Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 68 068 [You rape me]

Chapter 68 068 [You rape me]

In the hot summer in the south, there are many similar leisure ice rooms, which mainly provide customers with cold food services such as iced tea, cold drinks, and snowflake cheese.

This leisure ice room near the recruitment hall is not too big, and there are only three tables in the whole room, but the tables are full of people.

It is impossible for such a small shop to have air-conditioning, so there is only a ceiling fan on the top that is rotating. Even so, it can allow the guests who sit down to take a breather and expel the heat and sweat brought in from the outside.

The owner of the store is a man of Kong Wu and powerful. At the moment, he is skillfully making shaved ice at the counter, while his wife is acting as a waiter, serving cold drinks to Song Zhichao, Qi Wanda and others.

Song Zhichao and Qi Wanda sat facing each other, and Song Zhichao's black briefcase was placed next to his desk; in addition, there were two bowls of "ice-cold sour plum soup" on the desk, which could dispel the heat, but they were obviously busy talking , Haven't had time to drink such a delicacy.

Straight to the point ---
Song Zhichao picked up a spoon and stirred a few times in the sour plum soup, stared at the other party with sincerity, and said to Qi Wanda: "Mr. Qi, I know you are from Hong Kong, so I sincerely invite you to do business together."

Qi Wanda put his hands on the side of the glass of iced sour plum soup, feeling the coolness, looking through the black-rimmed glasses with his small eyes, and asked Song Zhichao with a smile, "What business do you do?"

Song Zhichao spat out two words: "Toys."

Qi Wanda laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke. While laughing, he took a sip of sour plum soup, then licked his mouth and said, "I'm from Hong Kong. I came here all the way. Sell ​​toys with you?"

Song Zhichao's tone was firm: "Business doesn't matter how big or small it is, not to mention that the toy business can also grow bigger, and it can make a lot of money after it grows bigger."

Qi Wanda waved his hand, "You should tell the children these words!" After a pause, he said, "Although I am down and out now, I have to come to the mainland from Hong Kong to find a job, but I, Qi Wanda, am not willing to do any job. ..."

Song Zhichao looked at him without speaking.

Qi Wanda licked his lips, took another sip of sour plum soup, "Don't look at me like that. I asked you before, you have money and a factory, why should you let me follow you?"

Song Zhichao smiled: "Would you believe me if I said it was my guts?"

"Courage? You're not running a martial arts gym, so what's the use of being brave?"

Song Zhichao tapped the cup of sour plum soup lightly with a spoon, and with a half-smile on his face, he said, "You know, the mainland is reforming and opening up now, and the situation is suddenly changing. In my opinion, I want to stand out and make something To make a career, you must have extraordinary courage."

"Hahaha!" Qi Wanda laughed, shook his head and said, "Anyone can say this kind of thing, even more eloquently than you, but is it useful? It can't be eaten!"

Song Zhichao stirred the sour plum soup with a spoon, and stared at Qi Wanda with a contemptuous smile on his face, "So in your opinion, what is the most important?"

Qi Wanda picked up the sour plum soup and drank it in one gulp. With sweet and plump lips, he stared at Song Zhichao and said, "Of course it's trust! We cooperate with each other, without trust, what ideals are there?"

Song Zhichao smiled and said, "I trust you very much!"

Qi Wanda chuckled, "Are you joking? But this joke is pretty funny, I can think about it."

"You don't believe it?" Song Zhichao asked back.

"I believe in a ghost, there is no evidence for empty words."

"Well, that's true." Song Zhichao nodded in agreement, and then showed a distressed look, tapping his fingers casually on the briefcase next to him, and asked Qi Wanda, "Then what should I do so that you can trust me?"

Qi Wanda glanced at Song Zhichao, then at the briefcase he was beating on, and said in a joking tone: "It's simple, if you really believe in me and think I'm your best business partner, then dare you put Let me keep your briefcase for a day?"

Song Zhichao was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't expect Qi Wanda to make such a weird request.

Seeing Song Zhichao's silence, Qi Wanda grinned and said, "Of course, my request is a bit too much. It's the first time we've met, so I asked you to make such a bold decision."

"It doesn't matter, if you don't want to, I won't force it... For cooperation, the most important thing is to trust each other—trust, no amount of money can buy!"

Before Qi Wanda finished speaking, Song Zhichao pushed the briefcase over and said with a smile: "You are right, trust cannot be bought with money, and it is hard to change!"

Qi Wanda looked surprised for a moment, and stared wide-eyed: "You really dare to give this bag to me for safekeeping?"

"I gave it to you, just to let you keep it." Song Zhichao said with a sincere expression and a firm tone.

Qi Wanda showed a hint of emotion on his face, "Very few people dare to do this, you know what?"

"I know, so I want to be the first person to eat crabs."

Qi Wanda showed a touch of emotion on his face, and said sympathetically, "You know me, and I know you too."

The two looked at each other, smiling without saying a word.


In the end, Song Zhichao left the address and phone number of the hotel where he was staying, and told Qi Wanda that this was all his "net worth" and that he must keep it safe. Then he left the ice room and bid farewell to Qi Wanda.

Before leaving, Qi Wanda looked back from time to time, with an expression of admiration for Song Zhichao.

Song Zhichao also waved to him frequently, as if he was waving off as an old friend traveling far away for many years.

"Tomorrow, I will definitely look for you!" Qi Wanda finally yelled at Song Zhichao, "I want you to know that your trust in me is worth it!"

Song Zhichao's answer was, wave vigorously, wave again!
The friendship between each other is constantly volatile and overflowing in waving hands.


At the corner, Qi Wanda looked back for the last time, and when he was sure he couldn't see Song Zhichao, his original expression of saying goodbye instantly disappeared, and was replaced by a super happy expression.

"Idiots! These mainlanders are so stupid! I thought it would take a lot of effort to get the money, but I didn't expect him to send it to the door by himself! Let me pick, is he out of his mind?" Qi Wanda Full of surprise.

In fact, from the very beginning when he saw Song Zhichao revealing his wealth in public, Qi Wanda fell in love with Song Zhichao.Even if Song Zhichao didn't stop him at that time, he would still find an opportunity to join Song Zhichao.

Qi Wanda thought of many ways, including "stealing the dragon and turning the wind", setting up a briefcase similar to Song Zhichao's, and waiting for an opportunity to exchange the two bags.There is also "Leading the sheep by hand", inviting Song Zhichao to eat, and taking away the briefcase while he is not paying attention.

As a cheater from Hong Kong, Qi Wanda believes that with his own IQ, he will be able to get the 1 yuan.

But he never expected that Song Zhichao would hand over the briefcase to him after he just made a joke.

Until now Qi Wanda thought he was dreaming, he squeezed his face hard, um, it hurts.

it is true.

Look at the bag in his hand again, it's heavy, it's definitely not a dream.

Lifting the briefcase in his hand, his obese body turned into a very healthy figure, and ran to a remote place in a hurry, looked around, saw no one, and hurriedly opened the briefcase in his hand——
Sure enough, there was a thick wad of banknotes inside.

Stretching out his hand to hold the thick banknotes, he put them up to the tip of his nose and smelled the banknotes, "Hahaha!" Qi Wanda was so excited, he said to himself, I never thought that I, the "thousand ghost" Qi Wanda, came to the mainland from Hong Kong. Can I still meet such an idiot-shit trust, can trust be a meal?hell!Zhong You, this idiot looks very smart, but in fact he is as stupid as a pig. If you ask you to hand over your briefcase to me for safekeeping, you can just hand it over, eat shit!

Qi Wanda kissed the banknotes wildly a few times, then carefully put them into the bag, barely suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, looked around vigilantly for a few more times, coughed, and walked out of a remote corner with a briefcase in his hand as if nothing had happened. Thinking about it in my heart, where to go tonight after finding so much money.

At this time, it happened that a car was coming slowly not far away, and the driver stuck his head out and asked him, do you want to take a car?
Qi Wanda wanted to escape from here as soon as possible, so he jumped into the car immediately.

After getting into the car, Qi Wanda leaned comfortably on the chair, exhaled from his fat belly, two words, comfortable.

At this time, the driver turned around and asked him where he was going?
Qi Wanda thought for a while, "Pan Yu Biandu is the most fun?"

The driver replied without hesitation: "Caesar Dance Hall!"


at the same time--
It wasn't until Qi Wanda's figure disappeared from his field of vision that Song Zhichao's farewell eyes changed completely, and a hint of a half-smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

After thinking for a while, Song Zhichao walked to the canteen not far away, asked for a public phone, dialed a number and called.

For a moment—
"Is it Brother Jiu? I have something to ask for your help." Song Zhichao greeted Jin Jiu on the phone with a smile, "I asked a taxi to take a friend to the ballroom for consumption. Please take care of me when the time comes... um, yes Yes, he claims to be Qi Wanda, he's from Hong Kong... he looks, wretched, extremely wretched!"

Song Zhichao told Jin Jiu in detail about his request for help, and finally said to Jin Jiu with a smile: "Thank you Brother Jiu for your help. Zhong You, please remind the brothers—don't slap your face!"

 I'm going to the county seat, I can only update it today, sorry! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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