"Yeah, if you don't say it, how can you say you're right?"

"Don't leave without an answer!"

"What's the correct answer?"

Seeing the surging crowd, Qi Wanda sighed pretendingly, looked at Song Zhichao with small eyes and said, "Sorry, boss, it looks like I have to announce the answer, I didn't mean it..."

At this time, Song Zhichao raised his hand and said, "Okay, I'm announcing the end of the question. This Mr. Qi Wanda won." Then he turned his head and smiled at Qi Wanda: "You don't need to announce the answer."

Nonsense, the correct answer is "how the tiger died, only the pig knows."

Just now Qi Wanda said that only Song Zhichao knew, which was tantamount to calling Song Zhichao a pig. Song Zhichao would not be scolded a second time by this fat man.

Everyone around didn't get the correct answer, and their expressions were very dissatisfied, but the money belonged to Song Zhichao, and they didn't pursue it, so they didn't have the right to say more.

As for Qi Wanda, he clasped his fists and said to the big guy, "I'm sorry! Anyone who wants to know the answer can only pay ten yuan in private, and I'll let you know right away! Group purchases are also available for a [-]% discount!"


The crowd gradually dissipated, and it was really fast to gather and disperse.

At the gate, on a few pagoda trees, Xia Chan was buzzing——
Qi Wanda hummed a tune and was about to leave, but was stopped by Song Zhichao who walked a few steps faster.

"What are you doing? I just won you 100 yuan, you won't be so stingy, right?" Qi Wanda widened her eyes vigilantly, deliberately showing a surprised and exaggerated expression.

Song Zhichao smiled at him, took out the cigarette case, took out a cigarette and handed it over, and said in a very sincere tone: "Mr. Qi Wanda, I just want to let you know that I am very interested in you."

Qi Wanda didn't pick up the cigarette, but rolled his mouth, snorted coldly, and said to Song Zhichao, "Sorry, I'm not interested in you."

Song Zhichao didn't feel embarrassed at all, shrugged his shoulders, put the cigarettes back into the cigarette case, and said to Qi Wanda with a smile, "I want to know why?"

"The reason is——" Qi Wanda looked at Song Zhichao from top to bottom with small eyes through black-rimmed glasses.

Song Zhichao opened his arms, and put on a posture of letting you look at him.

Qi Wanda grinned, then took out a handkerchief and wiped his nose, "I'll tell you a secret, my nose can smell the poor smell of many people...Although you are wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase, I It looks like there is at most 1 yuan inside, and you won’t be able to take out any more!”

Song Zhichao couldn't help being surprised. Although he was very interested in Qi Wanda, he didn't expect this guy to have such strong eyesight.

However, Song Zhichao controlled his emotions very well, surprised in his heart, but calm on the surface as usual, smiled slightly at Qi Wanda and said, "I agree with your point of view, but you said that I have at most [-] in my bag, why?"

Qi Wanda smiled, and moved a few steps to the green shade at the door, so as not to suffer from the sun and sweat all the time.

"Simple, if you dare to ask a question with 100 yuan, it means that you have a little money in your hand. One thousand, five thousand is impossible, and ten thousand is just right; Zhong You, I am very sensitive to the thickness of banknotes, and the thickness of your banknotes Exactly ten thousand..." Qi Wanda wiped his sweat with a handkerchief and said.

Song Zhichao applauded, "Wonderful! I admire it!"

Qi Wanda looked smug, "So I said you are not my type! Do you have a company?"


"Do you have more money?"


"Then you still want to hire me?"



"Because I like you."

"It's a pity that I don't like you!" Qi Wanda directly interrupted Song Zhichao, "Although you are very handsome, you don't like me. Sorry, I can't help you."

After Qi Wanda finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave again, but was stopped by Song Zhichao again.

Song Zhichao stared at him with a smile, "Are you really from Hong Kong?"


"Do you really understand marketing?"


"You really want a job?"

"Yes, but not your kind of work."


"Then you still not give way?"

"Let's have a good talk, shall we get it?" Song Zhichao didn't give way, but said sincerely.

Qi Wanda blinked and blinked, stared at Song Zhichao again and again, and finally sighed: "Okay, I was defeated by you! For the sake of your love and sincerity, I will give you a Take my chance."

Song Zhichao just smiled, then pointed to a leisure ice room named "Snow Flower" not far away and said, "Then let's go and sit there first."

Qi Wanda glanced at it and smiled: "Why don't you dare? It's not a dragon's pool or a tiger's den!"

(End of this chapter)

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