Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 69 069 [8 Goalkeepers]

Chapter 69 069 [Thousands of Eight Generals]

Like many Hong Kong movies, Hong Kong is a kaleidoscope-like world, where dragons and snakes are mixed, and there are everyone.

In Hong Kong, apart from officials, rich people, civilians, and gangsters, there are many cheaters, big and small, and even the legendary "eight generals of a thousand families".

The general is the protagonist of the action, the general is the strategist, the general is the spy, the general is the spy, the general is helping to escape, the general is collecting information, the general is the thug, and the general is in charge of negotiation, and the general is responsible for spreading rumors and causing trouble.

Qi Wanda is one of the "Eight Generals of a Thousand Clans", nicknamed "Thousand Ghosts".Originally, he was the "promoting general" among the eight generals, responsible for planning the layout and finding Shuiyu to cheat.

It's a pity that he is not professional in business, and he is plagued by bad luck for takeout. He does ten transactions and can screw up nine times. Yes, in the end either he went to Stanley Prison, or he ran out of people and money, and ran to Taiwan and the Philippines in desperation. In the end, no one wanted to partner with him.

Qi Wanda didn't realize it, and always felt that he was fine, but the people he worked with were too stupid, so he started to work alone.

After more than a month of careful screening and layout, he finally selected a fat woman in Yau Ma Tei who likes stocks in the target circle.

That fat woman is extremely ugly, she likes to wear heavy makeup, she has no knowledge at all, but she likes to pretend she doesn't know.

Qi Wanda pretended to be a stockbroker, looking for an opportunity to get close to this fat woman, drinking tea, eating Western food, drinking coffee... Finally, he won the other party's trust with his perfect tongue.

Seeing that the time was right, Qi Wanda opened a room in the hotel, held a small candlelight dinner, and then tricked her into investing 30 yuan in the stocks she had in hand in a very "romantic" atmosphere, saying that these stocks The situation is very good, and there will definitely be some profits.

But the fat woman is not an idle person, her eyes are like silk, like a cat staring at a mouse, licking her red lips and saying very eagerly, as long as Qi Wanda can agree to her small request, 30, there will be no problem!

The result is obvious.

For his own career, Qi Wanda closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, and could only bear the burden of humiliation and subdued this 160-jin fat woman with all his breast-feeding strength on the bed.

The fat woman felt comfortable being served by Qi Wanda, but she didn't break her promise, and went to the bank to withdraw money for him the next day.Qi Wanda waited happily outside the bank, waiting for the 30 yuan to be in his hand, so he flew away.

But this dead fat woman talked on the phone with her husband in the bank. His husband is basically a gangster. Hearing this, she knew something was wrong, and immediately led her brother to drive there.

Here, the fat woman just took out the money, and looked around outside to find the sneaky Qi Wanda, who was about to hand over the money to him to help him invest, when a truck stopped abruptly, and three or four burly people jumped out of the car Big men, one of the big men raised a watermelon knife and shouted when he saw Qi Wanda: "You are on the street, dare to lie to my wife, I will kill you!"

Qi Wanda saw that this person was none other than the famous loan shark in Yau Ma Tei, "Gao Li Gui".

If it’s just a simple failure of thousands of people to succeed in fraudulent fraud, it’s fine. After all, everyone is on the road, and they don’t see each other. There is no loss to each other. Just make up for your sins, apologize, and set a few tables. The banquet can be satisfactorily resolved.

But Qi Wanda made a fatal mistake, that is, he shouldn't have fucked the fat woman.

Although "Gao Ligui" kills people without blinking an eye, he is a taster, and he is very kind to his fat wife. This time he learned that he has become a "green turtle", he is absolutely furious, and he is full of relentless for several days. He searched for Qi Wanda in the city, and said that if anyone caught Qi Wanda, he would reward him with a bonus of [-] yuan.

Hit his lungs!

Hong Kong is such a big place, and Gao Ligui made such a fuss, which made Qi Wanda more famous on the road than the governor of Hong Kong.In order to save his life, Qi Wanda had no choice but to pack up and run away, taking a fishing boat to the mainland in the dark.

Thinking of his dark and unbearable history, Qi Wanda burst into tears.

Who knows, in order to gain the fat woman's trust, how much perseverance did he have to sleep with the fat woman?
At this moment, lying in the taxi with a briefcase containing 1 yuan in money, Qi Wanda felt a little bit of comfort in his heart.

Then I thought about it again, I have suffered so much, I have come to the mainland from Hong Kong, I have never eaten a good meal, I have never drank a good bottle of wine. Now, if you have money, you must be chic.


The business of the Caesar Dance Hall has been extremely hot these two days.

Perhaps because the news of "pole dancing" was spread, many customers came here admiringly, so that the originally spacious singing and dancing hall was still crowded and crowded.

As a Hong Kong resident, even though he came here by running, Qi Wanda still maintains his high profile as a "Hong Kong resident", holding a briefcase under his arm like a big boss, looking left and right as soon as he enters the ballroom, which is not easy to see , that one can't see it, and thinks that these mainlanders are very low-level from head to toe.

Not to mention anything else, as far as the equipment and facilities of this song and dance hall are concerned, it is incomparable to the famous "big rich man" in Hong Kong. Just this, this group of people is still chattering about this place as a paradise.

Also, quality, what is quality?Even if he has never seen the big world, he looks like a country bumpkin even if he is rich.What kind of red wine do you drink against Jianlibao? Do you understand red wine?What the hell is Jianlibao?There is Hedy, is Coca-Cola good?

In short, Qi Wanda couldn't see everything in the ballroom. He felt that the mainland was still poor. It was a pity that he had to stay in this kind of place for a long time. It was so boring to play and play.

"Sir, there anything I can do for you?" A male waiter came up to him and asked stammeringly, interrupting Qi Wanda's chaotic thoughts.

Qi Wanda glanced at the other party, he was a little fat man, with a sweet heart, and a simple smile on his face—well, he smiled like an idiot.

"Do you understand Cantonese?" Qi Wanda pushed the black-rimmed glasses with his fingers, and squinted at the other party.

"That, I'm not familiar with."

"If you're not familiar, you just don't understand!" Qi Wanda stared at the little fat man contemptuously. "What do you do in the dance hall? They even hired someone like you."

"I, I just came to work today."

"Oh, so I'm a novice!" The contempt in Qi Wanda's eyes intensified, "Do you know that I'm from Hong Kong? In Hong Kong, a novice like you who doesn't know anything will be kicked out every minute!"

The male waiter——Zhu Fugui couldn't help scratching his head. He doesn't speak Cantonese very well, so he doesn't understand the other person's words well, but guessing the other person's meaning shouldn't be a good word.

Seeing Zhu Fugui showing such an idiot again, Qi Wanda knew that he was "talking to a duck" just now.

"Crazy line!" Qi Wanda gave Zhu Fugui a disdainful look, and said impatiently, "Don't talk so much, you can find me a seat first!"

Zhu Fugui finally understood what it meant, so he bowed jerky and made an invitation gesture, and led Qi Wanda towards the drink booth in front.

But because the singing and dancing hall is so busy tonight, all the drink booths are fully booked.

In addition, Zhu Fugui only started working here on the first day, so he was not proficient in business, so he took Qi Wanda around the ballroom like a donkey pulling a mill.

Qi Wanda thought he was smart, but he followed Zhu Fugui around like an idiot. He didn't realize it until the end. He couldn't help but rushed in front of Zhu Fugui, and shouted at him: "Fat boy! You idiot, I'm I came to play, not to take a walk with you! When are you going to take me?"

Zhu Fugui had been working in a factory all along, and all he used was his strength, not his words, so he was immediately stunned when he encountered such a thing.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaofeng, who was promoted by Song Zhichao to be the supervisor, rushed over after hearing the news.

If it was other waiters who offended the guests, Wang Xiaofeng would criticize and educate immediately, but now the whole dance hall knows that this guy named Zhu Fugui is the "parachute" introduced by Song Zhichao to the dance hall, and he is also Song Zhichao's cousin.

Who is Song Zhichao?

That was a terrifying existence in the Caesars Dance Hall.

In addition, he is Wang Xiaofeng's great benefactor, without Song Zhichao's promotion, it would be impossible for him to sit in Diao Jiahua's seat now.

Because of this, after knowing the truth of the matter, instead of criticizing Zhu Fugui, Wang Xiaofeng comforted him by saying that he had to work hard and study hard, and he couldn't rush to do things in the dance hall.

Turning around, Wang Xiaofeng confessed his mistake to Qi Wanda instead of Zhu Fugui, saying that he was not prepared enough in the ballroom and there were no extra drink booths for the time being.

Qi Wanda ran from Hong Kong to the mainland. After being aggrieved for so long, it was rare to find a channel to vent. He immediately refused to give up and said loudly: "I came all the way from Hong Kong. Is this your service attitude? I want to complain to you." I want to sue you! I want the boss to fire you!"

During the dispute, a rough voice said: "Which one said he came from Hong Kong?" Immediately, a big bald man walked out of the crowd with a smile on his face.

 I am still helping a friend’s child to go through the enrollment procedures in the county town. School is about to start. Today is still one update, and tomorrow will resume two updates. I am very sorry and thank my friends and book friends who have always supported me!In addition, thank you friends who rewarded this book! ! !thank you all! ! ! !Bing Tie is grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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