Reverse Rebirth 1990

Chapter 70 070 [I like Hong Kong people the most]

Chapter 70 070 [I like Hong Kong people the most]

Qi Wanda saw that this man had a bald head, a gold chain, and a fleshy face. With his appearance, his aura, and his attire, he knew he was not a good person.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake.

In the first moment, Qi Wanda was ready to admit defeat, and besides, his family was so powerful that he couldn't resist them even if he fought hard.

Who knows, before Qi Wanda confessed, the other party first said, "I'm sorry--may I ask if my friend is from Hong Kong?"

Qi Wanda saw that the other party's tone was so kind, as if he respected Hong Kong people very much, and immediately turned his attitude of admiration into a superior attitude: "So what?"

The bald man chuckled, stretched out his hand and said, "I tell you, I like Hong Kong people the most! Can I make a friend?"

Looking at the bald man's outstretched hand, which was rough, thick, and covered with thick calluses, Qi Wanda hesitated for a moment, and shook hands with him, "I haven't asked for advice—"

"Jin Jiu! Everyone calls me 'Brother Nine'." The bald man seemed very kind and warm to Qi Wanda.

"My name is Qi Wanda."

"Oh, so it's Boss Qi, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Jin Jiu shook his hands vigorously.

Qi Wanda felt that the other party was holding the hand very hard, and his own hand hurt a little. Fortunately, Jin Jiu let go of his hand at this time, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

"Since Boss Qi is from Hong Kong, of course he doesn't like these small scenes, why don't you let me invite you to the VIP booth..." While speaking, Jin Jiu snapped his fingers and told the younger brother beside him, "Go, Free up the best drink booths."

The younger brother looked a little embarrassed, and finally bit the bullet and said that the best wine booth has been reserved and is already occupied.

Jin Jiu pointed at his younger brother's nose and cursed: "Can't understand people's language? Let him free up and free up - the Hong Kong people are the biggest here!"

That little brother was only obedient, and went over immediately to do so.

Beside, Qi Wanda saw that Jin Jiu admired the people of Hong Kong so much, he couldn't help feeling a little bit of pride and satisfaction in his heart, and the contempt and grievance he had received in the mainland for many days disappeared immediately.


The best drink booth is really unusual, it is the closest to the stage, and there are all kinds of free fruits.

Jin Jiu invited Qi Wanda to sit down, and then snapped his fingers to wink at the person next to him. Soon, the person brought two little sisters over.

The two younger sisters are not very old, at most eighteen or nineteen years old. Although they are dressed gorgeously, they still can't hide the innocence between their brows.

This kind of young pretty girl is most suitable for the taste of greasy uncle like Qi Wanda.

"One of them is called Afen and the other is called Aya. Do you like it? If you don't like it, you can change it again..." Jin Jiu said to Qi Wanda very politely.

Qi Wanda shook the skirt of his suit, glanced at the two little sisters pretendingly, and said, "We Hong Kong people have very high vision, and we all like those big busty girls and golden cats, but judging by the small places like you, I guess There is no such high-quality lady... I will just make it up!" While speaking, Qi Wanda put the briefcase on the chair next to him, opened his suit, raised his legs, and took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it in his mouth. Here, he looks like a big boss who has seen the world.

Jin Jiu didn't speak, but the two little sisters were very well-behaved, sitting next to Qi Wanda on one left and one on the right.

However, when the little girl named Aya was about to take the briefcase off the chair and sit down by herself, Qi Wanda took off the cigarette vigilantly, and said, "Don't move around!" The briefcase was in his hands and he held it in his arms.

The little girl named Aya looked a little embarrassed, but Jin Jiu pretended not to see anything, laughed and said: "If you have a pretty girl, you should order a few bottles of good wine—— Boss Qi just choose a good one, I will let people I'll give you a [-]% discount!" As he spoke, Jin Jiu took out the lighter and put it in front of Qi Wanda, and slapped it on.

Only then did Qi Wanda bite the cigarette in his mouth again, glanced at Jin Jiu who was smiling all over his face, and lit the cigarette with the torch very usefully, then raised his head, lightly exhaled a puff of smoke at Jin Jiu, squinted and said He said: "What is Brother Nine? To be honest, you are very good at business!"

Jin Jiu smiled, put away the lighter with a click, put his whole face close to Qi Wanda, stared at him and said, "As I said, I like Hong Kong people like you the most!"


After a while, Remy Martin XO came up.

Accompanied by beauties and drinking fine wine.

Even the cigarettes I smoked at the beginning turned into thick and long cigars.

The golden wine with lemon is filled with the fragrance of fine wine as the glass shakes; the mellow cigar fragrance permeates around the booth.

Taking a deep breath, Qi Wanda finally regained the feeling of being happy in Hong Kong.

He leaned back lazily, squinting——
Having money is good.

As for the future, since there are so many water fish in the mainland, are you afraid that you won't be able to cheat money in the future?It's exciting just thinking about it.

Well, the mainlanders are too stupid, especially the one surnamed Song, who is even more stupid among the idiots!

The ballroom was originally a place for luxury and money.

It is also a gold-selling cave that countless men are keen on.

Qi Wanda himself likes this, plus he is a sidewalker, and he is used to money coming in and spending quickly, so he eats, drinks, and plays all the time, and doesn't care how much he spends.

The show on the stage was very exciting, especially the pole dancing at the finale, which made Qi Wanda, a self-proclaimed well-informed Hongkonger, very impressed. In his amazement, he couldn't help but want to imitate those mainland nouveau riche throwing money , to heighten the atmosphere or something.

So he reached out drunkenly to copy his briefcase, but found nothing.

Qi Wanda was a little puzzled, what about the bag?Where did my bag go?In my impression, I was hugged in my arms at first, and then the two little girls persuaded me to drink, and I put the bag on the table.

Qi Wanda hurriedly opened his drunken eyes and looked over the wine table.


Except for wine, drinks, and some fruit snacks, there is nothing!

Did it fall under the table?

Qi Wanda leaned over to look under the table again.

Nothing but rubbish on the ground.

Qi Wanda was still unwilling to give up. He knelt on the ground and groped under the dim light, looking for his briefcase.

But there was nothing on the ground except used napkins and discarded drink bottles.

Finally, he established a fact.

I lost my bag!
To be precise, I lost the briefcase I had received thousands of times from Song Zhichao, and the 1 yuan in the bag!

In an instant, Qi Wanda was [-]% sober.

Look at the little girl who accompanied him with a smile on his face, and then at the wine table who ordered two bottles of Remy Martin XO at some point, and a box full of cigars... Qi Wanda swallowed deeply, and paused. I felt cold sweat dripping down my back.

The whole ballroom was still clamoring for the crazy pole dance on stage, Qi Wanda pretended to be drunk, and told the two little girls to go to the bathroom by himself.

He staggered and swayed, squeezed through the crazy crowd, and walked towards the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom.

Qi Wanda hid in the cubicle.

Sitting on the toilet in the cubicle, Qi Wanda shook his legs, rubbed his face vigorously, tried to clear his head, and figured out what to do next.

Finally, he made a decision --- run away!

Do it as soon as you think of it, and don't waste any more time, but before Qi Wanda came out of the cubicle, he heard a creak, and someone entered the bathroom.

Crackling, playing with a lighter.

Qi Wanda held his breath and didn't dare to move, for fear of being heard by the people who came in.

At this time-
Boom boom boom!
Someone knocked on the door of his cubicle.

A voice said: "Boss Qi? It's time to come out and settle the score!"

Qi Wanda felt a chill——
This voice was exactly Jin Jiu.

(End of this chapter)

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